The Sermon at Benares

By Betty Crenshaw


1. What was Kisa’s grief (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)She had lost her only son

(B)She had lost all her treasures

(C)She had lost her jewelry

(D)All of the above

2. What did Kisa do in grief (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)She wandered from place to another

(B)She carried the dead body of her only son from one place to another

(C)She locked herself in the house

(D)All of the above

3. Who did Kisa reach (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)Gautama Buddha

(B)Ashok the emperor

(C)Alexander the great

(D)None of the above

4. What did Kisa need from Gautama Buddha (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)medicine that could cure her son

(B)medicine that could cure her

(C)medicine that could cure her family

(D)All of the above

5. What did Gautama Buddha ask Kisa to get (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)handful of mustard seeds

(B)handful of poppy seeds

(C)handful of sesame seeds

(D)All of the above

6. What was the speciality of the mustard seeds demanded by Gautama Buddha (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)They should be from a house where no one has lost a child

(B)They should be from a house where no one has lost a husband/parent

(C)They should be from a house where no one has lost a friend

(D)All of the above

7. Could Kisa Gotami find a house where no one had lost their dear ones (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?



(C)May be

(D)May be not

8. What did Kisa Gotami think to herself after meeting Gautama Buddha (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)Death is inevitable

(B)Death is the fate of mankind

(C)No one can avoid dying & the wise don’t grieve

(D)All of the above

9. What is this world afflicted with as per Kisa’s thoughts (with reference to the chapter ‘The Sermon at Benares’)?

(A)Death & decay

(B)Physical illness

(C)mental illness

(D)None of the above

10. `He who has overcome all soon will become free from sorrow, and be blessed’- this line has been taken from the chapter ________.

(A)The Sermon at Benares

(B)Gautama Buddha

(C)kisa Gotami

(D)None of the above


1.(A) she had lost her only son
2. (B) She carried the dead body of her only son from one place to another
3. (A) Gautama Buddha
4. (A) medicine that could cure her son
5. (A) handful of mustard seeds
6. (D) All of the above
7. (B) No
8. (D) All of the above
9. (A) Death & decay
10. (A) The Sermon at Benares

The Sermon at Benares Objective quiz Class10 Part-1

The Sermon at Benares Objective quiz Class10 Part-2

The Sermon at Benares Objective quiz Class10 Part-4

The Sermon at Benares Objective quiz Class10 Part-5

The Sermon at Benares Objective quiz Class10 Part-6

Want to Read More Check Below:-

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The Sermon at Benares- About the Author & Introduction

The Sermon at Benares- Theme of the Story

The Sermon at Benares- Short & Detailed Summary

The Sermon at Benares- Value Points

The Sermon at Benares- Summary in Hindi – Full Text

The Sermon at Benares- Passages for Comprehension

The Sermon at Benares- Main Characters of the Story

The Sermon at Benares- Extract Based comprehension test Questions

The Sermon at Benares- Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type

The Sermon at Benares- Important Extra Questions- Short Answer Type

The Sermon at Benares- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type