Animals- Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type

By | August 19, 2020
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Animals is one of the Poem taken from First Flight. It is well explained through Animals Introduction, Message from the chapter Animals, Theme, Title, Characters in the lesson Animals, Summary in English Animals, Summary in Hindi, Word meanings from Animals, complete lesson in Hindi, Extracts, Long answers, Short answers, Very short Answers, MCQs of the lesson Animals and much more.


By Walt Whitman

Extra Very Short Answer Type Important Questions

 Q.1. What does the poet wish to live with?

 Ans. The poet wishes to turn from human beings and live with animals.

 Q.2. How do the animals appear to the poet?

 Ans. The animals appear calm, peaceful and self-confident to the poet.

 Q3. What is the attitude of the animals towards their condition?

 Ans. The animals do not sweat and complain about their condition.

 Q.4. What is the attitude of the animals toward their sins?

 Ans. The animals do not weep for their sins.

 Q.5. What do the men make the poet sick for?

 Ans. The men make the poet sick by discussing their duty to God.

 Q.6. What mania do human beings suffer from?

 Ans. Human beings suffer from the mania of possessing things.

Q.7. What is the attitude of human about those who lived thousands of years ago?

 Ans. They kneel to the images of those who lived thousands of years ago.

 Q.8. What ‘tokens of myself’ does the poet refer to?

 Ans. These ‘tokens of myself’ arc the love and affection of the animals for the poet.

 Q.9. Why does Whitman wish to live with the animals?

 Ans. Whitman wishes to live with the animals because he finds them very peaceful and self-confident.

Q.10. What shows that the poet loves animals?

 Ans. The poet stands and looks at the animals long and long.

Want to Read More Check Below:-

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Animals- About the Author & Introduction

Animals- Central Idea & Style of the Poem

Animals- Short & Detailed Summary

Animals- Value Points

Animals- Summary in Hindi – Full Text

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Animals- Important Extra Questions- Short Answer Type

Animals- Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type