Hard Words : A Tale of Two Birds Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning | A Pact with the Sun | Class 6 | 2023-24 Updated

By | October 2, 2023

In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from A Tale of Two Birds. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying A Tale of Two BirdsWord Meanings from A Pact with the Sun Class 6.

Hard Words : A Tale of Two Birds Page No.- 1

Shady = cool, shadowed (छायादार), Storm = bad weather, tempest (तूफान), Thunder = loud noise, rumble (गरज), Lightning = electric flash, spark (बिजली), Wind = moving air, breeze (हवा), Branch = tree limb, bough (शाखा), Robbers = thieves, bandits (डाकू), Cave = rock hole, grotto (गुफा)  

A Tale of Two Birds Difficult Words in English Page No.- 2

Hunt = chase, pursue (शिकार करना), Rode = travel by horse, gallop (सवार होकर जाना), Tired = exhausted, fatigued (थका हुआ), Clearing = open space, glade (खुला स्थल), Gentle = soft, mild (कोमल), Rest = relax, repose (आराम), Pot = container, vessel (मटका),

Robbers = thieves, bandits (डाकू), Lost = misplaced, couldn’t find (खो दिया) , Noises = sounds, clamor (आवाज़ें), Faint = weak, soft (मंद), Tied = bound, fastened (बाँधा हुआ), Announce = declare, proclaim (घोषित करना), Comfortable = at ease, cozy (आरामदायक), Entered = came in, walked into (प्रवेश किया)  

Good Word Meaning of the Lesson A Tale of Two Birds Page No.- 3

Behaved = acted, conducted oneself (व्यवहार किया), Differently = not alike, distinctively (अलग तरह से), Holy man = saint, sage (संत), Imitates = copies, mimics (अनुकरण करता है), Robbing = stealing, looting (चोरी करना)