In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from On Science Fiction. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying On Science Fiction Word Meanings from Kaleidoscope Class 12.”
Table of Contents
Hard Words : On Science Fiction Page No.- 191
Prescientific = before science, early (पूर्व-वैज्ञानिक), Foreword = introduction, preface (भूमिका), Prehistoric = ancient, early (प्रागैतिहासिक), Lingers = persists, continues (बना रहना), Sophisticated = advanced, refined (सुसंस्कृत),
Modern = current, contemporary (आधुनिक), Accomplished = skilled, proficient (कुशल), Literary = written, bookish (साहित्यिक), Creature = being, entity (सत्ता), Centuries = hundred years, eras (शताब्दियाँ),
Picture = depict, portray (चित्रण), Advances = progress, developments (प्रगति), Technology = tech, engineering (तकनीकी)
On Science Fiction Difficult Words in English Page No.- 192
Bound = destined, certain (निश्चित), Different = distinct, diverse (भिन्न), Present = current, now (वर्तमान), Past = history, former times (अतीत), Rate = speed, pace (दर), Noticed = observed, seen (देखा गया),
Emotional = feeling, sensitive (भावनात्मक), Needs = requirements, necessities (जरूरतें), Strange = unusual, bizarre (अजीब), Transcending = surpassing, exceeding (पार करना), Belief = conviction, trust (विश्वास),
Manipulate = control, handle (नियंत्रित करना), Laws = rules, principles (नियम), Environment = surroundings, habitat (पर्यावरण), Details = specifics, particulars (विवरण), Understanding = comprehension, grasp (समझ),
Imagined = envisioned, pictured (कल्पित), Centuries = eras, ages (शताब्दियाँ), Understanding = knowledge, comprehension (समझ), Unbreakable = indestructible, solid (अटूट), Plaything = toy, object of amusement (खिलौना), Events = occurrences, happenings (घटनाएँ),
Analogous = similar, comparable (तुलनात्मक), Magnitude = size, extent (विशालता), Life-forms = creatures, beings (जीव), Deeds = actions, activities (कर्म), Resembling = similar to, like (समान)
Good Word Meaning of Chapter On Science Fiction Page No.- 193
Beings = entities, forms (जीव), Phenomena = events, occurrences (घटनाएं), Superhuman = extraordinary, beyond human (अलौकिक), Strength = power, force (बल), Abilities = skills, talents (क्षमताएं), Superanimal = mythical beast, powerful creature (अद्भुत प्राणी),
Imaginations = fantasies, creativity (कल्पनाएं), Limited = restricted, confined (सीमित), Unusual = odd, unique (असाधारण), Whimsical = unpredictable, capricious (सनकी), Childish = immature, juvenile (बालिश), Disastrous = destructive, harmful (विनाशकारी), Easily offended = sensitive, touchy (जल्दी नाराज़ होने वाला),
Kindly = benevolent, gentle (दयालु), Placating = pacifying, calming (शांत करने वाला), Formulas = methods, recipes (सूत्र), Disproven = refuted, disproved (असत्य सिद्ध), Offend = upset, irritate (नाराज़ करना),
Guilty = blameworthy, culpable (दोषी), Faith = belief, trust (विश्वास), Sneer = mock, scorn (उपहास), Economists = finance experts, analysts (अर्थशास्त्री), Sociologists = social scientists, analysts (समाजशास्त्री), Meteorologists = weather experts, forecasters (मौसम विज्ञानी),
Prescientific = before science, early (प्रारंभिक), Priest = cleric, minister (पुरोहित), Wizard = sorcerer, mage (तांत्रिक), Shaman = spiritual healer, guide (ओझा), Controlling = managing, commanding (नियंत्रित करना),
Supernormal = extraordinary, exceptional (असामान्य), Winged horses = flying steeds, Pegasus (पंख वाले घोड़े), Enhance = improve, increase (बढ़ाना), Ancient = old, historical (प्राचीन)
Elective Book: Kaleidoscope Non-Fiction Chapter 6 – On Science Fiction English Difficult Words Page No.- 194
Thrill = excitement, exhilaration (रोमांच), Mystical = magical, spiritual (रहस्यमय), Aeronavigation = air travel, flying (विमानन), Partake = participate, join (भाग लेना), Seven-league boots = magical footwear, giant steps (सात लीग के जूते), Automobile = car, vehicle (मोटर वाहन),
Legend = myth, folklore (पुराण), Centaur = half-man half-horse, mythical creature (केन्तौर), Satyr = half-man half-goat, mythical being (सेटायर), Sphinx = woman-lion, mythical figure (स्फिंक्स), Harpy = woman-hawk, mythical monster (हार्पी), Gryphon = eagle-lion, mythical beast (ग्राइफ़न),
Gorgon = snake-woman, mythical creature (गोर्गोन), Extraterrestrials = aliens, outer space beings (एलियन), Depiction = portrayal, representation (चित्रण), Emotional = feeling, sentimental (भावनात्मक),
Satisfaction = fulfillment, contentment (संतोष), Longing = desire, yearning (लालसा), Wonder = awe, marvel (आश्चर्य), Myths = legends, tales (मिथक), Demons = evil spirits, devils (राक्षस),
Enchantments = spells, magic (जादू), Coerce = force, compel (बाध्य करना), Cajole = persuade, coax (फुसलाना), Impersonal = detached, objective (निष्पक्ष), Unswervable = unchangeable, steadfast (अटल), Dictates = orders, commands (आदेश), Mercy = compassion, leniency (दया)
On Science Fiction Chapter 6 Kaleidoscope Word Meaning in English Page No.- 195
Narrow = limited, restricted (संकीर्ण), Haughty = arrogant, proud (घमंडी), Literature = writings, books (साहित्य), Fancy = imagination, liking (कल्पना), Trivial = minor, insignificant (तुच्छ), Accord = agreement, harmony (सामंजस्य), Reality = truth, actuality (वास्तविकता),
Thrill = excite, exhilarate (रोमांचित करना), Climactic = peak, final (चरम), Duel = fight, battle (द्वंद्वयुद्ध), Spears = weapons, lances (भाले), Shields = protectors, armor (ढालें), Excitement = thrill, enthusiasm (उत्तेजना), Naval = maritime, sea (नौसेना का), Warships = battle ships, vessels (युद्धपोत),
Sails = canvas, sheets (पाल), Adventure = journey, expedition (साहसिक यात्रा), Mythological = legendary, ancient (पौराणिक), Analogous = similar, comparable (समान), Stick-in-the-mud = conservative, traditional (रूढ़िवादी),
Sword-and-sorcery = fantasy, magical (तलवार और जादू), Equivalent = equal, comparable (समकक्ष), Prescientific = before science, early (प्रागैतिहासिक), Context = setting, background (संदर्भ),
Pseudoscientific = false science, bogus science (छद्म वैज्ञानिक), Gloss = explanation, interpretation (व्याख्या), Self-consistent = coherent, logical (स्वयं संगत)
On Science Fiction Lesson English To English Word Meaning Page No.- 196
Anthologies = collections, compilations (संकलन), Senescence = aging, decline (वृद्धावस्था), Expertise = skill, proficiency (विशेषज्ञता), Ceasing = stopping, ending (बंद करना), Output = production, work (उत्पादन), Coeditors = collaborators, joint editors (सह-संपादक), Turgid = complex, complicated (जटिल),
Correspondence = communication, letters (पत्राचार), Bookkeeping = accounting, record-keeping (लेखांकन), Introduction = preface, foreword (परिचय), Background = setting, context (पृष्ठभूमि), Content = subject, theme (विषयवस्तु),
Athletic = sports-related, physical (एथलेटिक), Nomadic = wandering, roaming (खानाबदोश), Implicit = inherent, implied (अंतर्निहित), Clash = conflict, collision (संघर्ष), Sphere = ball, orb (गोला), Space station = satellite, orbiting station (अंतरिक्ष स्टेशन), Strictest = most stringent, toughest (कठोरतम)
Chapter 6 On Science Fiction Word Meaning English Page No.- 197
Nomadic = wandering, roaming (खानाबदोश), Herding = guiding, corralling (चराना), Mackerel = fish type, sea fish (मैकेरल), Cod = fish type, marine fish (कॉड), Soul = essence, spirit (आत्मा), Matto Grosso = region, area (मट्टो ग्रोसो), Exotic = unusual, foreign (विदेशी),
Atmosphere = environment, air (वायुमंडल), Vegetation = plants, flora (वनस्पति), Planetary = relating to planets, celestial (ग्रह संबंधी), Characteristics = features, qualities (विशेषताएं), Category = genre, type (श्रेणी), Plumbs = explores, delves (खोजता है), Recesses = depths, inner parts (गहराई),
Illuminates = highlights, clarifies (रोशन करता है), Interplanetary = between planets, space (अंतरग्रहीय), Literature = writings, books (साहित्य), Editor = supervisor, director (संपादक), Conceivable = imaginable, thinkable (कल्पनीय), Improbable = unlikely, doubtful (असंभाव्य),
Realistic = practical, lifelike (यथार्थवादी), Fantastic = incredible, extraordinary (अद्भुत), Mainstream = conventional, typical (मुख्यधारा), Inconsiderable = small, insignificant (तुच्छ), Vision = view, concept (दृष्टि), Limitless = boundless, infinite (असीमित), Boundaries = limits, borders (सीमाएँ), Mystery = puzzle, enigma (रहस्य)
Kaleidoscope Chapter 6 On Science Fiction Difficult Word Meaning English Page No.- 198
Scoundrel = villain, rogue (दुर्जन), Pocket-frannistan = fictional device, imaginary tool (काल्पनिक उपकरण), Lead lining = protective layer, metal coating (सीसा अस्तर), Casket = box, chest (संदूक), Amazing = incredible, astonishing (आश्चर्यजनक), Q-rays = fictional rays, imagined beams (काल्पनिक किरणें),
Temptation = urge, desire (प्रलोभन), Detective = investigator, sleuth (जासूस), Abilities = skills, capabilities (क्षमताएं), Advance = progress, move forward (आगे बढ़ना), Classical = traditional, standard (पारंपरिक), Strict = rigid, stringent (कठोर),
Bloopers = errors, mistakes (गलतियाँ), Element = substance, component (तत्व), Compound = mixture, combination (यौगिक), Shambles = mess, chaos (अव्यवस्था), Extrapolate = extend, project (अनुमान लगाना)
Class 12 English Chapter 6 On Science Fiction Word Meaning English to Hindi Page No.- 199
Conceptually = theoretically, in theory (सैद्धांतिक रूप से), Cling = adhere, stick (चिपकना), Computerized = digitized, electronic (कंप्यूटरीकृत), Retrieval = recovery, access (पुनः प्राप्ति),
Boundary conditions = limitations, constraints (सीमा की स्थितियां), Imaginary = fictional, not real (काल्पनिक), Misdirection = misleading, deception (गुमराह करना), Red herrings = distractions, false leads (भ्रामक सुराग),
Obscure = confuse, complicate (अस्पष्ट), Outré = unusual, bizarre (असामान्य), Investigator = detective, examiner (जांचकर्ता), Modestly = humbly, without arrogance (विनम्रता से), Mysteries = puzzles, enigmas (रहस्य)