You are Revathy. You happened to see the following news item in the newspaper about the popularity of Indian Handicrafts abroad. But you are unhappy about the lack of recognition given to the artisans by the Government. Using the information given below and your own ideas, write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the difficulties they face and the steps to be taken to solve their problems.
Indian Handicrafts sought after
New Delhi: Indian Handicrafts are in great demand in the US, Europe and the Gulf countries. The artisans feel their products are not given the required publicity. Further, the products are bought from them at very low prices by the middlemen and sold later at high prices abroad. They hope that the Government would do something in this regard.
Ans. 12, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi-110002
February 28, 2020
The Editor
The Times of India New Delhi
Sub: Promotion of Indian handicrafts
Through the column of your esteemed newspaper, I want to highlight the difficulties and plight of the artisans who make the design of Indian handicrafts.
Indian handicrafts have earned quite a name and fame abroad. Indian handicrafts are in great demand in the US, Europe, and the Gulf countries. The businessmen and their agents mint money at the cost of the artisans. They exploit them. The Government is indifferent to their problems. The poor artisans and craftsmen never get the raw material at reasonable rates. Then comes the problem of selling their finished products. The touts and middlemen decide their fate and rates.
It is shocking that most of these artisans live in perpetual poverty, want, and neglect. The Government must come out with a blueprint that may lead to the promotion of Indian handicrafts and the protection of the artisans. Co-operatives must be encouraged. The artisans and craftsmen must be provided easy loans to buy the raw products. The middlemen and crafty businessmen should not be allowed to fleece them. Only such positive steps can promote Indian handicrafts abroad and save the exploitation of the native artisans.
Yours faithfully
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