Letter to the editor is a formal document. In CBSE it is a question to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper. It is asked in Class 8 to Class 12. Considering this we are providing letter to the editor topics to help you to practice, letter to the editor format CBSE class 9 to help you obtain good marks, letter to the editor example for students of class 9 & 10 which is a beginning and letter to the editor on Imparting Sex Education in Schools. These can be additionally used for the letter to the editor newspaper. So let’s dive in-

To give or not to give Indian adolescents sex education is gaining our attention. The cases of child abuse and HIV/AIDS are rising steadily. Write a letter to the editor airing your view on sex education. You are Ranbir of 14, Jain Nagar, Ludhiana.


14, Jain Nagar


February 15, 2020


The Editor

 The Hindustan Times

New Delhi



Subject: Expressing views on imparting sex education in schools

Through the column of your esteemed daily, I would like to draw the kind attention of the concerned authorities and common masses towards Expressing views on imparting sex education in schools. The very word ‘sex’ embarrasses us. Parents, teachers, aunts, etc. push this possibility of teaching ‘sex’ under the carpet. We are not ready to give and get a safe sex message. Some believe that the introduction of sex education in schools will put our Indian culture in danger.

Adolescent Education Programme (AEP) manual is being burnt by some ill-informed groups. The cases of child abuse and HIV/AIDS are rising steadily. The Indian culture cannot cope with the situation as it propagates silence. The Conservatives argue that teaching our children about sexuality can break down the pre-existing notions of modesty and tear the moral fabric of our society, encouraging deviant behaviours such as homosexuality. These fears are unfounded.

Teaching sex would encourage children to view sex as a natural, normal, and healthy part of life. Parents feel uncomfortable discussing sex. So sex education will fill this void and it will tell children the difference between good touch and bad touch. It will curb child abuse. Adolescents would know what is good for them and what is bad. A well-informed person is a hundred times better than an ill-informed person.

 Kindly publish my views in your esteemed daily and oblige.

Yours sincerely,


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