Everyone should know full forms of words related to everyone. This page provides best full form and tells what the full form of CCTV is. So your search for  CCTV full form is over. Page is dedicated to a basic full form. Go through and get meaning of CCTV


CCTV Definition

CCTV which elaborates to closed-circuit television is one of the basic security requirements for any major security area at large. There are just way too many uses of the CCTV’s. They are used in public transports, CCTV Full Form | What is Closed-Circuit Television (CCTV)malls, restaurants, movie theatres and all those areas which have a chance to have a security threat. There are just too many uses of the CCTV’s. The CCTV’s are used to keep an eye on the area at large sitting right in front of the computer monitor. The CCTV’s provide the user with the image of everything that is happening at a place and this is what helps provide one with premium evidence if something is wrong around.


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