Anchoring Script for Vote of Thanks on Annual Day

‘Someone has rightly said ‘Gratitude springs from a heart brimming with the feelings of thanks giving and gratifies both the receiver & the giver’ august A very good morning, evening to the gathering.
It’s a rare honour & privilege for me to propose vote of thanks on behalf of fraternity to the fathered assembly of our reversed guests, distinguished dignitaries and worthy parents.
At the very outset, I would like to express my gratitude to the almighty whose munificence and blessings have led to smooth conduct of such grand event. It’s his love & grace that propels us to seek excellence in all our ventures & undertakings.
I would like to avail this opportunity to spell out words of thanks to our worthy Chief Guest, Mr/Mrs. For sparing a few precious moments from his extremely busy schedule to grace us on this momentous day. Sir, your presence on this day has enthused our children. And has given them a purpose tp pursue their academic goals relentlessly & bring glory in their chosen areas of interest. They are immensely benefitted by your inspiring sagacious words. I earnestly hoe that your innumerable achievements, invincible wisdom & rich experience shall help them in long way, shaping their character & inculcating values of forbearance, presence & diligence in them.
I also wish to acknowledge the fortuitous presence of our vulenerable guest of Honour, Mr/Mrs. for being a significant part of this scintillating evening. I hope you will always be our spiritual mentor & a driving force behind all our worthy pursuits.
It’s a rare honour to manifeat our indebtedness & express our gratitude to the dignitaries from various institutions & the most genial parents. Your cordial presence & liberal commendation of our students achievements reveal your interest & concern for the school (Name of the School.)
I wish to place on record my sincere thanks to Mr./Mrs. __, the principal of __. Fir, your lofty vision & dynamic leadership has brought us together to work in tendem for the success of this mega event. Sir, your unstinted support & guidance was indeed an effective tool for all of us to overcome the bottlenecks we confronted while planning & executing the tasks. I would once again thank you for being our shield and support.
My/Our thanks is also due to a team of devoted & zealous teachers and non-teaching staff who worked round the clock to accomplish tasks at hands even at great inconvenience to themselves. Their immaculate planning, execution & most importantly their dedication to attain perfection in their attempts, reveal itself so prominently in todays magnificent programme.
I believe the successful conduct of such mega events requires on unabated stream of blessings and well-wishes from all stakeholders. We all were indeed fortunate enough to have you all on this special day as we firmly believe the schools progress, its growth & its glory is directly related to your concern & your blessings.
Thank You all once again.