Letter to the editor is a formal document. In CBSE it is a question to write a letter to the editor of a newspaper. It is asked in Class 8 to Class 12. Considering this we are providing letter to the editor topics to help you to practice, letter to the editor format CBSE class 9 to help you obtain good marks, letter to the editor example for students of class 9 & 10 which is a beginning and letter to the editor on Park in Deplorable Condition. These can be additionally used for the letter to the editor newspaper. So let’s dive in-

The park near your colony suffers as DDA and MCD look away. The Kamla Nehru Park has become a den for anti-social elements. Write a letter to the editor expressing your views about the callous attitude of the civic agencies, so as to draw the attention of the higher authorities to the problem.

Ans. 79, Akash Ganga Apartments

Pitampura, Delhi

February 4, 2020


The Editor

The Times of India

 New Delhi.


Subject: Expressing concern over the park in deplorable condition

 I would be obliged if you publish my letter in your renowned newspaper to draw the attention of the higher authorities to the deplorable condition of the Kamla Nehru Park.

Kamla Nehru Park has become a den for unscrupulous and anti-social elements. This is the area where the old sabzi mandi stood. Located right opposite the Sabzi Mandi police station, the park has become a joint for drug peddlers, drunkards, and other unscrupulous elements. Almost 70 per cent of the park’s railing is missing.

The park has become a nuisance and it serves no purpose. The residents avoid it even during the daytime. The park requires proper fencing. The park is in a deplorable state. The condition is so bad that unless you are told that it is a park you will not believe it. It is devoid of greenery. A DDA board put up in the park claims that the park is closed for renovation. But there are no signs of any developmental activity anywhere. In the morning the pavement dwellers defecate in the park. I am sure this letter will certainly invoke intervention from the highest authorities and the renovation of this park will see its dawn one day.

Yours sincerely,


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