Complaint Letter about Traffic Jam regarding traffic which is increase day by day in our area and causes many problems. You can also read Complaint Letter about Garbage is to file a complaint about garbage disposal.

Write a letter to the Traffic Commissioner complaining about the traffic jam parked for CNG filling on Ring Road, causing a traffic jam.


G-213, Adarsh Colony,

 Mathura Road, New Delhi.

February 10, 2020

 The Traffic Commissioner




 Sub: Complaining about the traffic jam.

 Through this letter, I want to express my grievance regarding the filling of CNG on Ring Road. There are often long queues of cars and other vehicles, which block the traffic for hours.

It has become very difficult for the children and the old people to go to market. It takes more time in going to my school.

I request you to take necessary action so that other CNG stations could be arranged and the suffering local people may be relieved of their problems.

Thanking you

 Yours sincerely


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