Idioms Dictionary With Meaning and Sentences Part 4

By | July 1, 2021


1. Move on-

Meaning– If you move on after stopping somewhere. You continue your journey.

Use- We stay in each town for a day before moving on.

 2. Narrow down-

Meaning-If you narrow down the number of choices or possibilities, you consider only some of them and you dismiss the others.

Use-The firm received many applications for the post, but the committee has narrowed them down to four.

 3. Opt for

Meaning-If you opt for something, you choose it

Use-A lot of school leavers are opting for careers in computing.

 4. Own up

Meaning-If you own up or own up to something bad you admit that it was you who did it.

Use-Will the person who damaged t computer please own up now?

 5. Pass up-

Meaning-If you pass up something such as an opportunity. you do not take it.

Use-I cannot believe that Roe passed such an opportunity up.

 6. Prey on-

Meaning-If something preys on your mind, you keep worrying about it.

Use-When I am between jobs, the issue of money tends to prey on my mind.

7. Put down for-

Meaning-If you put yourself down for something, or put your name down for it, you say officially that you want to be involved in it.

Use- Have you put your name down for the trip?

 8. Quieten down-

Meaning-If you quieten someone down; you do or say something to make them less noisy.

Use-The police tried to quieten down the crowd

 9. Read through-

Meaning- If you read through a piece of writing, you read the whole of it. from the beginning to the end.

Use- I’ve –read through all your essays and they are generally very good.

 10. See to

Meaning- If you see to something, you deal with it or arrange for someone else to deal with it.

Use- I’ve got the tickets. Now I need to see to the travel arrangements.

11 Sign up for-

Meaning- If you sign up for something; you offer or agree to do it by signing your name on an official list.

Use- Over 300 students have signed up for Maggie’s classes.

 12. Speed up

Meaning- If something speeds up, It starts to move or progress more quickly; if you speed it up, you make it move or progress more quickly.

Use-Racing drivers speed up on the straights and slow down on the bends.

 13. Stick to-

Meaning-If you stick to something such as a rule of law, you do what it says you must do.

Use- There’ll be no problems if everyone sticks to the rules.

 14. Swallow up-

Meaning-If something swallows up all of a supply of something; it uses it all, usually quickly.

Use-Eating inexpensive restaurants will soon swallow your allowance up.

 15. Tip-off (informal)-

Meaning-If someone tips you off about something; they warn you about it or give you a secret information about it.

Use-Newspaper reporters were tipped off by someone inside the Prime Minister’s office.

 16. Wake up to-

Meaning-If you wake up to an unpleasant fact, you now realize that it is true, although you didn’t realize it before.

Use-The government still hasn’t woken up to the problem of overcrowding in our prisons.

 17. Warm tap-

Meaning- If you warm food up, you make it hot enough to eat, usually after it has become cold.

Use- Shall I warm some soup up for you?

 18. Wear off-

Meaning- If something such as a pain or a feeling wears off, it gradually disappears.

Use- I had a headache this morning but it is worn off now.

 19. Wrap up in-

Meaning- If you are wrapped up in something; you give so much time or attention to it that you have little time or attention for anything else

Use-Jim was so wrapped up In the work that he spent hardly any time with his children.

 20. Zoom off (Informal)-

Meaning- If someone zooms off; they leave quickly or in a hurry.

Use-She jumped into the car and zoomed off before I could tell her the good news.

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