10. Article Writing on: Importance of Moral Values

By | July 25, 2020
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Article writing in English is a tough art and it is a part of CBSE Curriculum and  many other competitive Exams. We are providing article writing format giving some article writing samples. Go through these article writing questions and find relevant article writing topics and learn a different article English. These article writing examples will surely help you to create article writing for Common English.

Importance of Moral Values

Human society may not significantly sustain without human values. Values can be defined as moral standards that define a person’s behaviour. They are the essence of our personality and affect us to make decisions, deal with people and arrange our time and energy in our social and professional life. Values vary greatly among individuals. The character of each person is shaped by the set of values he/she relishes. ,

 Helpfulness, honesty, self-discipline is all examples of personalised values. People imbibe most of their values in the early years of their life from those they see around. Children are quick to absorb those values they see their parents and teachers exhibiting.

Childhood or rather teenage is the most crucial stage in a person’s life. It is at this time that one cultivates most of his moral standards. Hence, it is important to impart the right or positive values among children and students.

 Sharing, patience, hard work, curiosity, love are behavioural attitudes that get us through in life.

Families, teachers and educators play a crucial role in building values as children and students see them as role models. Also, human values are shaped by different phases and incidents in one’s life, especially in teenage and college life. Therefore, value creation is a continuous process. It also means amending one’s wrong behaviour.

Regular counselling sessions at school and moral education classes really help in this regard. Apart from this, since early childhood, parents and guardians should discuss with their children the importance of values. Making children help in household activities, making them share their toys and other stuff with their siblings, teaching them to respect their grandparents, etc., help in inculcating some most important values like patience and sharing among them.

Also, participation in school activities like organising events, doing group projects results in students acquiring values like adjustment and tolerance. Also, there are values intrinsic to a particular culture that make up one’s cultural identity and must always be taught.

As human values play a vital role in society, they are regarded as the basis for human beings to lead a better life. The holy books of all religions contain the values of a good life. Hence, the importance of values in a civilised society is immense.

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