The Hundred Dresses-II – Important Word-Meanings of difficult words

By | August 19, 2020
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The Hundred Dresses-II

By El Bsor Ester

Important Word-Meanings of difficult words  from the lesson- The Hundred Dresses-II


  [PAGE73] : Circling = moving round (आसपास घूमना); thoughtfully = thinking deeply (गहरा सोचना); shuffling = making sound of feet while walking (चलते समय पैरों से आवाज करना); tense = serious (गंभीर), deliberately = intentionally (जान-बूझकर); Indicated = showed (दिखाया); listened closely = heard attentively (ध्यान से सुना); holler = cry loudly (जोर-से चीखना); Pollack = a word suggesting anger (गुस्सा दर्शाने वाला शब्द; plenty = enough (काफी); unfamiliar = unacquainted (अपरिचित) I

 [PAGE 74] : Thoughtlessness = without thinking (बिना सोचे); unfortunate = unlucky (अभागा); stood by = supported (सहारा दिया); coward = lacking courage (कायर); mean = with bad mentality (कमीना); stole a glance = looked secretly (चोरी से देखा) I

 [PAGE 75] : Pretended = showy (दिखावापूर्ण); casualness = carelessness (लापरवाही); glowed= became hopeful (आशावान); forbidding = bad (बुरा); drizzly = rainy (बरसात वाला); damp = wet (गीला),. dismal = sad (उदास); gruffly = roughly (कठोरता से); dumb = unfeeling (बिना भावना के); gee = exclamation of joy (खुशी की अभिव्यक्ति); wisps = pieces (टुकड़े); pathway = footpath (फुटपाथ); kittens = young ones of cats (बिल्ली के बच्चे); shabby = simple and cheap (सादा एवं सस्ता) I

 [PAGE 76] : Make amends = patch up (समझौता करना); probably = perhaps (शायद); glowing = beautiful (सुंदर); conclusion = result (परिणाम); picking on someone = teasing someone (किसी को तंग करना) I

   [PAGE 77] : Mailed = sent by post (डाक से भेजना); defending = protecting (बचाना); tease = trouble someone (किसी को तंग करना); decorated = beautiful (सुंदर); I

 [PAGE 78] :Gifted = talented (गुणा); intently =swith attention (ध्यान से)., trimming = decorating (सजना); wreaths = garlands (मालाएँ); holly = a plant (एक पौधा); grocery = a provisions shop (किरयाने की दुकान);

 stacked = kept (रखा); candy = a sweet (मिठाई); cornucopias = decorative containers (सजावटी डिब्बे); shiny =  bright (चमकीला); reflected = shown back (परावर्तित किया); brilliancy = brightness (चमक) I

 [PAGE 79] : Blurred = unclear (धुंधला); gazed = looked intently (ध्यान से देखा); vivid = clear (स्पष्ट); stolidly = without any feeling   (बिना सोचे) I

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The Hundred Dresses-II -About the Author & Introduction

The Hundred Dresses-II – Theme of the Story

The Hundred Dresses-II – Short & Detailed Summary

The Hundred Dresses-II – Value Points of the Story

The Hundred Dresses-II – Summary in Hindi – Full Text

The Hundred Dresses-II – Multiple Choice Questions in Quiz

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The Hundred Dresses-II – Important Extra Questions- Very Short Answer Type

The Hundred Dresses-II – Important Extra Questions- Short Answer Type

The Hundred Dresses-II – Important Extra Questions- Long Answer Type