Edumantra has the best explained HTML full form. Take advantage of freely available Full form of HTML at our website. Remain full of knowledge of HTML. We would like to tell that the full form of HTML is Hypertext Markup Language. 


The abbreviation or full form of HTML is Hypertext Mark-up Language

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Additional information about HTML

HTML is used in the development of web pages. It is immensely used for formatting web pages by highlighting different views of a given web page in terms of headers, titles, plain text, images, and sounds, and so on. HTML consists of tags. <> and </> denotes the opening and closing tags respectively.

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Structure of HTML –

<TITLE> …………….. </TITLE>

Description of the structure –

<HTML> </HTML>- Every HTML code should begin with <HTML> tag and end with </HTML> tag.
<HEAD> </HEAD> – It carries the header information about the HTML document.
<TITLE> </TITLE> – It is an optional tag, which when included in the code, displays the title at the header region of the web browser.
<BODY> </BODY> – It contains the main part of the code that is to be displayed on the web page. This section may comprise additional tags, few of which are discussed below:

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<p> </p> – This is a paragraph tag which is used to display the data in the form of paragraphs. This is an optional tag which when not used in the code, the data will be displayed in the form of continuous passage.
<br> – This tag signifies a page break.
<h1> </h1> – This tag denotes the font size of the text, digits or any characters included within the opening and
closing tags.
<b> </b> – The data displayed between the tags appears in bold.
<center> </center> – The data displayed between these tags appears in the center of the web page.

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