My Mother at Sixty-Six MCQ with Answers

By | February 17, 2023
My Mother at Sixty-Six MCQ

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My Mother at Sixty-Six MCQ with Answers

                                              By- Kamala Das

1.Kamala Das was an

(a) Bengali      (b) Punjabi

(c) Keralite      (d) Gujarati

2. The poet was leaving the house of

(a) her parents            (b) her aunt

(c) her in-laws             (d) her nephew

3. She was going to

(a) Goa                        (b) Mumbai 

(c) Cochin                    (d) Kolkata

4. The poet was driving towards the

 (a) railway station      (b) bus-stand 

(c) airport                    (d) metro station

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5. The person in the car, beside the poetess, was,

(a) her aunt                 (b) her niece

(c) her uncle                (d) her mother

6. The mother of the poetess was

 (a) smiling                  (b) laughing

(c) crying                     (d) dozing off

7. The poetess says her mother looked pale like a

 (a) corpse                   (b) ghost

(c) malnourished child (d) anaemic person

8. Kamala Das realized that her mother was very

(a) young                     (b) energetic

(c) old                          (d) ill

9. She soon put that thought out of her mind and

(a) smiled                    (b) laughed heartily

(c) cried bitterly          (d) looked out of the window

10. Out of the car window she saw

 (a) cows and buffaloes           (b) pigs and goats

(c) trees sprinting                   (d) people digging

11.’Trees sprinting’ is a poetic device. It is

 (a) personification                 (b) alliteration

(c) repetition                           (d) simile

12. The narrator also saw children running out of

 (a) their homes                      (b) schools

(c) parks                                  (d) football ground

13.’Children spilling out’ is an

(a) simile                                 (b) metaphor

(c) personification                   (d) transferred epithet

14. The narrator looked at her mother again after

 (a) the security check            (b) the green signal

(c) after they left the car parking       (d) after the luggage check-in

15. The narrator again compared her mother too

(a) summer’s sun                    (b) rain clouds

(c) late winter’s moon            (d) trees and plants

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16. Winter’s Moon’ is a reference to the mother’s

 (a) old age                              (b) illness

(c) colour of skin                     (d) young age

17. When the narrator looked at her mother again she felt a pang of

(a) her familiar ache              (b) guilt

(c) heartache                          (d) a headache

18. The childhood fear was the fear of

 (a) separation from mother (b) exams

(c) medical check-up              (d) dental treatment

19. She said to her mother

(a) goodbye                             (b) au revoir

(c) good morning go.              (d) see you soon, Amma

20. What was the expression on the narrator’s face?

(a) smiling face                       (b) angry look

(c) sarcastic expression          (d) frowning face

21.’My Mother at Sixty Six’ captures the fear of the narrator of losing her mother due to declining health and loss of energy. Who is the narrator?

(A)Kamala Das

(B)Anees Jung

(C)Ruskin Bond

(D)Ogden Nash

22. What does the narrator fear in the chapter ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)Fear of death

(B)Fear of losing her mother

(C)Fear of darkness

(D)Fear of old age

23. Why do you think the narrator had the fear of losing her mother, in the chapter ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)Because her mother was very sick

(B)Because her mother was old

(C)Because her mother was traveling alone

(D)None of the above

24. What accompanies old age as in the chapter ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)Declining health

(B)Loss of energy

(C)Old age

(D)Both (A) & (B)

25. Which reality does the narrator accept in the chapter ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)That declining health & loss of energy is a part of old age

(B)She might lose her mother some or the other day

(C)She too will grow old one day

(D)Both (A) & (B)

26. What is the narrator disturbed by in the chapter ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)Her mother’s needs on one hand

(B)Her own duties & responsibilities on the other hand

(C)Her mother’s loneliness

(D)Both (A) & (B)

27. What is poignantly brought out in the chapter ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)The helplessness of the narrator

(B)The age of the mother

(C)The illness of the mother

(D)None of the above

28. Do you think the narrator’s concerns are natural, as in the chapter ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?




(D)Maybe not

29. Which theme of nature does the narrator identify within the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)The fear of losing a loved one

(B)The universal truth

(C)Life after death

(D)None of the above

30. Which form of writing has been adopted by the narrator of the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?



(C)Rhyme scheme

(D)All of the above

This content has been designed by the experts keeping in mind the exam score.  Go through My Mother at Sixty-Six MCQ with Answers and add highest value to your studies.

31.Which poetic devices are used in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?



(C)Repetition, personification

(D)All of the above

32. What is a contrast to the mother’s age in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)The image of young trees & merry children

(B)The age of the poetess

(C)The use of speeches

(D)None of the above

33. What does the poetess notice when her mother dozes off in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)Her mother’s beautiful skin

(B)Her mother’s face ashen like that of a corpse

(C)Her mother’s long silky hair

(D)All of the above

34. What seems to have lost all vitality as in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)The poetess’ mother’s open mouth

(B)The poetess’ strength

(C)The mother’s skin

(D)None of the above

35. In the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’, the grey colour of ash is usually associated with ___.

(A)Colour of hair

(B)a dead body

(C)Facial expressions

(D)None of the above

36. In the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’, Wan, pale as a lath winter moon: reinforces the idea that ______.

(A)the mother’s face was pale

(B)it was lifeless like that of a fading winter moon

(C)Mother looked very pretty

(D)Both (A) & (B)

37. What is symbolic of the last cycle of the season, as in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)Mother’s face

(B)Mother’s age

(C)Monsoon season


38. What is indicative of imminent death in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)waning moon

(B)mother’s frail health misted by age

(C)Ashen like a corpse

(D)Both (A) & (B)

39. Why does the poetess resort to escapism in the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’?

(A)To avoid harsh realities that stare in her face

(B)To avoid answering her mother

(C)To avoid being caught

(D)None of the above

40. How does the poetess of the poem ‘My Mother at Sixty Six’ divert her attention?

(A)By looking at images of young trees & merry children

(B)By listening to music

(C)By painting

(D)By travelling


1.(c) Keralite                                                      
2.(a) her parents
3.(c) Cochin
4.(c) airport
5.(d) her mother
6. (d) dozing off
7.(a) corpse
8. (c) old
9.(d) looked out of the window
10. (c) trees sprinting
11.(a) personification                                    
12. (a) their homes
13.(b) metaphor
14. (a) the security check
15.(c) late winter’s moon                          
16. (a) old age
17.(a) her familiar ache                           
18. (a) separation from mother
19.(d) See you soon, Amma                          
20. (a) smiling face
21. (A) Kamala Das
22. (B) Fear of losing her mother
23. (B) Because her mother was old
24. (D) Both (A) & (B)
25. (D) Both (A) & (B)
26. (D) Both (A) & (B)
27. (A) The helplessness of the narrator
28. (B) Yes
29. (A) The fear of losing a loved one
30. (B) Narration
31. (D) All of the above
32. (A) The image of young trees & merry children
33. (B) Her mother’s face ashen like that of a corpse
34. (A) The poetess’ mother’s open mouth
35. (B) a dead body
36. (D) Both (A) & (B)
37. (D) Winter
38. (D) Both (A) & (B)
39. (A) To avoid harsh realities that stare in her face
40. (A) By looking at images of young trees & merry children

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