Exercise – 1

The following passages have not been edited. There is one error in each word and the correction against the correct question number. Remember you have supplied. One is done as an example:

Incorrect Correct
Scientists has found evidence e.g.hashave
to support much owners have long (a)……………………
believed: man’s best friend really do (b) ……………………
understand some of which we are(c) ……………………
saying. Researchers on Hungary(d) ……………………
scanned the brains of dogs as it were (e) ……………………
listening to their trainer spoke to (f) ……………………
determine that parts of the brain they(g) ……………………
use. They found that processed words(h) ……………………
to the left hemisphere.


Incorrect Correct
(b) dodoes 
(c) which       what
(d) on in          
(e) it    they 
(f) spoke       speak
(g) that which     
(h) to    with     

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Also Read:

editing and omission exercises for class 9 edumantra.net
English Grammar Editing and Omission Class | Mastering English Grammar 2

Exercise – 2

The following passages have not been edited. There is one error in each word and the correction against the correct question number. Remember you have supplied. One is done as an example:

Elimination for child lablour is undoubtedlye.g.for of
one of the biggest challenges facing our(a)………….………….
country. Various article of the constitution(b) ………….………….
prohibits the employment of children in (c) ………….………….
factories. Under Article 24, it has stated(d) ………….………….
that no child below the ages of 14 (e) ………….………….
shall be employ in any factory or (f) ………….………….
mine or any another hazardous occupation (g) ………….………….
or work. Children should be provide opportunities(h) ………….………….
to develop in a healthy manner.


Incorrect Correct
(a)challenge        challenges
(b) article articles
(c) prohibits    prohibit
(d) hashas been
(e) ages age
(f) employ    employed
(g) anotherother          
(h) provide   provided

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The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a number is given. Write the incorrect word and supply a correct word in place of that. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

 Incorrect    Correct  
After stopping for the cup of tea,    e.g.the a
I begin the steep walk uphill.(a)……..……..
Though this was the first time I have climbed,(b) ……..……..
I did not found it too difficult  (c) ……..……..
for me to keep going. The last parts  (d) ……..……..
of the climb was really difficult.
At times I was quite frightened. But  (e) ……..……..
I had been giving the advice,    (f) ……..……..
not to look down; I keep remembering it.    (g) ……..……..
In last, I reached the top safely.  (h) ……..……..


Incorrect Correct
(a)begin  began
(b) have   had
(c) foundfind
(d) partspart
(e) frighten   frightened
(f) giving given
(g) keep  kept
(h) In    At

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The following passages have not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a numeral is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.

Incorrect   Correct   
Vishnupuram is a small town at the Western eg… aton
coast of India. It is not yet polluting by(a)……..……..
too many tourism. The place is superb(b) ……..……..
for its scenic beautiful and exhilarating climate.(c) ……..……..
The fort on a hill on the beach remind us of the (d) ……..……..
time when it was built too defend the place from(e) ……..……..
foreign sea-robbers. Various article exhibited (f) ……..……..
in the museum remind us off the time when (g) ……..……..
the people of the place had trade relations to(h) ……..……..
many countries of the world(i) ……..……..


Incorrect Correct
(a) pollutingpolluted
(b)  many  much
(c)  beautiful  beauty
(d)  remindreminds
(e)  too to
(f)  article       articles
(g)   off  of
(h)  to  with

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The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied.    

Incorrect   Correct  
Tenali Ram was a naughty boy which lived(a) ………..………..
in the village of Tetali. Her mother (b) ………..………..
did not know what to do of him (c) ………..………..
since he refused to study or did any work.(d) ………..………..


Incorrect  Correct 
(b) Her  his
(c) of with
(d) did do

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The following passage has not been edited. There is an error in each line against which a blank is given. Write the incorrect word and the correction in the space provided. Remember to underline the word that you have supplied. 

 Incorrect Correct
Some big industrial company needs typists (a)………..………..
to work in his different units located in the(b) ………..………..
state capital of Northern India. A good salary (c) ………..………..
and other allowances according as the rules   (d) ………..………..
of the company will be given.


Incorrect  Correct 
(a)Some A
(b) hisits
(c) of   in
(d) as to

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