29. Reading Skills Comprehension: Purpose

By | June 25, 2021
purpose 1 edumantra.net


 (N.D.A. 1993)

The avowed purpose of the exact sciences is to establish complete intellectual control over experience in terms of precise rules which can be formally set out and empirically tested. Could that ideal be fully achieved, all truth and all error could henceforth be ascribed to an exact theory of the universe, while we who accept this theory would be relieved of any occasion for exercising our personal judgment. We should only have to follow the rules faithfully. Classical mechanics approaches this ideal so closely that is often thought to have achieved it. But this leaves out of account the element of personal judgment involved in applying the formulae of mechanics to the facts of experience.

1. In exact sciences,

 (a) one does not find answers to all questions and problems.

(b) one interprets the universe according to one’s wish.

(c) personal judgments are set aside in favour of the mechanical theory.

 (d) one response faith in actual experience.

2. The purpose of the exact sciences is to

 (a) formulate principles which will help us to exercise our personal judge-mint

 (b) make formal and testable rules which can help verify experience

(c) form opinions about our experience

 (d) assert our intellectual superiority

 3. An exact theory of the universe is

(a) not desirable

(b) improbable

(c) yet to be made

(d) possible

 4. Classical mechanics

 (a) has gained intellectual control over the world

 (b) just falls short of achieving intellectual control over the experience

 (c) has formulated precise rules

 (d) has formulated an exact theory of the universe


1. (c)

2. (b)

3. (b)

4. (b)

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