In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from The Argumentative Indian. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying The Argumentative Indian Word Meanings from Kaleidoscope Class 12.”
Table of Contents
Hard Words : The Argumentative Indian Page No.- 176
Prolixity = wordiness, verbosity (शब्दाडंबर), Alien = foreign, unfamiliar (अज्ञात), Speech = address, talk (भाषण), Delegation = representatives, group (प्रतिनिधिमंडल), Loquaciousness = talkativeness, chattiness (वाचालता),
Ancient = old, historic (प्राचीन), Epics = sagas, tales (महाकाव्य), Compared = likened, equated (तुलना), Iliad = Greek epic, poem (इलियड), Colossally = vastly, hugely (विशाल रूप से)
The Argumentative Indian Difficult Words in English Page No.- 177
Epics = sagas, grand tales (महाकाव्य), Joy = happiness, delight (आनंद), Restless = uneasy, fidgety (बेचैन), Youngster = youth, young person (युवा), Intellectual = mental, cognitive (बौद्धिक), Stimulation = inspiration, motivation (उत्तेजना), Entertainment = amusement, diversion (मनोरंजन),
Dilemmas = quandaries, predicaments (दुविधाएँ), Perspectives = viewpoints, angles (दृष्टिकोण), Arguments = debates, discussions (तर्क), Counter Arguments = rebuttals, responses (प्रतिवाद), Debates = discussions, deliberations (बहसें), Disputations = arguments, controversies (विवाद), Substantive = significant, essential (महत्वपूर्ण), Tussle = struggle, conflict (संघर्ष),
Moral = ethical, virtuous (नैतिक), Consequences = results, outcomes (परिणाम), War = conflict, battle (युद्ध), Doubts = uncertainties, questions (संदेह), Correctness = appropriateness, accuracy (शुद्धता), Warrior = fighter, soldier (योद्धा), Misery = suffering, distress (दुःख), Slaughter = killing, massacre (हत्याकांड),
Kin = relatives, family (स्वजन), Incarnation = embodiment, manifestation (अवतार), Charioteer = driver, guide (सारथी), Principles = rules, standards (सिद्धांत), Action = act, deed (कार्य), Priority = importance, precedence (प्राथमिकता), Obligations = duties, responsibilities (दायित्व), Evaluation = assessment, judgment (मूल्यांकन)
The Argumentative Indian Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning Page No.- 178
Hallowing = sanctifying, honoring (पवित्र करना), Demands = requirements, needs (मांगें), Duty = obligation, responsibility (कर्तव्य), Religious = spiritual, devout (धार्मिक), Perspective = viewpoint, angle (दृष्टिकोण),
Conversations = dialogues, talks (बातचीत), Treatise = essay, study (ग्रंथ), Theological = religious, doctrinal (धार्मिक), Philosophy = thought, doctrine (दर्शन), Removal = elimination, eradication (निष्कासन), Doubts = uncertainties, questions (संदेह), Moral = ethical, righteous (नैतिक),
Position = stance, standpoint (स्थिति), Endorsed = supported, approved (समर्थन किया), Commentators = analysts, critics (टिप्पणीकार), Admonishment = warning, reprimand (डांट), Fare = proceed, journey (आगे बढ़ो), Voyagers = travelers, journeyers (यात्री), Debate = discussion, argument (बहस),
Epic = saga, grand story (महाकाव्य), Sequentially = successively, in sequence (क्रमिक रूप से), Tragic = sorrowful, disastrous (त्रासदीपूर्ण), Desolation = devastation, ruin (उजाड़), Post-combat = after battle, post-conflict (युद्ध के बाद), Carnage = massacre, slaughter (नरसंहार),
Vindication = justification, defense (समर्थन), Contrary = opposite, opposing (विपरीत), Vanquished = defeated, overcome (पराजित), Weapon = armament, tool of harm (हथियार), Destroyer = annihilator, ruiner (विनाशक)
Class 12 English Kaleidoscope Chapter 5 The Argumentative Indian Good Word Meaning Page No.- 179
Force = power, strength (बल), Nuclear = atomic, radioactive (परमाणु), Explosion = blast, detonation (विस्फोट), Devised = created, designed (बनाया गया), Warrior = fighter, soldier (योद्धा), Physicist = scientist, expert in physics (भौतिक विज्ञानी), Justification = reasoning, rationale (न्यायोचित कारण),
Technical = technological, skilled (तकनीकी), Commitment = dedication, obligation (प्रतिबद्धता), Scrutinizing = examining, analyzing (निरीक्षण करना), Criticising = evaluating, judging (आलोचना करना), Compulsion = obligation, necessity (मजबूरी), Reflecting = pondering, considering (विचार करना),
Victory = triumph, success (विजय), Relevant = pertinent, applicable (प्रासंगिक), Contemporary = modern, current (आधुनिक), Consequences = results, outcomes (परिणाम), Manifest = evident, clear (प्रकट), Global = worldwide, international (वैश्विक), Terrorism = extremism, violence (आतंकवाद),
Epidemics = outbreaks, plagues (महामारी), Poverty = destitution, poverty (निर्धनता), Development = growth, advancement (विकास), Nuclear confrontation = atomic conflict, nuclear face-off (परमाणु संघर्ष),
Regional peace = local harmony, area tranquility (क्षेत्रीय शांति), Supplementation = addition, enhancement (पूरक), Wisdom = knowledge, insight (ज्ञान), Univocal = single, clear (एकस्वर)
Class 12 English Chapter 5 The Argumentative Indian Difficult Words Page No.- 180
Caste = social class, hierarchy (जाति), Tradition = custom, practice (परंपरा), Arguments = debates, discussions (तर्क), Disputations = debates, arguments (विवाद), Population = people, citizens (जनसंख्या), Elite = privileged, superior group (अभिजात्य), Participation = involvement, engagement (भागीदारी),
Inequalities = disparities, imbalances (असमानताएं), Community = group, society (समुदाय), Social = societal, communal (सामाजिक),
Relevance = significance, importance (प्रासंगिकता), Disadvantaged = underprivileged, deprived (वंचित), Complex = complicated, intricate (जटिल),
Intellectual = cognitive, mental (बौद्धिक), Pursuits = activities, endeavors (प्रयास), Political = governmental, civic (राजनीतिक), Leadership = guidance, command (नेतृत्व), Dominant = leading, major (प्रमुख), Revolutionary = radical, reformative (क्रांतिकारी), President = leader, head (अध्यक्ष)
The Argumentative Indian Class 12 Chapter Word Meaning in English Page No.- 181
Recent = new, modern (हाल का), Traditional = customary, conventional (पारंपरिक), Pronounced = noticeable, marked (स्पष्ट), Vocal = outspoken, verbal (मुखर), Leadership = guidance, direction (नेतृत्व), Distant = remote, far-off (दूर का), Interlocutors = speakers, conversationalists (संवादकार),
Upanisads = Hindu scriptures, philosophical texts (उपनिषद), Dialectical = argumentative, logical (तार्किक), BCE = Before Common Era, ancient times (ईसा पूर्व), Foundations = bases, roots (आधार),
Arguing = debating, discussing (तर्क-वितर्क), Combat = battle, conflict (संघर्ष), Intellectual = thinker, scholar (बौद्धिक), Pedagogue = teacher, educator (शिक्षक),
Mutineers = rebels, insurgents (विद्रोही), Imagery = symbolism, representation (प्रतीकात्मकता), Militant = aggressive, combative (युद्धरत), Bow = weapon, archery tool (धनुष), Arrows = projectiles, shafts (तीर),
Enemy = adversary, opponent (शत्रु), Theological = religious, spiritual (धार्मिक), Interchange = exchange, dialogue (परिवर्तन)
NCERT Book Class 12 English Chapter 5 The Argumentative Indian English To English Word Meaning Page No.- 182
Substantive = significant, important (महत्वपूर्ण), Content = subject, matter (विषयवस्तु), Acknowledges = recognizes, admits (स्वीकार करती है), Modesty = humility, shyness (नम्रता), Venerable = respected, esteemed (आदरणीय),
Defeat = conquer, beat (हराना), Expounding = explaining, elaborating (व्याख्या करना), Interestingly = notably, curiously (रोचकता से), Motivational = inspiring, encouraging (प्रेरणादायक), Wealth = riches, affluence (संपत्ति), Predicaments = dilemmas, problems (दुविधा), Immortality = everlasting life, eternity (अमरता),
Responds = replies, answers (जवाब देता है), Opulence = wealth, luxury (वैभव), Capabilities = abilities, skills (क्षमताएँ), Economic = financial, monetary (आर्थिक), Transcendental = spiritual, metaphysical (अतींद्रिय),
Commentators = analysts, experts (टिप्पणीकार), Worldly = earthly, material (सांसारिक), Speakers = orators, talkers (वक्ता), Epics = grand stories, sagas (महाकाव्य)
Kaleidoscope Class 12 CBSE Chapter 5 The Argumentative Indian Word Meaning English Page No.- 183
Conform = adhere, fit (अनुरूप होना), Tender = gentle, soft (कोमल), Peace-loving = nonviolent, amicable (शांतिप्रिय), Reluctant = hesitant, unwilling (अनिच्छुक), Usurpers = invaders, conquerors (हड़पने वाले), Appropriate = suitable, fitting (उपयुक्त), Instigator = motivator, inciter (उकसाने वाला),
Troubles = problems, difficulties (मुश्किलें), Compel = force, urge (मजबूर करना), Overstep = exceed, surpass (सीमा लांघना), Conduct = behavior, manner (आचरण), Garland = wreath, lei (माला), Forbearance = patience, restraint (धैर्य), Royalty = kingship, regality (राजत्व),
Matted = tangled, knotted (उलझे हुए), Knots = ties, loops (गांठें), Offerings = sacrifices, tributes (भेंट), Sacred = holy, divine (पवित्र), Derision = mockery, ridicule (उपहास), Hermit = recluse, monk (सन्यासी),
Preserve = reserve, maintain (संरक्षित करना), Barriers = obstacles, hindrances (बाधाएं), Caste = social class, division (जाति), Orthodoxy = tradition, convention (रूढ़िवाद)
Chapter 5 The Argumentative Indian Class 12 Kaleidoscope Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.- 184
Disadvantaged = underprivileged, deprived (वंचित), Spokesmen = representatives, advocates (प्रवक्ता), Comparative = relative, contrastive (तुलनात्मक), Brahminical = priestly, orthodox (ब्राह्मणिक), Orthodoxy = convention, tradition (रूढ़िवाद), Merchants = traders, businessmen (व्यापारी),
Craftsmen = artisans, makers (शिल्पकार), Affluent = wealthy, rich (संपन्न), Underprivileged = disadvantaged, deprived (वंचित), Buddhism = religion, philosophy (बौद्ध धर्म), Priestly = clerical, religious (पुरोहिती), Rebellious = defiant, insurgent (विद्रोही), Jainism = religion, philosophy (जैन धर्म),
Levelling = equalizing, balancing (समतल बनाना), Equality = fairness, parity (समानता), Expositions = explanations, presentations (प्रदर्शन), Protest = objection, demonstration (विरोध), Resistance = opposition, defiance (प्रतिरोध), Divisions = separations, splits (विभाजन), Hierarchy = ranking, order (पदानुक्रम),
Sceptical = doubtful, questioning (संदेहशील), Originators = creators, founders (सृजनकर्ता), Monolithic = uniform, unchanging (एकरूप), Attributes = qualities, characteristics (गुण)
Chapter 5 The Argumentative Indian Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.- 185
Variations = differences, changes (विभिन्नताएं), Mixed = combined, blended (मिश्रित), Desire = want, craving (इच्छा), Sorrow = sadness, grief (शोक), Genealogical = ancestral, hereditary (वंशानुक्रमिक), Scepticism = doubt, disbelief (संशयवाद), Medieval = middle ages, ancient times (मध्यकालीन),
Mystical = spiritual, mysterious (रहस्यमय), Egalitarianism = equality, fairness (समतावाद), Barriers = obstacles, hindrances (बाधाएं), Humble = modest, lowly (विनम्र), Economically = financially, monetarily (आर्थिक रूप से),
Weaver = textile worker, cloth maker (बुनकर), Dadu = saint, mystic (दादू), Contemporary = current, modern (समकालीन), Inequality = disparity, unfairness (असमानता)
Class 12 CBSE Chapter 5 The Argumentative Indian Word Meaning Vocabulary Page No.- 186
Effectiveness = efficiency, potency (प्रभावशीलता), Tutored = educated, instructed (शिक्षित), Disciplined = controlled, orderly (अनुशासित), Privileged = advantaged, elite (विशेषाधिकार प्राप्त), Well-educated = knowledgeable, learned (शिक्षित), Dispossessed = deprived, disowned (वंचित),
Deprived = disadvantaged, impoverished (गरीब), Intellectual = cognitive, mental (बौद्धिक), Claims = assertions, demands (दावे), Dialectics = logical argumentation, debate (तर्क-शास्त्र), Democracy = governance, republic (लोकतंत्र),
Public = communal, societal (सार्वजनिक), Reasoning = thinking, logic (तर्क), Subcontinental = of the subcontinent, regional (उपमहाद्वीपीय), Culture = customs, traditions (संस्कृति), Heterodoxy = nonconformity, unorthodoxy (विधर्म), Persistent = consistent, enduring (लगातार),
Secular = non-religious, civil (धर्मनिरपेक्ष), Historical = past, bygone (ऐतिहासिक), Roots = origins, beginnings (मूल), Connection = link, relationship (संबंध), Impact = effect, influence (प्रभाव), Influence = impact, effect (प्रभाव), Despite = in spite of, regardless of (के बावजूद)
Chapter The Argumentative Indian Word Meaning with Hindi Page No.- 187
Empire = kingdom, realm (साम्राज्य), Issue = matter, problem (मुद्दा), Specific = particular, exact (विशेष), Democracy = republic, government by people (लोकतंत्र), Globe = world, earth (ग्लोब), Fortunate = lucky, blessed (भाग्यशाली),
Toleration = acceptance, endurance (सहिष्णुता), Heterodoxy = nonconformity, unorthodoxy (विधर्म), Effective = successful, efficient (प्रभावी), Constitution = charter, laws (संविधान), Institutional = organizational, established (संस्थागत),
Experiences = knowledge, encounters (अनुभव), Pitfalls = dangers, risks (जोखिम), Western = European, Occidental (पश्चिमी), Suited = fit, appropriate (उपयुक्त), Interactive = communicative, participatory (बातचीत-आधारित),
Discussion = debate, talk (चर्चा), Tradition = heritage, custom (परंपरा), Institute = establish, set up (स्थापित करना), Preserve = maintain, protect (संरक्षित करना)