Using the information given below, write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the urgent need for opening a good public library in your area.


* Nawab Ganj, Bhopal

* No library in the area

* Lower class income groups can’t afford to buy books and magazines

* Public library with a good reading room

Ans. 12, Nawab Ganj


February 15, 2020


The Editor

 The Statesman New Delhi


 Sub: Opening of a public library in the area

Through the column of your prestigious national daily, I want to highlight the urgent need for opening a public library in NawabGanj.

I am a resident of NawabGanj, Bhopal. Mostly people belonging to lower income groups live in this colony. It is difficult to imagine that the people of the area are deprived of having a good public library.

There are quite a sizeable number of students living in this area. They can’t afford to buy books, periodicals and magazines. The high prices of books and magazines dampen their reading spirit and passion. A good library can serve the needs of the people. There are many who like serious reading of books on different subjects. Others like to read the classics and novels written by Shakespeare, Keats, Wordsworth, Prem Chand and Tagore. The young people may like light reading like comics and sports magazines. Only a good library can serve the needs of all the residents of the area. I hope the concerned authorities will take immediate steps to meet the genuine demands of the residents of Nawab Ganj.

Yours faithfully

Mushtaq Ahmed

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