Gap Filling Exercises for class 9 & 10 (Unsolved) Exercise-127 & 128

By | July 17, 2021
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Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraphs that follow:

1.Gagan: When are you going to return my notebook?

 Hardeep: Notebook! Which notebook may I ask?

 Gagan: My science notebook that you took yesterday.

Hardeep: Sorry, it couldn’t be with me because I had not come to school yesterday.

Gagan asked Hardeep when (a) ………..Surprised, Hardeep asked Gagan which (b) ……….  Gagan explained it was his science notebook that (c)………. Hardeep clarified it couldn’t be with him (d) ……….

2. Ritu: Have you taken my bag too?

Mohan: No, you won’t need to carry it.

 Rita: But what about some essential things?

 Mohan: You will get them all in the new flat.

 Ritu asked Mohan if he had (a) ………… Mohan replied that he had not because of the (b)……….. Rita questioned Mohan whether (c)……….  Mohan replied that she (d)  ……….

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Read the conversation given below and complete the paragraphs that follow:

1.Ticket checker: Show me your ticket first

 Passenger: Sorry! I haven’t got one.

Ticket Checker: Why did you board the train without a ticket?

 Passenger: This was the last southbound train tonight.

The ticket checker asked the passenger (a)…………… Saying sorry, the passenger admitted that (b) ………. At this, the ticket checker asked him why (c)……… The passenger explained that (d) ……….

2. Father: Go and post these letters now.

 Son: Okay Dad! Let me finish my homework first.

 Father: These are urgent letters. I can’t wait.

Son: It is 9 p.m. and the letters will not be out before 8 a.m.

Father ordered his son (a) ………..The son agreed but on requested his father (b) ……….At this father lost his cool and said that (c)……….. The son pointed out that (d) ………..

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