Idioms and Phrases Exercise No- 11

By | July 1, 2021
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Directions: In each of the following questions, some alternatives are suggested for the idiom/phrase in italics in the sentence. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase in italics.

1.It is a matter of gratification for me that he has (turned a new leaf) (Bank P.O. 1996)

(a) begun a different mode of life

 (b) started using his intelligence

(c) proved to be a worthy person on his job

(d) accepted the new job that was offered to him

(e) decided to use a different strategy to solve the problem

2. If we give them this concession, it will be (the thin end of the wedge). (I. Tax, 1994)

 (a) a compromise on principles

(b) the least we could do for them

(c) the beginning of further concessions

 (d) inadequate for their needs

3. All the political parties are (tarred with the same brush).

(a) work on the same principles

(b) have the same merits

(c) are treated equally

(d) possess the same defects

4. He was selected because he always manages to (steal a march) upon his opponents.

(a) resist          

(b) outshine         

(c) defy           

(d) challenge

5. He is always (picking holes) in every project. (Stenographers’ Exam, 1993)

(a) asking irrelevant questions on

(b) suggesting improvement in

 (c) finding fault with

 (d) creating problems in

6. Gambling makes a man (go broke).

(a) lose temper

(b) become rich

(c) become penniless

(d) sell all he has

7. Sanjay always (sets great store) by his father’s advice.

(a) laughs at

(b) values greatly

 (c) ignores

 (d) neglects

8. If Aura does not complete the work allotted to him properly, we shall (send him packing).(Bank P.O. 1994)

(a) put him in packing department

(b) give him our best wishes

 (c) give him another work

(d) recall with honor

 (e) terminate his services immediately

9. The operation was (touch and go) as new complications arose and were solved.

(a) safe       

(b) risky

(c) easy

(d) quick

10. It is not easy to (strike gold) in this particular matter because the man who has implemented the scheme is very shrewd.

(a) make money

(b) find a line of argument

(c) benefit from

(d) get good results

11. Caesar was (done to death) by the conspirators. (Clerks’ Grade, 1993)

(a) attacked

 (b) removed

(c) eliminated

(d) murdered

12. Lord Clive (won his laurels) in the battle of Plessey.

(a) fought bravely

(b) defeated his enemies

 (c) acquired distinction

(d) overpowered his enemies

13. He gave his erring son a (piece of his mind).

 (a) advised him

(b) scolded him

(c) encouraged him

 (d) suggested anew

14. His boss was always (breathing down his neck). (Assisting Grade, 1995)

(a) abusing and ill-treating him

(b) watching all his actions closely

 (c) shouting loudly at him

(d) giving him strenuous work

15. The best policy is (to let sleeping dogs lie).

 (a) to be liberal

(b) to be tolerant

(c) to be neutral

 (d) to avoid discussing troublesome matters


1. (a)        2. (c)

3. (d)       4. (b)

5. (c)       6. (c)

7. (b)       8. (e)

9. (6)       10. (b)

11. (d)     12. (c)

13. (b)     14. (b)

15. (d)

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