NOC Full Form in English | Meaning of NOC

By | July 27, 2023

Edumantra has the best explained full form of NOC. Take advantage of freely available NOC full form at our website. Remain full of knowledge of  MEaning of NOC. We would like to tell that the full form of NOC is the Network Operations Center.

NOC full form, what does NOC stand for?

NOC Full form various possible NOC related full forms, Abbreviation, acronym, short form list and what does it means given below. Let’s see and clear doubts. 

1) NOC stands for Network Operations Center. It is also known as the network management center. NOC has one or more locations where the network is monitoring and control. NOCs are implemented for business organizations, public utilities, universities, and government agencies. NOC personnel are responsible for monitoring one or many networks may require special attention. 

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2) NOC Stands for No-Objective Certificate (In law). It is a type of legal certificate issued by any agency, organization, Institute or, in certain cases. NOC certification is a requirement at the most government-based department in Indian.  

NOC full form in networking

NOCNetwork Operations Center

NOCNetwork on Chip (Hardware)

NOCNetwork Operation Control 

NOC full form in company

NOC- Northrop Grumman Corporation

NOC- North Oil Company

NOC- National Oil Corporation

NOC- Nepal Oil Corporation

Also Read:-

NOC- Non-Objective Certificate

NOC- Notice of Change

NOCNational Olympic Committee

NOC- National Oceanography Centre

NOC- Non-Official Cover (Governmental)

NOC- Notice of Commencement (Governmental)

NOC- National Occupational Code (Governmental)

NOC- Nigeria Olympic Committee (Sports)

NOC- Notice of Coverage (Business)

NOC- Nursing Outcomes Classification (Medical)

NOC- Nature of Connection (Sociology)

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