How I Taught My Grandmother to Read Extract Based Questions and Answers

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read Extract Based Questions and Answers are given for your reference of individual paragraphs. The beauty of these questions is that these can also be used as Short answer type questions of the chapter.
Means if you don’t want to see the paragraphs and attempt the questions that is also good. These are also useful for teachers because they can be asked in the class, can also be given in the exam papers.

Extract based questions and Answers-
Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow in one or two lines.

1.“I could’ve asked somebody in this village but I was too embarrassed to do. I felt so very much dependent and helpless. We are well off but what use is money when I cannot be independent.”

(a) Who is ‘I’ in these lines?
(b) Why did she feel dependent?
(c) What does the phrase “well off” mean?
(d) What does the grandmother mean by ‘I could’ve asked somebody’ ?
(e) Why would she feel embarrassed ?
(f) What is ‘being independent’ according to her ?

Ans. – (a) ‘I’ in these lines is the grandmother whose name is Kristikka.
(b) She felt dependent because she was illiterate. She could not read on her own.
(c) The phrase “well off” means prosperous, to have sufficient amount of money.
(d) She could’ve asked somebody to read the story ‘Kashi Yatre’ to her.
(e) She feels embarrassed to reveal her inability to read and write.
(f) To be independent, according to her, is to be self-reliant, not seeking anybody’s help.

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Read the following extracts and answer the questions given below in short-

2.It is the story of an old lady and her ardent desire to go to Kashi or Varanasi.
(a) Who is the old lady?
(b) Why did she want to go to Kashi?
(c) What do you mean by ‘ardent desire’?

Ans. – (a) The old lady is the protagonist of Triveni’s novel Kashi Yatre.
(b) She wanted to go to Kashi to worship Lord Vishweshwara.
(c) Great eagerness.

Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow. Your answers should not exceed 2 to 3 lines-

3.“We have always touched the feet of God, elders and teachers. We consider that as a mark of respect. It is a great tradition but today the reverse has happened. ”
(a) To which traditional Indian custom is the speaker referring to in the above extract?
(b) What does the speaker consider as a mark of respect in the context of the story?
(c) What is the meaning of ‘reverse’? What reverse had happened on that day?
(d) What has happened now to this great Indian tradition ?
(e) What does the term “great tradition” refer to?
(f) What does the narrator mean by “reverse”?
(g) Why had this happened?

Ans. – (a) The traditional Indian custom referred to is touching the feet of God, elders and teachers.
(b) The speaker considers touching the feet of elders as a mark of respect.
(c) Reverse means ‘change something to opposite’. On that day, grandmother had touched the feet of her granddaughter.
(d) We have now forgotten this great Indian tradition.
(e) The “great tradition” refers to the tradition of touching the fret of elders.
(f) In the given extract the narrator meant that the opposite had happened as the grandmother touched the feet of the granddaughter.
(g) The “reverse” had happened as the granddaughter had taught her grandmother to read and write.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read Extract Based Questions and Answers

4.She nodded but did not reply. I did not understand and forgot about it. In the night after dinner, we were sleeping in the open terrace of the house. It was a summer night and there was full moon.
(a) Who are ‘she’ and ‘I’ in the above extract?
(b) What did ‘I’ forget about?
(c) What do you mean by the word ‘nodded’?
(d) What was ‘she’ upset about ?

Ans. – (a) ‘She’ and ‘I’ in the above extract are the grandmother and the narrator respectively.
(b) ‘I’ forgot about the grandmother’s crying and sadness.
(c) Move head in agreement.
(d) She was upset because she was not able to read.

5.I saw the determination on her face. Yet I laughed at her.
Who is ‘I’ in the above lines?
(b) What do you mean by determination? What determination is the narrator referring to?
(c) Why did ‘I’ laugh at her?

Ans. – (a) ‘I’ is the narrator.
(b) Determination means firmness of purpose. The narrator is referring to the determination of the grandmother for learning to read.
(c) ‘I’ laughed at her out of childish innocence.

6.At times, I used to regret not going to school, so I made sure that my children and grandchildren studied well.
Who is the speaker of these lines?
(b) What do you mean by ‘regret’? What did the speaker regret?
(c) What did the speaker decide to do?

Ans. – (a) The speaker of these lines is Krishatakka, the grandmother.
(b) Regret means feel sorry for something. The speaker regrets not going to school and thus not being educated.
(c) The speaker decides to learn to read and write.

7.“I knew that my student had passed with flying colours.”
Who are ‘I’ and ‘my student the above line?
(b) What test had ‘the student’ passed?
(c) What do you mean by ‘flying colour’?

Ans. – (a)‘I’ and ‘my student’ in the above line are the ‘narrator’ and the grandmother’ respectively.
(b) ‘The student’ had passed the test of reading independently.
(c) Extraordinary success.

8.But I knew I loved her immensely and there had to be some reason why she was talking to me. I looked at her face. It was unhappy and her eyes were filled with tears.
(a) Who are ‘I’ and ‘she’ in the above extract?
(b) What do you mean by ‘immense’? Whom does the narrator love immensely?
(c) Why was the grandmother unhappy?

Ans. – (a) ‘I’ and ‘she’ in the above extract, are the ‘narrator’ and the ‘grandmother’ respectively.
(b) ‘Immense’ means exceptionally great in extent. The narrator loves her grandmother immensely.
(c) The grandmother was unhappy because she felt helpless and dependent.

9.The amount of homework she did was ‘amazing. She would read, repeat, write and recite.
(a) Who is ‘she’ in the above lines? ‘What ‘homework’ is being talked about here?
(b) What is the meaning of ‘amazing’? Why was she so keen on doing the homework?
(c) What does this extract reveal °about the character of ‘she’?
Ans. – (a) ‘She’ is the grandmother in the above lines. The ‘homework’ is for learning how to read.
(b) ‘Amazing’ means outstandingly good. She was keen on doing the homework because she wanted to become independent by learning to read and write.
(c) This extract reveals that the grandmother was very dedicated and determined to attain her objective.

10.‘When I came back to my village, I saw my grandmother in tears. I was surprised, had never seen her cry even in the most difficult situations. What had happened? I was worried.”
Who is ‘I’ in the above extract? Where did she/he return from?
(b) Why was the grandmother in tears?
(c) What does the last line of the extract tell you about the grandmother’s character?
(d) Where had the narrator gone?
(e) What kinds of emotion were expressed in this extract? What is the word/phrase used to describe sadness?
(f) Why was the grandmother so depressed?
(g) Why was the narrator astounded to see her grandmother in such a situation ?
(h) What are the difficult situations that the grandmother must have faced in her life ?

Ans. – (a) ‘I’ is the ‘narrator’ in the above extract. She had returned after attending a wedding from the nearby village.
(b) The grandmother was in tears because she realised how helpless and dependent she was because of illiteracy.
(c) The last line tells us that the grandmother is very strong, resilient and tough.
(d) The narrator had gone for a wedding to the neighbouring village.
(e) Sadness, surprise/shock, anxiety. The phrase ‘in tears’ and the word ‘cry’ describes sadness.
(f) The grandmother was depressed because of her inability to read Triveni’s story by herself.
(g) The narrator was astonished to see her grandmother because she had been very courageous.
(h) The grandmother must have faced financial crisis, feuds in the family, etc. in her life.

11.“Her style was easy to read and very convincing. Her stories usually dealt with complex psychological problems in the lives of ordinary people and were always interesting.”
Whom does “her” in the above lines refers to?
(b)What does the narrator mean when she says, ‘Her style’? What is she referring to?
(c) Find a word from the extract that means to make someone believe in something.

Ans. – (a) Triveni, the popular writer.
(b) The narrator is talking about the style of writing that the writer Triveni uses. Triveni wrote stories that were convincing, easy to read and talked about complex psychological problems in the lives of ordinary people.
(c) Convincing

12.“My grandmother too never went to Kashi, and she identified herself with the novel’s protagonist. So more than anybody else she was the one most interested in knowing what happened next in the story and used to insist that I read the serial out to her.”
In what way did the grandmother relate to the central character of the story “Kashi Yatre”?
(b) Why did the grandmother not read the serial herself?
(c) The leading character in a drama, film or novel is called
Ans. – (a) The grandmother could relate to the central character of the story “Kashi Yatre” because they both had a strong desire to visit Kashi.
(b) The grandmother could not read the serial by herself as she could not read or write; grandmother was illiterate
(c) a protagonist.

13.“After hearing what happened next in Kashi Yatre, she would join her friends at the temple courtyard where we children would also gather to play hide and seek. She would discuss the latest episode with her friends. At that time, I never understood why there was so much of debate about the story”
What is “Kashi Yatre”
(b) Why did the women at the temple discuss the latest episode of “Kashi Yatre”?
(c) Can you give different Words that have the same meaning as ‘debate’
Ans. – (a) Kashi Yatre s a novel written by the Kannad writer, Triveni which appeared as a serial in the Kannad weekly, Karmaveera.
(b) The women at the temple would discuss the latest episode of Kashi Yatre as they could relate with the protagonist of the serial,
(c) Discussion , argument

14.“My grandmother, Krishtaka, never went to school, so she could not read. Every Wednesday, the magazine would come and I would read next episode of this story to her. ”
How did the grandmother know the details of the story published in her favourite magazine?
(b) Why had the grandmother not gone to school?
(c) Can you think of a word that has the same meaning as ‘not being able to read’?
(d) What magazine is referred to here ?
(e) Which story is referred to here ?
(f) Why did Krishtaka take interest in the story ?
Ans. – (a) The grandmother got to know the details of the story published in the favowite magazine as her granddaughter used to read it out to her.
(b) The grandmother had not gone to school because in her times people did not think it was important to educate girls.
(c) Illiterate.
(d) The magazine, is a weekly called ‘Karma Veera’.
(e) The story referred here is the story of an old woman in ‘Kashi Yatre’.
(f) Krishtaka took interest in the story because she identified herself with the protagonist of the story.

15.‘Avva came and sat next to me. Her affectionate bands touched my forehead. I realised she wanted to speak.”
What does the term Avva mean? What did Avva tell the narrator?
(b) What kind of relationship did Avva and the narrator share?
(c) Can you explain the phrase ‘affectionate hands’?
Ans. – (a)The term Awa means mother. Awa told her about her childhood, why she never went to school and asked her to teach her how to read and write.
(b) The relationship between the narrator and her grandmother was very close, warm, and loving.
(c) The phrase affectionate hands means that the grandmother was showing her affection and care with her hands as she gently touched her grand daughter’s feet.

16.“She was a good looking lady who was usually smiling. Even today I cannot forget the worried expression on her face.”
Why was “she” upset?
(b) What quality in ‘her” character is brought out by this episode?
(c) What does the word ‘express Ion’ mean in this context?
Ans. – (a)The grandmother was upset because she realised that she was helpless and dependent on others to read and write.
(b) Her determination becomes evident through this episode
(c) In this context, the word expression means ‘a look on someone’s face’

17.“For a good cause if you are determined, you can overcome any obstacle. I will work harder than anybody but I will do it. For learning there is no age bar.”
What is the “good cause” mentioned here?
(b)What light does this remark throw on the character of the speaker?
(c) Can you find a word that means a hindrance’ or ‘hurdle’ in the extract?
What does hard work refer to ?
What was the cause of this determination ?
Ans.- (a)
The good cause mentioned here is learning how to read and write.
(b)This remark brings out the fact that she is determined and hardworking.
(c) Obstacle
(d) Hard work refers to putting in a lot of efforts to learn to read and write.
(e) The cause of this determination was her helplessness in being able to read her favourite story.

18.“Then she did something unusual. She bent down and touched my feet. I was surprised and taken aback”
What was unusual about the gesture?
(b) Why did she behave in this manner?
(c) What does the narrator mean when she said she was taken aback?
Ans. – (a) It was unusual that a grandmother was touching the feet of a granddaughter, as the cultural custom is that the younger ones touch the feet of the elders as a mark of respect
(b)This gesture on her part was to honour and thank the person who had taught her to read and write.
(c) When the narrator said she was taken aback, she meant that she was startled.

19.“Now I am independent. It is my duly to respect a teacher.”
Who is the speaker?
(b) How had she become independent?
(c) How did she show her respect for her teacher?
Ans. – (a) The speaker of the extract is the grandmother.
(b) The grandmother had become independent as she no longer had to depend on others to read or write.
(c) The grandmother expressed her respect for her teacher by touching her feet.

20.“Secretly I bought Kashi Yatre which had been published as a novel by that time.”
What was kashi Yatre?
(b) Why had the narrator bought it “secretly”?
(c) Why did she buy “Kashi Yatre” for her?
Ans. – (a) “Kash Yatre” Was a novel,
(b) The narrator bought it secretly as she wanted It to be a surprise.
(c)The narrator bought “Kashi Yatre” for her grandmother as her grandmother loved the story and she wanted to give her a gift for completing her studies.

21.‘‘I am touching the feet of a teacher, not my granddaughter.’’
Who speaks the above line ?
(b) Why does the speaker touch the feet of the person much younger than her ?
(c) On whom did the speaker depend to read the magazines. ?
Ans. (a)
The speaker is the narrator’s grandmother.
(b) The speaker touched the feet of the person much younger than her because she has taught her to read confidently and independently.
(c) The speaker depended on her granddaughter to read the magazine.

22.“There was also a young orphan girl who falls in love but there was no money for the wedding. In the end, the old lady gives away all her savings without going to Kashi.”
Who is the young orphan girl mentioned in the extract ?
(b) Why does the old lady give away all her savings without going to Kashi ?
(c) Find out a phrasal verb from the extract.
Ans. (a) The young orphan girl is the character in the novel, ‘Kashi Yatre’.
(b) The old lady gave away the money to the girl for her marriage.
(c) ‘Gives away.’

23.“Later, she could repeat the entire test by heart.”
Who is the person referred to here as ‘she’ ?
(b) To what does the word ‘text’ refer here ?
(c) What does the speaker intend to do ?
Ans. (a) She is Sudha Murthy’s grandmother.
(b) The ‘text’ refers to the story of the episode.
(c) The speaker intends to tell that the grandmother was greatly fascinated with the episodes of the novel.

24.“I did return namaskara to her by touching her feet and gave my gift to my first student.”
Who was the narrator’s first student and what was the gift given to her ?
(b) How did the receiver react after getting the gift ?
(c) Is the narrator proud of her student ? How does she reveal this ?
Ans. (a) The narrator’s first student was the grandmother. She got a copy of the book ‘Kashi Yatre’.
(b) The grandmother was very happy and delighted.
(c) Yes, the narrator is proud of her student. She returns her namaskara by touching her grandmother’s feet.

25.“I have decided I want to learn the Kannada alphabet from tomorrow onwards.”
Who does ‘I’ in the above line refer to ?
(b) Why did the speaker want to learn the Kannada alphabet ?
(c) Which quality of the speaker is shown in the above line ?
Ans. (a) ‘I’ is the grandmother.
(b) The speaker wanted to learn the Kannada alphabet in order to be able to read without help.
(c) The above line shows her determination.

26.“Avva, don’t cry. What is the matter ? Can I help you in any way ?”
Why was the author’s grandmother crying ?
(b) How did the narrator help her ?
(c) What does this sentence tell us about the speaker ?
Ans.(a) The author’s grandmother was crying because she had not been able to read ‘Kashi Yatre’ independently.
(b) The narrator helped her by teaching her how to read.
(c) The speaker was concerned about her grandmother.