Gap Filling Exercises for class 9 & 10 (Unsolved) Exercise-131 & 132

By | July 17, 2021
Streamline Processes


1. Read the following instructions and complete the paragraphs that follow:

A fire broke out in our colony last night. The following was the sequence of events.

  • A security guard noticed flames rising from a flat.
  • He informed the secretary of our RWA.
  • The secretary phoned the fire brigade.
  • He also informed the local police.
  • Firefighters brought the fire under control.
  • We thanked them for their prompt action.

Flames (a) ………… rising from a flat the by the security guard. The secretary our RWA (b)……….. by him. The fire brigade (c) ………. by the secretary. The local police (d) …………… The fire (e)………   by the firefighters. They (f) ……… us for prompt action.

2. On the basis of the above information, complete the following paragraph:

We write a cheque. We present it on the counter. The banker gives us a token. We hand over the token to the cashier. The cashier gives us the money. We keep it in our pocket and come home.

A cheque is written by us. It (a)……….. on the counter. We (b)……….  a token by the banker. The token (c) ………..  to the cashier by us. The money our pocket and we come home. (d)……….. to us by the cashier. It (e) ………….

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1. Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraphs that follow:

1.Doctor: What is your problem?

Patient: Sir, I have severe pain in my legs.

Doctor: How did you get the pain?

 Patient: I fell from my scooter and hurt myself.

The doctor asked the patient (a) …………….  The patient replied that (b) …………. in his legs. The doctor asked the patient (c) …………. The patient replied that he (d) ………….

2.Rahul: Where are you going to?

Ajay: I am going to a movie.

Rahul: In which theatre is the movie screened?

 Ajay: In the Odeon theatre.

Rahul asked Ajay (a)…………. Ajay replied that he was (b)………….  Rahul wanted to know in which theatre (c) …………. Ajay replied that it was screened (d) …………

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