Grammatical Terms are difficult to understand but we are giving such usage grammar that will clarify many of your doubts like grammer or grammar because this is a complete grammar list of items.
Glossary of Grammatical Terms
1.The base form of the verb. The uninflected form of the verb. In all verbs except be, the base form is the present tense: go, help. The base form also serves as the infinitive, usually preceded by to.
2. Base morpheme. The morpheme that gives a word its primary lexical meaning: helping, reflect. Be patterns. The sentence patterns in which a form of be is the main verb: Patterns I, II, and III.
3. Bound morpheme. A morpheme that cannot stand alone as a word. Most affixes are bound (helping; react); some base morphemes are also bound (concise; legal).
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1.Case.A feature of nouns and certain pronouns that denotes their relationship to other words in a sentence. Pronouns have three case distinctions: subjective (e.g., I, they, who); possessive (e.g., my, their, whose); and objective (e.g., me, them, whom). Nouns have only one case inflexion, the possessive (John’s, the cats). The case of nouns other than the possessive is sometimes referred to as a common case.
2. Catenative verb. A transitive verb that can take another verb as its object: “I like to jog”; “We enjoy jogging.”
3. Clause. A structure with a subject and a predicate. The sentence patterns are clause patterns. Clauses are either independent or dependent.
4. Cleft sentence. A sentence variation that provides a way of shifting the stress or focus of the sentence: “A careless bicyclist caused the accident” -* “It was a careless bicyclist who caused the accident”; “What caused the accident was a careless bicyclist.”
5. Cohesion. The grammatical, lexical, and semantic connections between sentences. Cohesive ties are furnished by pronouns that have antecedents in previous sentences, by adverbial connections, by known information, and by the knowledge shared by the reader.
6. Collective noun. A noun that refers to a collection of individuals: group, team, family. Collective nouns can be replaced by both singular and plural pronouns, depending on the meaning.
7. Command. See Imperative sentence.
8. Common case. See Case.
9. Common noun. A noun with general, rather than unique, reference (in contrast to proper nouns). Common nouns may be countable (house, book) or non-countable (water, oil); they may be concrete (house, water) or abstract (justice, indifference).
10. Comparative degree. See Degree.
11. Complement. A structure that “completes” the sentence. The term includes those slots in the predicate that complete the verb: direct object, indirect object, subject complement, and object complement. Certain adjectives also have complements—clauses and phrases that pattern with them: “I was certain that he would come; I was afraid to go.”
12. Complementary infinitive. An infinitive functions as the main verb. “I’m going to move next week”; “I have to find a new apartment.” There is a modal-like quality in “going to” and “have to.”
13. Complex sentence. A sentence that includes at least one dependent clause.
14. Compound sentence. A sentence with two or more independent clauses.
15. Compound word. A word that is a combination of two or more free morphemes acting as a unit. Some compound words are closed (highlight), some are hyphenated (high-handed), and some are open, written as separate words (high school).
16. Compound-complex A sentence that includes at least two independent clauses and one dependent clause.
17. Conditional mood. The attitude of probability designated by the modal auxiliaries could, may, might, would, and should.
18. Conjunction. One of the structure classes, which includes connectors that coordinate structures of many forms (e.g., and, or), subordinate sentences (e.g., if because, when), and coordinate sentences with an adverbial emphasis (e.g., however, therefore).
19. Conjunctive adverb. The conjunction that connects two sentences with an adverbial emphasis, such as however, therefore’, moreover, and nevertheless.
20. Coordinating conjunction. The conjunction that connects two or more sentences or structures within a sentence as equals: and, but, or, nor, for, and yet.
21. Coordination. A way of expanding sentences in which two or more structures of the same form function as a unit. All the sentence slots and modifiers in the slots, as well as the sentence itself, can be coordinated. See Chapter 9.
22. Correlative conjunction. Two-Part conjunction that expresses a relationship between the coordinated structures: either—or, neither—non both—aneh not only—but also.
23. Countable noun. A noun whose referent can be identified as a separate entity; the countable noun can be signalled by the indefinite article, a, and numbers: a house; an experience; two eggs; three problems.
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