Gender Discrimination

Indian women, since time immemorial, have had an extremely difficult time developing under the oppression of the traditionally male-dominated society.

 It is a well-known fact that women in India do not enjoy the same position as men despite being granted equal rights in the constitution. Starting from birth, girls do not get as much attention from their parents as do boys. The age-old customs and beliefs of patriarchal structure, heir to property and the fear and burden of dowry continue to dictate both the urban and rural to favour and pamper the male child. There are many points that prove that women are second-grade citizens in India.

 The horrific practices of female foeticide and infanticide are rampant in the country and the national capital upholds this trend in brazen proportions. The sex ratio in national capital Delhi itself is 8 66 females per i000 males and even worse in regions like Haryana and Rajasthan. Despite laws against sex determination and sex discrimination, parents to continue to go to all lengths to avoid having a girl child.

Secondly, mal-nutrition among females is more than males. As still, a major chunk of population in India is poor, it becomes very difficult for parents to feed their children adequately. Often, it is the girl child who bears the brunt of it as her brothers are fed well and better than her.

 Also, literacy rates among women are lower in India as compared to men. It is believed that a girl’s ultimate destiny is to get married and work inside the house and thus, she is often denied the right to education. In some cases, women are also paid less than their male counterparts for the same job done.

 Besides, the shameful and ghastly practice of violence against women is widespread in the country. Verbal and physical abuse against wives from their husbands is very common. Equally common are dowry deaths and tortures.

 However, the situation has improved considerably in urban areas due to civilised and educated societies there. Also, in urban areas, people are well aware of laws against dowry, domestic violence, sexual harassment, etc., in the country to safeguard the rights of women. However, the interiors of the country still present a dismal picture in this regard.

For this, the government has taken many steps like educating people against gender discrimination through campaigns, etc., and also, low-income parents of a single girl child are provided with many kinds of aids. Still, a lot needs to be done.

 Some welcoming steps could be making the education of girl childfree and compulsory in rural areas and to poor people. Also, they need to be made aware of the various laws and rights present in the country to protect women against any kind of harassment. A more transparent approach should be instituted and doctors and parents, who indulge in sex-selective abortions, should be punished severely.

Thus, everyone should join hands to shun gender discrimination and people should realise that their daughter is as much competition as a son and could be the next Kalpana Chawla, Kiran Bedi or Indira Gandhi.

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