ByJames Kirkup

Value Points

Useful Expression








Remember, no men are strange, no countries foreign


Beneath all uniforms, a single body breathes Like ours: the land our brothers walk upon Is earth like this, in which we all shall lie.


The poet says that all people are similar irrespective of whatever country they belong to. People from different countries may wear various dresses but beneath them, we can find the same human beings. The same earth is present everywhere. And the people of all countries will be buried into the same earth one day. So, differences among us are useless.



They, too, aware of sun and air and water,


Are fed by peaceful harvests, by war’s long winter starv’d.

Their hands are ours, and in their lines, we read

Labour not different from our own.


The poet tells us that the people of different countries have similar resources. They get light from the same sun, breathe air and drink the same water. In peace, they prosper and during wars, they suffer hunger similarly. Moreover, they have hands like us and all do the same work, occupy themselves in the production of the same products, good, and literature. They also work for the nation like us. Thus, we are the same and the entire world is our home.



Remember they have eyes like ours that wake


 Or sleep, and strength that can be won

 By love. In every land is a common life

That all can recognise and understand.


The poet says that the people of other countries have similar body structure like us. They also sleep and walk as we do. They can also understand love. Moreover, every country has the same type of life that can be easily noticed and appreciated. Thus, the poet finds no difference in body structure and feelings.



Let us remember, whenever we are told


To hate our brothers, it is ourselves

 That we shall dispossess, betray, condemn. Remember, we who take arms against each other


The poet advises us that we should not be influenced by other people so that we may hate the people of other countries. If we do so, we hate ourselves only. We only neglect, betray and condemn ourselves by doing such acts against the people of other countries. Moreover, we should not forget that sometimes we even take arms against them. We have to know the reality of such acts. We are the citizens of the world.




It is the human earth that we defile.


Our hells of fire and dust outrage the innocence Of air that is everywhere our own,

Remember, no men are foreign, and no countries strange.


The poet makes us aware that the earth belongs to all human beings. The hatred and anger spread all over the world are damaging peace only. We should not distinguish the people of one country from others for we have no reason to do so. We must not forget that all men are equal and they belong to the same world. Thus, the poet equally treats the people of different countries of the world.