Talk about the Mother’s Day Class 11 Extra Questions and how it will help you do well on the upcoming English exam. Get help answering 11 extra questions for Mother’s Day Class
Mother’s Day Class 11 Extra Questions
Chapter- 5 English Language and Literature
Mother’s Day
By- J.B. Priestley
Introduction of the lesson- Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day deals with an issue that concerns all women the world over. The position of a woman in We family is pitiable both as a wife and as a mother. She is neglected and ordered about by the entire family. Her duties are unlimited, with no weekend break for recreation or change. Priestley discusses this issue in a humorous and satirical manner. Here are the two faces of woman—the liberated defiant and assertive Mrs Fitzgerald gives a practical demonstration of how the docile Mrs Pearson can become the mistress of her house. She suggests rough treatment as the only effective method. She shocks the family with her smoking, drinking and lighting mood. She is able to do so by using a spell and putting her own spirit into the body of her neighbour. They all feel miserable and agree to do what Mrs Pearson demands. The solution to the problem is a bit harsh, crude and not very practical.
Important Word-Meanings of difficult words from the lesson- Mother’s Day
Pages 32-33
humorous–interesting, laughter-provoking,हास्यप्रद; portrayal–depiction, description,चित्रांकन ; suburb–outlying localities,उपनगर; semi-detached–not totally cut off,थोड़ा-सा अलग बना; villa– house, घर; assumed–supposed,मान लिया गया; settee–a long seat with a back,दोहरी आराम कुर्सी; fortune–future, destiny,किस्मत, sinister–evil,दुष्ट प्रवृत्ति; contrasting– different,भिन्न,विपरीत ; flurried–nervous, agitated,बदहवास; cockney–the language of the working class in London, लन्दनिया भाषा; obliged–thankful,कृतज्ञ; fortune teller–astrologer,भविष्य द्रष्टा,ज्योतिषी I
Pages 34-35
make up your mind–decide firmly,दृढ़ निश्चय कर लेना; put your foot down–be firm,दृढ़ रहो; apologetically–humbly, विनम्रतापूर्वक; dubiously–not very sure, doubtfully, अविश्वासपूर्वक ; have it out–settle once for all,झगड़ा खत्म करना ; in a hurry–ready,जल्दी में ; embarrassed–upset, a little ashamed,शर्मिन्दा; flustered–confused,घबराहट में; resent–dislike,नापसन्द करना; bewildered–confused, amazed,बौखलाई हुई; gimme–give me, let me hold it,हाथ पकड़ने दो I
Pages 36-37
assume- behave for a while,मान लेना; spell–mantra,मंत्र; grasping–holding,पकड़े हुए; go lax–loose, शिथिल पड़ जाती हैं ; mannerisms–manner peculiar to a person,विशिष्ट आचरण; dominating–lording over,प्रभाव जमाने वाली ; puffing–smoking,धूम्रपान करती है ; contentedly–peacefully, with satisfaction,संतोष भाव से; scream of fright–a cry in fear,भय से चीख मारना; complacently–in a self-satisfied manner; grimly–in a serious manner,गंभीर मुद्रा में ; alarmed–afraid,घबराई हुई; steady–cool down, be patient,धीरज रखो; pop back–return,वापस आ जाओ; chuckling–laughing, in the throat; spoil–gone astray,बिगड़ जाना ; astounded–taken aback,स्तब्ध रह जाती है ; fluttering–agitated, unsteady,लड़खड़ाती हुई ; incisive–very sharp,तीखी I
Pages 38-39
silly–foolish, ; indignantly–angrily,क्रोधावेश में ; sulkily–with ill-humour,उदासीपूर्वक; severely–harshly, कठोरतापूर्वक; buckteeth–projected upper teeth,ऊपर के दाँत बाहर निकले हुए; half-witted–stupid, मंद बुद्धि ; masculine counterpart–male copy,पुरुष; briskly–quickly, sharply,तीव्रता ; annoyed–angry, irritated,नाराज ; feeling off colour–unwell, in low spirit,अस्वस्थ ; aggressively–in a fighting mood, लड़ने के मूड में; snap out of it– get out of nonsense,यह बकवास बंद करो; get cracking–get going, start working,काम शुरू करो; mending–repair needed,मरम्मत की जरुरत; bar–stop,रोकना; staggered–startled,चौंक जाता है; get this–understand all,समझ पाना; laconic–concise, short,संक्षेप मे ं; sinister–evil,दुष्ट प्रकृति I
Pages 40-41
curious–eager to know, जानने को आतुर ; stout– hard drink, strong beer,बीयर; clot–idiot,मूर्ख; instantly–at once,तुरन्त; in a huddle–talk softly together,बातें करने लगते है ; barmy–gone mad, foolish,पागल,सनकी; concussion–violent shock,झटका या चोट लगी; far-fetched–unbelievable,अविश्वसनीय ; giggle–laugh like a silly person,मूर्खों जैसी हँसी; guffaw–laugh boisterously,ठहाका लगाना ; regards–looks at,देखती हैं; contempt– hatred,घ्रणा ; yawning–feeling sleepy or bored,उबासी लेना; promptly–quickly, fast,तुरन्त; sip–a little quantity,चुस्की; made fuss of–to be made to feel important,उपद्रव या कोलाहल करना ; aghast–terrified,भयातुर; stuck–forced to be at home,चिपके रहना; awful–terrible, horrible,डरावनी बात; passionately–loudly, excitedly,तीव्रता से; blubbering–weeping noisily,आवाज़ के साथ रोना ; fundamentally–basically, by nature,मूलरूप से; solemn–sober,गंभीर; pompous–showy,आडम्बरी; bulge–swell out in surprise,उमड़ आना,फूल जाना; fancied–liked to have,पीना चाहा ; aggrieved–unhappy,दुखी; annoyed–displeased,नाराज; indignantly–angrily,क्रोधित होकर; beaten me–I fail to understand,समझ में नहीं आता; staggered–upset,व्यथित; gloomily–sadly,उदासीपूर्वक; severely–harshly,कठोरता से; sulkily–morose,उदिवग्न ,उदास; silly old bag–foolish and ugly old woman,मूर्ख कुरूप स्त्री; smacking–drinking with a loud noise,चपचप शब्द करना; glowering–looking angrily,क्रोधपूर्वक देखते हुए; stalks off–goes away,चली जाती है ; eating out of your hand–obeying you,आज्ञा मानना; glumly–angrily, sullenly,अप्रसन्न; tiddley–slightly drunk,नशे में ; savagely–wildly, angrily; intimidated–terrified,त्रस्त होकर; wrap–shawl,शॉल; in despair–disappointed,निराशा; called it off–cancelled,इरादा बदल दिया; flash of temper–in a rage,क्रोध से; grimly–harshly,कठोरतापूर्वक I
Pages 50-52
beckons–motions, calls,संकेत से बुलाती है; stretches–extends,आगे बढ़ाती है ; lax–loose,शिथिल होना ; apologising–feeling sorry, regretting,क्षमा याचना करना; done for–ruined,बर्बाद हो जाना; apprehensively–doubtfully,आशंकित; relieved–at ease,राहतपूर्ण; exits–goes out,बाहर चले जाना I cluster–gather, जमा होना I
Short and Simple Summary of the lesson in English- (Mother’s Day)/ Summary in simple Words/ Critical appreciation of the lesson – (Mother’s Day)
The play has five major characters in all. Mrs Annie Pearson, her husband George. their son Cyril, their daughter Doris and her neighbour Mrs Fitzgerald. The action takes place in the living room of the Pearson’s house in a London suburb. It is afternoon.
Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald are neighbours. Mrs Pearson is a pleasant but worried looking woman in her forties. She is docile and submissive. She is very fond of her children although they treat her like a domestic slave. Mrs Fitzgerald is older, heavier and a strong woman. She is a fortune teller. She had learnt that art in an Asian country. Where she had spent twelve years. She smokes, drinks and also plays cards.
The two ladies are seen together as the curtain goes up. It is Mrs Pearson’s house. She tells her problem to her neighbour. The children Doris and Cyril are grown-ups but both are selfish and thoughtless. They work in some office. But soon after coming back home, they are in a hurry to go out to enjoy themselves. They demand tea and other services like the ironing of their clothes. The weak doting mother feels hurt but dares not have her say. Even her husband George doesn’t think of her considerately.
Mrs Fitzgerald is a domineering woman who knows how to live life on her own terms. She advises Mrs Pearson also to be strong and become the boss of her family. She must not run after them or take orders from them. Such a service will only ruin them. Husbands, sons. daughters should be taking notice of their wives and mothers, and not treating them like dirt. But Mrs Pearson hates unpleasantness. She is too weak to take a decisive strong step. She agrees with her neighbour but she can’t promise to have it out with her family.
Mrs Fitzgerald offers to set the entire family right and put them in their places. She has a plan to change places ‘or personalities with Mrs Pearson. She takes her hands and mutters a spell-“Arshtatta dum – arslitatta lum”. Both go lax for a while. Then they come to life with the changed personalities. Now Mrs Pearson is bold and dominating, and Mrs Fitzgerald is nervous. She notices that her body has changed and she gives a scream. Mrs Pearson with her neighbour’s personality is ready to deal with her family. The real Mrs Pearson, however, is assured that they should change hack easily.
Mrs Pearson, in her new incarnation, smokes a cigarette and lays out the cards for a game on the table.
Doris, a pretty girl in her twenties, bursts into the room. She is a spoilt child: she demands two things from her mother—the ironing of her yellow silk and a cup of tea. She is taken aback to see her mother smoking. She is further shocked to know that there is no tea ready. She is in a hurry to go out with her boyfriend—Charlie Spence. The mother refuses to do any ironing. She downgrades Charlie Spence. She condemns the yellow silken dress. She calls Charlie a man with buck teeth and half-witted! Doris is in tears, and she runs out.
After a moment, there comes Cyril. He also demands tea from his mother. He is annoyed to hear a ‘No’ from her. He also learns to his dismay that his clothes have neither been laid out nor mended. He wonders if she is unwell. He also wonders why she should refuse to serve him and talk to him harshly. His mother explains that she too needs a weekly change from her routine.
Doris enters the room. She is now wearing a wrap. The mother tells her that she looks terrible. Doris blames her for making her cry. The mother then expresses her desire to drink stout. The brother and the sister start talking in whispers. Doris tells Cyril that mother had been smoking and playing cards. She is altogether changed. Perhaps she has hit her head and become barmy. Both wait for their father eagerly. The mother chides them for their silly and loud laughing. The children are tearful again. They wish to know why the mother is so very harsh with them. She replies that she too won’t work for more than eight hours a day. She is rendering a thankless service. She has decided to go to Clarendon for a meal. She, too, needs a change. And she thinks she is old enough to look after herself. She is offended when Doris enquires if she had hit herself with something. She warns them to behave properly.
George Pearson returns home. He is about fifty, heavy and pompous. He notices tears in Doris’ eyes. He first wants to know why Doris is sobbing. Then his eyes bulge to see his wife sipping stout. He disapproves of drinking at that hour of the day. He declares that he wouldn’t want any tea because he is going to the club to watch a snooker match and have supper. But he wonders why there isn’t any tea ready. Annie hits back hard. She challenges him to dictate terms at the club where they laugh at him. They also call him Pompy-company Pearson for being slow and pompous. She charges him with neglecting her. Cyril confirms that the club members call his father Pompey-company Pearson. George is so shocked that he leaves the room.
Cyril points out to his mother that she shouldn’t have hurt father’s feeling. But she argues that it does people good to have their feelings hurt sometimes. She suggests that George should not go to the club so often where he is made fun of.
There is a sharp knocking on the door. Cyril opens the door and reports that their silly old neighbour has come. Mrs Pearson rebukes him for calling Mrs Fitzgerald names. Mrs Pearson welcomes her neighbour warmly. The neighbour who has undergone a personality change. Is, In fact, Mrs Pearson herself. She is curious to know how things are going on in her house.
When Cyril complains and shouts, the mother warns him sternly to keep quiet. She also tells her neighbour to let her manage her family in her own way. She reports that she is just putting George and two children in their places. The rough treatment will do all of them a lot of good.
George enters the room. He is surprised to see the visitor. The neighbour addresses him by his first name, George. He takes offence. But Annie sees nothing objectionable in it. He complains that there is no tea for him, that he is told how the club members ridicule him that Doris is crying upstairs and finally, Mrs Fitzgerald is addressing him as George. He asks his neighbour to let them be. His wife takes him to task for his bad manners. She tells him to go to his club. He shouts and calls her barmy. But Mrs Pearson threatens to slap his big, fat. silly face.
George looks at the two ladies in bewilderment. He wonders why the neighbour is addressing his wife as Mrs Fitzgerald. He remarks that his wife is a little drunk. He is put out and speechless.
Doris enters the room slowly. The neighbour asks her about her plan to go out with Charlie that night. She is offended; she asks angrily why Mrs. Fitzgerald is taking interest in her personal life. Anyway, she has cancelled the outing because her mother has made her feel miserable. Mrs Fitzgerald tells George as well as the children to leave the room and let her have a private little talk with Mrs Pearson. She assures that the outcome of the talks would please them all.
The neighbour (Mrs. Fitzgerald with the personality of Mrs Pearson) now insists on changing back—she decides that the members of her family should not be treated so harshly anymore. Mrs Pearson agrees to that. She mutters the same old spell, and both become their proper personalities. Mrs Fitzgerald advises her neighbour not to go soft on them again, otherwise, all her labour would go waste. Secondly, she must not give any explanation or feel sorry for the drama. A tone of being tough would work. She asks what Mrs Pearson really wants her husband and children to do.
Mrs Pearson gives a list of her demands. They should stop at home for once, help her prepare and serve dinner and play a game of rummy sometimes. She agrees to act on Mrs Fitzgerald advice and deal with her family with a firm hand.
George, Doris and Cyril enter the room and look anxiously at Mrs Pearson. She smiles and they smile back. She now unfolds her plan. She asks for a nice family game of rummy. The children will get the supper ready while she will have a talk with their father. All agree with her. She finally thanks her neighbour and bids her goodbye. As she walks out of the room, the family gathers around the mother.
Summary in Hindi/ Mother’s Day
Summary in Hindi
इस एकांकी नाटक में कुल चार प्रमुख पात्र हैं – Mrs.Annie Pearson उसके पति George, उनका बेटा Cyril,उनकी बेटी Doris तथा उनकी पड़ोसिन Mrs.Fitzgerald. यह घटना Mrs.Pearson की बैठक में होती है; घर लंदन के उपनगर में बना है I दोपहर के बाद का समय है I
Mrs.Pearson तथा Mrs. Fitzgerald पड़ोसिन हैं I Mrs. Pearson एक अच्छे स्वभाव वाली पर कुछ चिन्ताग्रस्त 40 वर्ष से अधिक आयु की महिला हैं I वह दब्बू स्वभाव की हैं I उसे अपने बच्चों से बहुत प्यार है यद्यपि वे उसे एक घरेलू नौकरानी ही मानते हैं I Mrs. Fitzgerald कुछ अधिक आयु की, भारी बदन तथा पुष्ट महिला है I वह भविष्यवक्ता भी है I उसने यह ज्योतिष विद्या किसी एशियाई देश में सीखी थी I उसने 12 वर्ष वहाँ बिताए थे I वह धूम्रपान करती है, मदिरा पीती है तथा ताश खेलती है I
दोनों महिलाएँ साथ बैठी दिखाई देती है जैसे पर्दा ऊपर उठता है I यह घर है Mrs.Pearson का I वह अपनी पड़ोसन को अपनी राम कहानी सुनाती है I बच्चे Doris तथा Cyril व्यस्क हो गए हैं पर दोनों ही आत्म केंद्रित तथा विचारहीन हैं I वे किसी दफ्तर में काम करते हैं पर घर लौटते ही उन्हें बाहर जाकर मौज मस्ती करने की हड़बड़ी रहती है I वे चाय माँगते हैं तथा अन्य सेवाओं की भी माँग करते हैं जैसे वस्त्रों पर प्रेस करना I कमजोर स्नेहात्मक माँ के मन को चोट लगती है पर उसके अन्दर अपनी बात कहने का साहस नहीं है I उसके पति भी उसके प्रति संवेदनशील नहीं है I
Mrs. Fitzgerald रोबदार औरत है जो जीवन अपने तरीके से जीना चाहती है I वह Mrs.Pearson को भी सलाह देती है कि बलवान बनो तथा परिवार की बॉस बनो I वह कहती है तुम्हें अपने बच्चों तथा पति के पीछे भागने और उनका आदेश पालन करने की जरूरत नहीं I ऐसी सेवा उन पर बुरा असर डालेगी I पति, बेटे तथा बेटियों को चाहिए कि वे अपनी पत्नियों तथा माँ की ओर ध्यान दें; उन्हें कूड़ा करकट न समझें I पर Mrs.Pearson घर में कटुता का वातावरण नहीं पसंद करती I वह कोई भी निर्णायक कदम नहीं ले सकती I वह अपनी पड़ोसन से सहमत हैं, पर वह अपने परिवार को सुधारने का वायदा नहीं कर सकती I
Mrs.Fitzgerald सुझाव देती है कि मैं पूरे परिवार को सबक सिखा दूँगी तथा उन्हें उनकी औकात बता दूँगी I उसके पास एक योजना थी कि वह Mrs.Pearson से व्यक्तित्व को अदल-बदल ले I वह Mrs.Pearson के हाथों को अपने हाथ में लेकर कुछ शब्दों का मंत्रोंच्चारण करती है—अस्तत्तादम-अर्सतत्ता लम I वह दोनों शिथिल पड़ जाती है पर शीघ्र ही उनमें जान आ जाती है और उनका व्यक्तित्व बदल जाता है I अब mrs. Pearson साहसिक तथा रोबदार बन जाती हैं तथा Mrs.Fitzgerald घबरा जाती हैं I वह देखती हैं कि उसका शरीर बदल गया है और वह चीख मारती है I Mrs.Pearson जिसके अंदर Mrs.Fitzgerald का व्यक्तित्व समा गया है, अपने परिवार को दुरुस्त करने के लिए तैयार हो जाती है I पर असली Mrs.Pearson को आश्वस्त कर दिया जाता है कि दोनों का व्यक्तित्व बदलाव भी आसानी से हो जाएगा I अब नई Mrs.Fitzgerald को कहा जाता है कि वह अभी घर लौट जाए और कुछ समय पश्चात आए I
Mrs. Pearson अपने नए अवतार या रूप में, सिगरेट पीती है तथा मेज पर ताश का खेल खेलने हेतु पत्ते बिछा देती है I
Doris जो बीस वर्ष से ऊपर की सुन्दर युवती है, कमरे में तेजी से प्रवेश करती है I वह बिगड़ी हुई बच्ची है I वह माँ से दो चीजें माँगती है–अपनी पीली पोशाक पर प्रेस तथा एक कप चाय I उसे माँ को धूम्रपान करते देख कर हैरानी हो जाती है उसे यह सुनकर दूसरी ठेस लगती है कि चाय तैयार नहीं की गई है I वह अपने लड़के मित्र Charlie Spence के साथ घूमने जाने की हड़बड़ी में है I माँ उसकी पोशाक पर प्रेस करने से इन्कार कर देती है I वह तो Charlie Spence की भी आलोचना करती है I वह पीली पोशाक की भी भर्त्सना करती है I वह कहती है कि Charlie तो बड़े बाहर निकले दाँत वाला और मंदबुद्धि व्यक्ति है I Doris रो देती है और बाहर निकल जाती है I
एक क्षण पश्चात Cyril प्रवेश करता है I वह भी चाय माँगता है I वह नाराज हो जाता है जब माँ इन्कार कर देती है I वह यह सुनकर हताश हो जाता है कि उसकी वस्त्रों को न तो बाहर निकाला गया है, न ही उनकी मरम्मत की गई है I वह सोचता है कि शायद माँ की तबीयत ठीक नहीं है I वह हैरान है कि मैं अब कोई भी काम क्यों नहीं करना चाहती तथा कठोरतापूर्वक उत्तर देती है I माँ बताती है कि उसे भी अपनी दिनचर्या से सप्ताह में एक दिन छुट्टी मिलनी चाहिए I
Doris कमरे में प्रवेश करती है I उसने अब एक शॉल लपेटा हुआ है I माँ कहती है कि तुम बहुत बुरी दिख रही हो I Doris माँ को दोष देती है कि तुम्हीं ने मुझे रूला दिया है I फिर माँ मदिरा पीने की इच्छा व्यक्त करती है I भाई-बहन फुसफुसाहट के साथ बातें करने लगते हैं I Doris बताती है कि माँ सिगरेट पी रही थी और ताश खेल रही थी I वह बिल्कुल बदल गई है शायद उसका सिर कहीं टकरा गया है I अथवा वह झक्की हो गई है I दोनों ही उत्साहपूर्वक डैड के आने की प्रतीक्षा करते हैं I मां उन्हें मूर्खतापूर्ण तथा ठहाके लगाकर हँसने पर फटकारती है I बच्चों की आंखों में पुनः आँसू आ जाते हैं I वे माँ से पूछते हैं आखिर हमारे प्रति आप इतनी कठोर क्यों हो गई हो I माँ उत्तर देती है कि मैं भी रोज आठ घंटे से अधिक काम करती हूँ I मेरी इस सेवा के प्रति कोई आभार प्रदर्शन भी नहीं करता I मैं अब शाम का भोजन करने के लिए Clarendon जाऊँगी I मुझे भी परिवर्तन चाहिए I और मैं इतनी बड़ी हो चुकी हूँ कि मैं अपनी देखरेख स्वयं कर सकती हूँ I वह नाराज हो जाती है जब Doris प्रश्न करती है कि क्या आप कहीं गिर गई थी अथवा किसी चीज से टकरा गई थी I माँ उन्हें चेतावनी देती है कि बकवास मत करो I
George Pearson घर लौटते हैं I वह कोई पचास वर्ष के भारी बदन तथा आडम्बरी व्यक्ति हैं I वे Doris की आँखों में आँसू देखते हैं I वे जानना चाहते हैं कि Doris रो क्यों रही है I तभी उनकी आँखें फटी रह जाती है जब वे पत्नी को मदिरापान करते दिखते हैं I उन्हें बेसमय मदिरापान ठीक नहीं लगता I वे कहते हैं कि आज मैं चाय नहीं पिऊँगा क्योंकि मुझे क्लब में स्नूकर मैच देखने जाना है और वहीँ रात्रि भोज भी कर लूँगा I पर उन्हें हैरानी होती है कि घर में चाय तैयार क्यों नहीं है I Annie करारा जबाब देती है I चुनौती देती है कि आप अपनी बातें जरा क्लब में तो मनवाने की कोशिश करें I जहाँ लोग आपका मजाक उड़ाते हैं I वे आपको पाँपी-आँपी Pearson कहते हैं क्योंकि आप मंद गति से चलने वाले आडम्बर पसंद व्यक्ति हैं I पत्नी उन पर आरोप लगाती है कि आप मेरी उपेक्षा करते हैं I Cyril इस बात की पुष्टि कर देता है कि क्लब के सदस्य डैड को पाँपी-आँपी उनकी पीठ पीछे कहते हैं I George को ऐसी ठेस लगती है कि वे बाहर चले जाते हैं I
Cyril माँ को कहता है कि आपको डैड की भावनाओं को चोट नहीं पहुँचानी चाहिए थी I पर माँ तर्क देती है कि लोगों की भावनाओं को कभी-कभी चोट लगने से उन्हें लाभ मिलता है I वह सुझाव देती है कि George को इतना अधिक क्लब नहीं जाना चाहिए जहाँ उनकी खिल्ली उड़ाई जाती है I
दरवाजे पर खटखट होती है I Cyril दरवाजा खोलता है तथा बताता है कि उनकी बूढ़ी मूर्ख पड़ोसन आई है I Mrs.Pearson उसे डाटती है कि Mrs.Fitzgerald के प्रति अपशब्दों का प्रयोग क्यों करते हो Mrs.Pearson अपनी पड़ोसन का गर्म-जोशी से स्वागत करती है I पड़ोसन जिसका व्यक्तित्व बदला हुआ है वास्तव में Mrs.Pearson है I वह जानने को आतुर है कि उसके घर में क्या हो रहा है I Cyril शिकायत करता है तथा चीखकर बोलता है I माँ उसे कठोरता पूर्वक डाटती है कि चुप रहो I वह अपनी पड़ोसन को यह भी बताती है कि मुझे अपने परिवार को अपने तरीके से सुधारने दो I वह बताती है कि George को तथा दोनों बच्चों को उनकी औकात दिखा रही हूँ I ऐसा कठोर व्यवहार उन्हें नेक बना देगा I
George कमरे में प्रवेश करते हैं I उन्हें आगन्तुक महिला को देखकर आश्चर्य होता है I पड़ोसन उन्हें उनके नाम से पहले शब्द ‘George’ कहकर संबोधित करती है I George रुष्ट हो जाते हैं पर Annie को इसमें कोई आपत्तिजनक बात नहीं दिखाई देती I George शिकायत करते हैं कि घर में चाय भी नहीं बनी; Doris ऊपर रो रही है तथा Mrs.Fitzgerald उन्हें उनके नाम से संबोधित कर रही है I वे पड़ोसिन को कहते हैं कि हमें अकेला छोड़ दीजिए पर उनकी पत्नी उन्हें आड़े हाथों लेती है कि तुम्हें सलीका नहीं आता I वह उनसे कहती है कि आप क्लब क्यों नहीं चले जाते I George गरजते हैं कि तुम तो झक्की या सनकी हो गई हो I Mrs.Pearson उनके बड़े, स्थूल तथा मूर्खतापूर्ण चेहरे पर थप्पड़ मारने की धमकी देती है I
George इन दोनों महिलाओं को हक्का-बक्का होकर देखता है उसे समझ में नहीं आता कि पड़ोसन उसकी पत्नी को Mrs.Fitzgerald क्यों कह रही है I वह टिप्पणी करता है कि मेरी पत्नी को थोड़ा सा नशा हो गया है I वह उदास और अवाक् हो जाता है I
Doris कमरे में धीरे से प्रवेश करती है I पड़ोसिन उससे पूछती है कि आज तो तुम्हें Chalie के साथ बाहर जाना था I Doris नाराज हो जाती है I वह रोषपूर्वक पूछती है कि आपको मेरे व्यक्तिगत जीवन में इतनी दिलचस्पी क्यों है फिर बताती है कि बाहर जाने की योजना खत्म कर दी है क्योंकि मेरी माँ ने मुझे दुखी कर दिया है, माँ George तथा बच्चों को कहती है कि थोड़े समय के लिए बाहर चले जाओ तथा दोनों सहेलियों को कुछ निजी बातें करने दो I वह उन्हें आश्वस्त करती है कि बातचीत का परिणाम उन सभी के लिए सुखद होगा I
पड़ोसिन (Mrs.Fitzgerald जिसके अंदर Mrs.Pearson का व्यक्तित्व प्रवेश कर गया है) वह हठ करती है कि पुनः अदला-बदली कर लो I उससे सहन नहीं होता कि परिवार के सदस्यों के साथ ऐसा कठोर व्यवहार और अधिक किया जाए I Mrs.Fitzerald तैयार हो जाती है वह उन्हीं मंत्रों वाले शब्दों को दोहराती है तथा दोनों अपने -अपने रूप में आ जाती हैं I Mrs.Fitzgerald अपनी पड़ोसन को कहती है कि अब अपने परिवार वालों के साथ नर्मी मत दिखाना अन्यथा उनका सारा परिश्रम व्यर्थ चला जाएगा I दूसरी बात, तुम इस छोटे से नाटक की कोई सफाई अथवा खेद व्यक्त करना I सख्ती का स्वर ही काम बना देगा I वह Mrs.Pearson से पूछती है कि तुम अपने पति एवं बच्चों से क्या अपेक्षा करती हो ?
Mrs. Pearson अपनी माँगों की सूची देती है I ये लोग कभी-कभी घर पर रुक जाएँ,उसे भोजन पकाने तथा परोसने में मदद करें तथा रमी की एक बाजी खेल लें I वह Mrs.Fitzgerald की सलाह पर अमल तथा अपने परिवार के साथ सख्ती बरतने का वचन देती है I
George,Doris तथा Cyril कमरे में प्रवेश करते हैं तथा Mrs.Pearson की ओर से चिन्तातुर होकर देखते हैं I माँ मुस्कुरा देती है तथा वे तीनों भी मुस्कुरा देते हैं I अब माँ अपनी योजना बताती है I वह चाहती है कि आज एक गेम रमी का हो जाए I बच्चे भोजन पकाएंगे जबकि वह स्वयं George से कुछ बातें करेगी I सभी उसकी बातें मान लेते है I वह अंत में पड़ोसन का आभार व्यक्त करती है तथा उसे अलविदा कहती है I जैसे ही Mrs.Fitzgerald घर से बाहर निकलती है, सारा परिवार Mrs.Pearson को घेर कर बैठ जाता है I
Following is the complete question bank for Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day Extra Questions and Answers
Short Answer Type Questions (30 to 40 words)
Short Answer Questions
1.What do you think is Mrs Pearson’s grouse or complaint against her husband and children?
Ans. Mrs Pearson’s complaint against her husband and children is that they are so thoughtless and selfish. That they treat her almost like a domestic servant. They come home in the evening and leave soon for their club or outing and enjoy themselves. She takes their orders and runs after them. She has no break, no holiday, no recreation.
2. How do Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald come together?
Ans. Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald are neighbours. Mrs Fitzgerald is a fortune-teller. She is a bold and domineering woman. The two women often meet. Mrs Pearson shares her problems with her neighbour. Mrs Fitzgerald suggests some radical ways to deal with the family.
3. Bring out the distinctive traits of the two ladies in “Mother’s Day”.
Ans. The two ladies in the play are Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald. They are neighbours. They are totally different in their outlook, temperament and habits. Mrs Fitzgerald drinks, smokes and plays cards. She lives life on her own terms. Mrs Pearson is a submissive wife and mother. Although she suffers, she does not have the guts to check or correct her family members. So, she does all the household chores for her family without a word of appreciation from them.
4. How had Mrs Fitzgerald mastered some basics of magic spell?
Ans. Mrs Fitzgerald was a bold, talented and strong woman. She learnt some basics of magic in Asia where her husband was posted for twelve years. She takes Mrs Pearson’s hands and utters some words. The personalities of the two women change bodies.
5. How do Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Pearson exchange personalities and what for?
Ans. Mrs Fitzgerald holds Mrs Pearson’s hand. They look at each other. She mutters the spell—arshtatt dum arshtatta lum. Then both the women go lax. They come to life soon but with the personality of the other. They do so in order to teach a lesson to Mrs Pearson’s family.
6. What impression does George leave on you? Does Mrs Fitzgerald’s treatment meted out to him serve the purpose?
Ans. George Pearson is about fifty. He is selfish and pompous. He also neglects his wife. Mrs Fitzgerald cuts him to size. She tells him how the club members call him Pompy-company Pearson at his back. He feels small and cowed down. The treatment does serve the purpose.
7. What sane advice does Mrs Fitzgerald give to her neighbour in the art of managing her family?
Ans. Mrs Fitzgerald’s approach is harsh and unforgiving. She tells Mrs Pearson to stop running after her family all the time and taking their orders. Her family should learn to care for her and value her. She should show them their places and refuse to serve them.
8. It’s more than hints your family needs, Mrs Pearson. Why can’t Mrs Pearson heed and act upon Mrs Fitzgerald’s advice?
Ans. Mrs Pearson does not dare to displease her husband or children. She can’t take a hard step and also does not know how to begin. She agrees with Mrs Fitzgerald’s views but she doesn’t want to annoy them. Her motherly heart does not allow her to be harsh towards her husband and children.
9. Describe the little but a very effective episode of change of the places or personalities at Mrs Pearson’s house.
Ans. Mrs Fitzgerald is a strong and aggressive woman. She has mastered the art of casting a magic spell. She learnt that art in an Asian country. She mutters the spell—three words in all, holds Mrs Pearson’s hands and they change personalities.
10. How does Mrs Fitzgerald remove Mrs Pearson’s apprehensions about the reaction of her family and the issue of changing back?
Ans. Mrs Fitzgerald is sure that her spell will work. But the change of personalities/places would not last long. She offers to deal with the self-centered members of the family with a heavy hand. She assures that changing back is quite easy for her, any time.
11. Describe how Mrs Pearson, with the personality of Mrs Fitzgerald, deal with Doris.
Ans. Doris is the first target of her changed mother. After returning from office, she demands tea and asks her mother whether she has ironed her yellow dress. But the mother refuses point blank to serve her any more. She even makes fun of Doris’s boyfriend, Charlie. Thus, the mother makes her cry. She makes her realise that she is not her servant.
12. How does the changed Mrs Pearson give a rude shock to George?
Ans. George questions his wife why she is drinking stout at that odd hour. He disapproves of it but sets a curt reply from her. She points out how he is the laughing stock at the club, where they called him names behind his back. She even threatens to slap his big, fat, silly face, when he insults Mrs Fitzgerald. He accepts defeat and becomes normal.
13. Describe how the new Mrs Pearson deals with Cyril.
Ans. Cyril is another person whom the changed mother sets right. She tells him to help himself in the kitchen and prepare tea. She declares she would take a holiday on weekends. She points out how he has been wasting much money and time at dog races and ice shows. She calls him a silly, spoilt, young brat.
14. What do Doris and Cyril presume about the changed behaviour of the mother?
Ans. Both Doris and Cyril are taken aback at the sudden change in their mother’s tone and behaviour. They think that she must have hit her head against something, which has made her light-headed. They are shocked to hear that she would enjoy free-of-work weekends for a change.
15. How does Mrs Pearson (acting as Mrs Fitzgerald) silence her neighbour as she comes back to see the little drama?
Ans. Real Mrs Pearson returns to her house to see that everything is all right. But she is shocked to see the painful drama of tears and scolding. When she tries to intervene, Mrs Fitzgerald tells her severely to let her manage her family in her own way. She says she is putting them all in their places and cutting them to size.
16. Why does George react when the neighbour calls him George? What does he complain of?
Ans. George objects strongly when the neighbour addresses him as George. But the new Mrs Pearson sees no reason to feel offended. She tells him that he is not Duke of Edinburgh. Ile further complains that no tea has been served to him, that poor Doris is crying upstairs because her mother has hurt her feelings.
17. When and why does Mrs Fitzgerald (in Mrs Pearson’s body) threaten to slap George?
Ans. George feels offended and insulted. At that moment the next door neighbour Mrs Fitzgerald comes to visit them and addresses him as George. He objects to her presence in the house and insults her. He asks angrily it she (his wife) has gone eccentric. At this, his wife jumps up and threatens to slap his big, in the silly face.
18. What does Mrs Pearson finally ask her family to do?
Ans. When Mrs Fitzgerald has gone. the real Mrs Pearson asks her family to do as she wants them to do. She wants them all to stay at home that evening and perhaps play a game of rummy with her. She asks her son and daughter to get the supper ready. In the meantime, she will have a talk with her husband George. No one dares to challenge her demand.
19. What is Mrs Fitzgerald’s parting advice to Mrs Pearson?
Ans. Mrs Fitzgerald is a liberated woman, bold and empowered woman in the real sense. She warns Mrs Pearson to he tough and demanding for a couple of hours with her family. She forbids her to feel sorry for the drama, and offer no explanation or apology. If she stays firm, they will all change for the better very soon.
20. How is the tense little drama at Mrs Pearson’s house filially resolved?
Ans. The little drama is staged chiefly by Mrs Fitzgerald by interchanging her personality with Mrs Pearson. She takes all the spoilt and self-centred members of the Pearson family to task. After she succeeds in making all the family members realise how mean and selfish they have been towards Mrs Pearson, she changes back their personalities. When they see their mother behaving normally but firmly, they agree at once to play a game of rummy at home and to work in the kitchen. George also is pleased to have a talk with her. The members of the family are to respect Pearson’s sentiments. The play ends on a happy note.
Important Long/ Detailed Answer Type Questions- to be answered in about 100 -150 words each Value based questions-
Long Answer Questions
1. Narrate the story of the play Mother’s Day in about 100 words.
Ans. The play ‘Mother’s Day’ depicts the status of the woman in a family. She is treated as a domestic slave, taking orders from her husband as well as children. Mrs Pearson and Mrs Fitzgerald are neighbours. They stand in sharp contrast to each other.
Mrs Pearson is a submissive wife and mother. She is unhappy with the treatment she gets from her family. She discusses her problem with her neighbour. Mrs Fitzgerald is bold, liberated and an aggressive woman. She knows the art of casting magic spells as well. She changes her personality with that of Mrs Pearson. Then she stays on in Mrs Pearson’s house to deal with George. Doris and Cyril. She sets them right and makes them see reason. She cuts them to size. They agree to do as Mrs Pearson desires. The two women again become their old normal selves. The play ends on a happy note.
2. Write a note on the theme of the play Mother’s Day. Do you approve of the method adopted by Mrs Fitzgerald? Elucidate.
Ans. The theme of Mother’s Day is the low status of a woman in her family, and how she deserves to be the boss of the house. This issue is common in every country. She is the weaker sex. She is neglected. Her services are neither acknowledged nor paid for. Mrs Fitzgerald, the liberated and strong neighbour of Mrs Pearson, shows the way. She enters her spirit into Mrs Pearson’s body and spends a couple of hours in the neighbour’s house. She deals very harshly with all the family members. George. Cyril and Doris—all of them are shocked and surprised at the changed behaviour of Mrs Pearson. They give in at last to her wishes. Mrs Fitzgerald’s method proves very successful in solving the problem.
3. Give your brief comments on the five main characters in the play Mother’s Day.
Ans. Mother’s Day is a humorous and satirical presentation of a grim little family drama. It discusses the issue of the status of a mother and wife in the family. The play has five characters in all. Mrs Fitzgerald is a strong woman, aggressive and demanding. Her neighbour Mrs Pearson is just her opposite. She is given to serving her husband and children. She makes no demands: she does not dare to displease anybody, but she resents their behaviour inwardly. Her husband George is pompous, selfish and the centre of jokes at the club. Her son Cyril is a young man and her daughter is Doris. Both are working in offices. They come home in the evening, demand tea and ironed clothes so that they can go out again. All the three are self-centred. They neglect Mrs Pearson who is all docile, motherly and submissive.
4. How does Mrs Fitzgerald passing for Mrs Pearson put Mr George, Doris and Cyril in their places?
Ans. Mrs Fitzgerald comes to the rescue of Mrs Pearson. She transfers her spirit into Mrs Pearson’s body and gets ready to show all the three members their places. Her first target is Doris. She comes home demands tea and orders the mother to iron her yellow silk. But she is astonished when her mother goes on smoking and is planning to eat out at a restaurant. She gets such a rough treatment that she is all in tears. The next target is Cyril. He also finds his mother cold and defiant. Both suspect that she has hit her head against something. Mother chides them for whispering and laughing. George, as he enters the room, finds his wife smoking, drinking stout and playing cards. He objects to all that but is told curtly to shut up. He is told how the club members make fun of him behind his back. Thus, they all are made to realise how mean and selfish they have been towards Mrs Pearson.
5. Compare and contrast the characters of Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Pearson. Who do you admire and why?
Ans. Mrs Fitzgerald and Mrs Pearson make an interesting study in contrast. Mrs Fitzgerald is strong, aggressive, liberated and domineering. She lives life on her own terms. She smokes, plays cards and drinks stout. She can challenge anybody. She even jumps up to slap George. She runs down Doris’ fiance. She takes Cyril to task for wasting time and money on dog races and ice shows. Mrs Pearson, on the other hand, is weakminded and docile. She does not dare to displease any member of her family. She agrees with the way suggested by Mrs Fitzgerald but she is afraid of hurting the feelings of the members of her family. Mrs Fitzgerald has a domineering personality while Mrs Pearson has pleasing looks and nature and she is rather nervous. We certainly need more women like Mrs Fitzgerald, who can stand up for their rights.
6. How do you look at Mrs Pearson’s genuine problems and Mrs Fitzgerald’s suggestion? Is it practicable, imaginative and realistic?
Ans. The resentment of Mrs Pearson is genuine and realistic. Hers is a miserable life. That is the experience of most of the women. She is sensitive and servile. That is why she is neglected by her family members. The solution suggested by Mrs Fitzgerald is quite effective. But it is not practical as everyone does not have magic skills. Mrs Fitzgerald commands a drastic action. Any woman, who is in Mrs Pearson’s place, would have to deal with the situation in a tactful manner. The matter would have to be resolved by discussing things with each other rather than the dramatic way shown by Mrs Fitzgerald.
7. We talk of women’s liberation movement but it is a grim and sad reality that our women, except some, are slaves of the wheel as they were in the past. What place do women have in Indian society? Discuss.
Ans. India has been and is still a male-dominated society. Boys are definitely preferred to girls. In reality, the man still governs unquestioned. It will not be wrong to say that employed women in general work at home like drudges. In our society a wife depends upon her husband; a daughter remains under her parents; a mother depends on her husband and son. The condition of a widow is worse. A woman finds it difficult to move freely. All social taboos are meant for her.
Some women today are free to choose their career, but the majority of them are still oppressed. Strangely enough women in ancient India enjoyed honour and respect and were true better halves of men. They enjoyed equal rights to men. They were at liberty to get an education and choose their life partners.
Nowadays, due to education, the condition of women is improving. All important services are thrown open to them. We see women occupying high posts. They have excelled men in many fields. In the social, economic and political sphere, they have earned name and fame. Due to education, views and old thinking of the Indian society is changing. Today women have earned a place for themselves in every field and the future of Indian women is brighter still.