73. Reading Skills Comprehension: Vegetarianism

By | July 14, 2021
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Read the Passage Carefully and answers the Following Questions: –

1. Vegetarianism promotes a natural way of life. But despite its implicit message of universal love and non-violence, it has not spread as it should have. This may be because it usually is an inward-looking habit and is best cultivated in the mind.

2. Leading a vegetarian way of life helps the animal kingdom to coexist with man. Animals supply milk, manure and energy. This has been central to the Indian culture for thousands of years. A vegetarian lifestyle is natural, multifaceted and helps self-preservation in a healthy way. Food and health are closely related.

3. In India, a vegetarian is still divided as ‘vegans’ (pure vegetarians who do not take any food corning from the animal kingdom). Liao-vegetarians, who consume dairy products and facto-ova-vegetarians. The last category includes eggs. in addition to dairy products.

4. The Western science of food considers food as something to sustain the human body whereas the Indian science considers food as something which sustains not only the body but also maintains the purity of heart, mind and the soul Thus, an item of food which is injurious to the mind is not considered to be fit for consumption. even if it is otherwise beneficial to the body or satisfies the taste. The Indian food science does not give so much importance to proteins or even to a balanced diet but it gives importance to food that increases the strength of the body and its vitality.

5. Vegetarian foods provide an infinite variety of flavours whereas non-vegetarian foods hardly have any taste of their (mil Intact. non-vegetarian foods have to be seasoned with ingredients from the vegetable kingdom to make them palatable.

6. In most sports disciplines. vegetarians lead in endurance tests. You are what you cat” is an old saying and it is a fact that it is the food that makes a man. The food we eat, its quality, quantity, its timing and combination is of utmost importance to a healthy life.

7. It is significant to note that in the USA. nearly 30 to 40 million people have adopted vegetarianism in the last decade. More and more intellectuals in the UK, Germany. France, Switzerland, Italy. Israel. Mexico. Russia and its tinnier allies are gradually turning to a vegetarian diet not only on ethical and humanitarian grounds but also for health and ecological reasons. & In the UK. surveys have shown that medical hills of vegetarians are considerably lower than those of non-vegetarians. Further, the premium rates of insurance in some categories are also lower than those of non-vegetarians.


 Para 1. 1. Implicit (adjective): unquestioning 2. Cultivated (verb): grown

 Para 4. 1. Sustain (verb): support 2. Injurious (adjective): causing damage 3. Beneficial (adjective): useful 4. Balanced (adjective): inappropriate proportion 5. Virility (noun): power, energy

Para 5. 1. flavours (noun): smell and taste 2. ingredients (noun): components 3. palatable (adjective): savoury, agreeable to taste 4. seasoned (verb): to improve the flavour of food by adding spices, condiments

 Para 6. 1. endurance tests (noun): a test to measure the ability of a person to deal with physical activities 2. utmost (adjective): maximum

para 7. 1. intellectuals (noun): people possessing highly developed intellect 2. allies (noun): friends 3. ethical (adjective): moral

 Para 8. 1. premium (noun): instalment


1. Choose the correct option:

(a) People are opting for vegetarian food because of it……………

 (i) costs less                (ii) is easily available

(iii) keeps the body fit (iv) keeps the body and mind fit

(b) It is the………….   that makes a man.

 (i) money                    (ii) love

(iii) food                      (iv) doctor

 (c) A vegan can eat …………….

  (i) milk                       (ii) butter

 (iii) cake                     (iv) salad

(d) In India, a vegetarian is usually a ……………

(i) vegan                                  (ii) Lacto-vegetarian

 (iii) Lacto-ova-vegetarian       (iv) none

 (e) The antonym of the word ‘injurious’ is…………….

 (i) harmful                  (ii) profitable

 (iii) advantageous      (iv) painful

(f) The word ‘palatable’ means…………

   (i) good         (ii) agreeable to taste

 (iii) costly       (iv) cheap

2.Answer the following questions briefly:

 (a) What is meant by ‘vegans’?

(b) Describe non-vegetarian food.

 (c) What is the view of Western science about food?

(d) What is the view of Indian science about food?

(e) Explain the old saying—’You are what you eat’.

 (f) The word ‘virility’ used in the passage stands for 


1.(a) iv                    (b) iii            (c) iv              (d) ii             (e)iii              (f)ii

2.(a) Vegans are pure vegetarians who do not consume any food coming from the animal kingdom.

(b) Non-vegetarian food has no taste of its own. It is seasoned and laced with ingredients from plants to make it tasty.

(c) Western science considers food as something to sustain only the body.

 (d) The Indian science considers food as something that sustains not only the body but also purifies the heart, mind and soul.

(e) It means that the food we take, it is quality and quantity, its timing and combination, all play a vital role in building a healthy life.

 (f) strength, energy

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