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Full-Form of BBM:

BBM — Bachelor of Business Management

BBM Full-Form refers to the Bachelor of Business Management. BBM is essentially an undergraduate degree course that rims for a period of four years generally and is often called the Bachelor of Management Studies. It is created to help students obtain necessary skills and knowledge in areas which require the performance of leadership roles in the corporate and business world.

Bachelor of Business Management (BBM)

It is regarded similar to that of another undergraduate degree called the Bachelor of Business Administration (abbreviated as BBA), though it offers a greater emphasis on management skills and leadership qualities

A typical BBM facilitates students in specialising in a particular academic area such as Business Law. Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management. Strategic Management. Computer Application for business purposes, Organizational behaviour. Marketing, Ethics, Economics, Environment studies, Supply chain Management among many others. In India, a typical BBM course runs for a period of three years or six semesters. In order to be eligible to enrol in this course, a student must have successfully qualified the 10+2 exam or the Higher Secondary examination of a recognized Board in the country.

The student must have obtained at least 45 per cent marks in the examination and subjects such as finance, commerce, Economics, and Humanities are given preferences, though students from science backgrounds are not barred from applying for this course. A student who has finished three years of study under a Diploma program following the 10th standard can also apply to a BBM course. Additionally, a student who has finished two years of a professional course is also competent to apply to this course. The whole purpose of a BBM course would be instilled with analytical skills in the students and therefore, offers great career prospects to those who are part of it they can engage themselves in business or corporate environment, particularly in those areas where leadership skills are essential

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