As per new education policy multiple choice questions hold 25 % weightage. In this page we are providing multiple choice questions in English. Go through them to find out your understanding of chapter with objective type questions for the chapter Memories of Childhood . These questions are examveda for you. These are from Vistas We assure you that these objective questions will help you to gain confidence. You can also download English MCQ pdf. These English MCQ are for class 12. In the further pages of you will find English grammar multiple choice questions with answers pdf. So Let’s dive in-
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Memories of Childhood
By- Zitkala-Sa and Bama
1. The man was carrying
(a) pakoras (b) samosas
(c) jalebis (d) vadai or green banana bhaji
2. On reaching home, Bama narrated the incident to her
(a) elder sister (b) cousin
(c) father (d) elder brother
3. She had thought that the man carrying the bag was only
(a) making a game out of carrying the parcel
(b) trying to make her laugh
(c) obeying orders
(d) not touching it because it was hot
4. The author on learning about the practice of Untouchability was
(a) amused (b) terribly sad
(c) happy (d) very guilty
5. Bama’s elder brother was studying at
(a) school (b) college
(c) university (d) medical college
6. He used to get his books from
(a) neighbour’s house (b) from his teacher
(c) from a library (d) from the city
7. Bama was very rebellious and the thought of oppression at the hands of upper castes
(a) infuriated her (b) provoked her to slap someone
(c) made her abusive (d) made her want to murder someone
8. Bama’s brother was asked by the landlord’s men
(a) his name and street (b) his address only
(c) his parents’ names (d) his caste
9. Bama’s brother told her that if she wanted to make progress, she had to
(a) learn to cook (b) study
(c) learn to stitch and knit(d) learn to drive
10. Annan’s words for Bama had
(a) deep impression on her(b) no effect on her
(c) made her laugh (d) made her cry
1. (d) vadai or green banana bhaji |
2. (d) elder brother |
3. (a) making a game out of carrying the parcel |
4. (b) terribly sad |
5. (c) university |
6. (c) from a library |
7.(a) infuriated her |
8. (a) his name and street |
9. (b) study |
10. (a) deep impression on her |
Memories of Childhood- Multiple Choice Questions in Quiz Part-1
Memories of Childhood- Multiple Choice Questions in Quiz Part-2
Memories of Childhood- Multiple Choice Questions in Quiz Part-3