Footprints Without Feet Extra Questions | Board Material

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Footprints Without Feet Extra Questions

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Chapter- 5 English Language and Literature- Footprints Without Feet

Footprints Without Feet Extra Questions

By H.G. Wells

About the Author- H.G. Wells  – ­­­­ Footprints without Feet

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Herbert George Wells was born on 21 Sept. 1866 in England. He was a great writer who wrote novels, history and science fiction. The most famous works of H.G. Wells are The Time Machine, The Invisible Man and The Island of Doctor Moreau. He died on 13 August 1946.

Introduction of the lesson- Footprints without Feet

This story is about a scientist. His name was Griffin. One day he discovered a wonderful drug. This drug could make him invisible. He set his landlord’s house on fire. Then he took the drug. He became invisible. He could see everybody but nobody could see him.

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But it was very cold. He was without clothes. He went into a store. He passed his night there. He stole money and clothes from there. He went to a village called Iping. There he stayed at an inn. He stole some money. The police were called. But he became invisible and escaped from there.

Theme of the Story – Footprints without Feet

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The story Footprints without Feet describes the story of a brilliant scientist, Griffin, who degenerated himself into a lawless person. Griffin discovered that the human body could become transparent and invisible. But he misused his great discovery. He did not use the power of invisibility for the welfare of society and humanity at large. He misused it to threaten, trouble and beat innocent persons and rob them. He made illegal entries in stores and shops and stole things from there. He committed a burglary in a clergyman’s house in Iping. Griffin remained invisible or unseen only when he was without clothes. If he put on clothes, he lost his invisibility and could be seen by the people around him. The lesson gives a message that misuse of science and its great discoveries can make even a brilliant scientist like Griffin a monster and a threatening lawless person.

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Important Word-Meanings of difficult words from the lesson- Footprints without Feet

 [PAGE 26] : Imprints = impressions(छापचिन्ह ); gazed = looked fixedly (ध्यान से देखा )  ;remarkable = strange (अजीवविलछड ); descending = coming down (नीचे आते हुए ); progressing = moving ahead (आगे बढ़ते हुए ); fascinated = attracted (आकर्षित हुए ); faint = dim, light  (हल्का मद्द्यम );altogether = completely (पूरी तरह ); explanation = reason (कारण ); mystery = secret (रहस्य ); bewildered = confused (परेशान ); transparent = through which light can pass (पारदर्शी ); carried out = did, conducted (किया ); invisible = that which cannot be seen (अदृश्य ); swallowed = ate without chewing (निगला ); rare = not often seen (दुर्लभ ); drug = medicine (दवाऔषधि ); solid = not in liquid or gaseous form (ठोस ); brilliant= talented (प्रतिभाशाली ); lawless = not caring for law (स्वेच्छाचारी ); eject = to force someone out (जवरदस्ती निकालना ); revenge = vindictive feeling  (बदला )

 [PAGE 27] : Adventures = risky activities(जोखिम भरे काम ); by no means = not at all (बिलकुल नहीं ); bitterly = excessive (बहुत अधिक ); warmth = heat (गर्मी ); regard = concern (चिंता ); expense = spending of money (खर्च )  ; wrappers = paper covers (कागज के कवर ); settled down = laid comfortably (आराम से लेट गया ); managed = succeeded in  (सफल होना )

[PAGE 28] : Panicked = be afraid, confused (डर जाना , घवरा जाना ); gave chase = followed  (पीछा किया ); chill = very cold (बहुत ठंडक ); stock = store (भण्डार); space = room (स्थान ); shivering = trembling (काँपना )  ; side-whiskers = beard (दाढ़ी ); callously = without mercy (निर्दयता से )  ; arrival = reaching (पहुंचना ); appearance = outer form (बाहरी रूप ); effort = attempt ( प्रयत्न ); solitude = loneliness (अकेलापन ); disturbed = hindered (रुकावट डालना ); satisfied = contented (संतुस्ट )  ; eccentrical = whimsical (सनकी ); excuse = ignore (उपेच्छा करना , माफ़ करना ); irritable = easily annoyed (चिढ़चिढ़ा ); temper = nature (स्वभाव ); presently = soon (शीघ्र ही इस समय )  ; shortly = soon (शीघ्र )  ; curious = strange (विचित्र )  ; episode = event (घटना )  ; occurred = happened (घटित हुआ )  ; clergyman = priest (पादरी )  ; chink = sound of coins (पैसो की खनक )  ; poker = rod for poking fire  (कुरेदनी ); grasped = held firmly (कसकर पकड़ा )  ; firmly = steadily (मजबूती से ) ; surrender = submit (हार मानना )

[PAGE 29]: Amazement = surprise(हैरानी ); affair = matter (मामला ); furious = very angry (बहुत गुस्से में ); investigate = examine ( पड़ताल करना ); still = more (और अधिक ); sniff = act of sniffing ( नाक से साँस लेना ); bedpost = leg or stand of bed ( विस्तर का पाया ); terror = fear ( डर ); slam = shut forcefully ( जोर से बंद करना ); extraordinary = unusual ( असाधारण ); convinced = sure ( विस्वास होना ); haunted = visited by ghosts ( भूतहा ); spirit = ghost ( भूत , आत्मा )  ; moaned = cried with pain ( कराहा ); witchcraft = sorcery ( जादू -टोना )  ; burglary = theft (चोरी); suspected = doubted (संदेह हुआ )  ; suspicion = feeling of doubt ( शक )

[PAGE 30]: Quick tempered = short tempered( चिढ़चिढ़ा ); horrified = frightened ( डरा हुआ ); prevented = hindered, stopped ( रोका ); warrant = written official order (वारंट ); garment = clothing (कपड़ा ); struggling = fighting ( संघर्ष करते हुए )

 [PAGE 31]: Knocked = hit or striked(प्रहार ); unconscious = fainted ( बेहोश ); nervous = agitated, confused  ( उत्तेजित , परेशान )

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ENRICH YOUR VOCABULARYFootprints without Feet

 PAGE 26

Muddy- of mud, Imprints- impressions, Bare- without shoes, Gazed-stared, Remarkable- noticeable, Footmark- a footprint, Appeared- was seen Descending- coming down, Progressing- going ahead, Fascinated-attracted, Fainter- dim,Tik, Disappeared- vanished, Mystery- secret, Explanation- clarification, Bewildered- stunned, highly surprised, Transparent- crystal clear, Invisible- unseen, Swallowed- gulped down, Rare- extraordinary, Drugs- medicines, Solid- not hollow,Brilliant- (here) very bright, very competent or intelligent, Lawless- not obeying law, siting Eject- drive out, Revenge- retaliation,answering back, Wanderer-tramp,


Escaped- got away, Adventures- risky acts, Over- ended, Bitterly-severely, Warmth(here) a little heat, Regard(here) caring, Expense-cost, Wide-brimmed- having wide boundary, Wrappers- covers, Grocery-provisional store, Quilts- warm covers, Assistants- helpers,


Approaching- coming near, Panicked- got frightened, Chase- run after Chill- very cold, Stock(here) godown, Shivering- trembling, Hurried-went in a hurry, Suitable- proper, Bandages- bands, Whiskers- hairs on cheeks, Callously- cruelly, Robbed- looted, Eager- anxious, Unusual- not ordinary, Event- incident, Set all tongues wagging- made all people talk about,Solitude- loneliness Affected- made effect on,Eccentric- freaky Excuse- forgive, Irritable- angry, Temper- nature, Pretended- made an excuse, Curious- strange, Episode- event, Occurred— happened, tired Creeping- moving quietly, slowly, Chink- chinking sound, Poker- an instrument used in to stoke fire, Grasps- held firmly,


Amazement —surprise, Were up woke up, Opportunity– –chance, Peeped- peered, Investigate(here) to examine, Sniff(here) breathing from the nose, Leapt up- jumped up, Dashed- hit, Alive- –full of life, Springing- Jumping, Charged- attacked, Foremost- first, Terror- great fear Slam– smashed, Hysterics- great excitement, Convinced- sure, Haunted- visited, Spirits- ghosts,  Moaned— cried in pain, Witch-craft—black magic, Burglary(here) theft,While suspected—doubted Suspicion—doubt, Mysteriously—in a mysterious manner,


Quick-tempered—short-tempered, Furious—very angry, Horrified—Bar —Place where drinks are served, terrd, Garment—dress, clothing, Prevented—stopped, Get hold(here) arrest,

 PAGE 31

 Blows(here) attack of fists, Knocked—thrown down by force, Unconscious—senseless, Attempt—try, Hold(here) catch, Nervous—anxious, frightened, Excited—with excitement, Lay hand on—catch,

Summary in English- Footprints without Feet

Griffin was a brilliant scientist. He conducted many experiments. One day he discovered a wonderful drug. It could make him invisible. He took that drug and became invisible. He could see everybody but nobody could see him.

Griffin’s landlord did not like him. He tried to get his house vacated. Griffin became angry. He set the house on fire. Then he took the drug. He took off his clothes. He became invisible and went out.

It was winter. It was not easy to walk without clothes. Griffin had no money. So, he went into a big London store. He stole clothes from there. When he walked with those clothes, it seemed as if a headless man was walking. He took meat, coffee, sweets and wine from the kitchen of the store. Then he slept on a pile of quilts there.

The next morning he did not wake up in time. The shop assistants arrived and saw him. Griffin ran out of fear. The assistants ran after him. Griffin took off his clothes one by one. He became invisible again. But now he was shivering with cold. He entered the shop of a theatrical company. He wore bandages around his forehead. He also wore dark glasses, a false nose and whiskers. Griffin robbed some money of the shopkeeper. Then he took a train and reached Iping village.

 At Iping, Griffin booked two rooms at an inn. He paid the rent in advance. The name of the landlady was Mrs Hall. She tolerated the strange behaviour of Griffin. Soon Griffin spent the stolen money. He told the landlady that he had no cash. He said that he was expecting a cheque. The next day, he stole money from the house of the clergyman. The clergyman and his wife were surprised. They had not seen anybody coming. The room was empty. Even then the money was stolen.

After some time, the landlord and his wife found that Griffin’s room was open. They entered the room but there was nobody. Griffin’s clothes and bandages were lying on the floor. Suddenly, the hat jumped and struck Mrs Hall’s face. Then the chair jumped and charged at her. The couple was afraid. They thought that there were ghosts in the room. They cried and ran downstairs.

The neighbours gathered there. They thought that Griffin was responsible for all that. A policeman was called. Before that Griffin and Mrs Hall had a quarrel. Griffin became angry. He threw off his bandages, spectacles and a false nose. Now he was wearing clothes but his body was not visible above the neck. The people were horrified when they saw a headless man.

Just then the policeman came. He was also surprised when he saw a headless man. He tried to catch Griffin. But Griffin started taking off his clothes. He became invisible. Those who tried to catch him got blows out of the air. Soon Griffin became free. Nobody knew where to lay a hand on him. Griffin came out of the inn and started walking on the road. Now he was again a free man.

SHORT SUMMARY – Footprints without Feet

1. Muddy Imprints: Two boys were highly surprised. They saw muddy impressions on the steps of a house in London. They were the fresh footmarks of a barefooted man. The boys followed them. The impressions got fainter and finally disappeared.

2. The mystery of Footmarks: The mystery of footmarks was quite simple. The boys were following a scientist. He had just discovered how to make the human body transparent.

3. Griffin—Great but Eccentric Scientist: Griffin was a great scientist. He carried out many experiments to prove that the human body could become invisible. In the end, he swallowed some rare drugs and his body became transparent. He was a lawless person. taliftWlandlord disliked him and tried to eject him. In revenge, Griffin set his house on fire.

4.  Unseen when Naked: Griffin had to remove all his clothes if “‘, wanted to be unseen by the people. He belies a homeless wanderer without clothes. He had no money. He left footmarks as ticked.

5. In a Big London store: The air was bitterly cold. Griffin was naked. Instead of walking about the streets, he entered a London store for warmth. He enjoyed the pleasure of clothes and food freely. He fitted himself out with warm clothes there. He became fully dressed up with shoes, an overcoat and a hat. After putting on clothes, he became visible. He had cold meat and coffee, sweets and wine from the grocery store. He slept on a pile of quilts. He didn’t wake up until the assistants arrived the next morning. When they came near, he panicked and began to run. But he could become invisible only he was totally naked. So he took off his newly found clothes. Once more he became naked in the chill January air.

6. In Drury Lane: He hurried to Drury Lane, the centre of the theatre world. He found. a shop he was searching shop upstairs invisible. He came out Of the p wearing bandages around his forehead, do k glasses, false nose, side-whiskers and a large hat. Th. en, he attacked a shopkeeper and him of all the money he could find. robbed

7. Arrival in Iping Village: Griffin wanted to get away from the crowded London. He came to the village of Iping. He booked two rooms in a local inn. The arrival of a stranger of such strange appearance became the talk of the people. Mrs Hall tried to be friendly with her guest Griffin. He told that he didn’t want to be disturbed. He wanted to be alone. She thought that her guest was an eccentric scientist. She didn’t mind his strange habits and irritable temper. Griffin’s cash finished. He told a lie that he was expecting a cheque at any moment.

8. Clergyman Burgled: A strange episode occurred. A clergyman and his wife were awakened by the noises in the study very early in the morning. They came downstairs and heard the chink of money being taken from the desk. With poker in his hand, the clergyman flung open the door. He shouted, “surrender!” He was surprised to see the room empty. They looked under the desk, behind d the curtains and even up the chimney. one was there. They found the desk open. and the money was missing. They were highly surprised, couldn’t understand anything.

9. Mrs Hall’s Furniture Shows Strange Behaviour: The landlord and his wife (Mrs Hall) woke up very early. They found Griffin’s door wide open. Usually, it was shut and locked. They peeped around but found nobody. They found Griffin’s clothes and bandages were lying about. All of a sudden Mrs Hall heard a sniff close to her ear. A hat leapt up and dashed itself into her face. Then the chair became alive. They turned away in fear. Then the chair pushed them both out of the room. Then the door was slammed and locked after them. Mrs Hall almost fell down the stairs and started crying. The was sure that the room was haunted by spirits. The villagers suspected that the trouble was caused by witchcraft. When the news of burglary at the clergyman’s home became known, everyone doubted Griffin’s hand in it. This suspicion grew stronger when Griffin suddenly showed some ready cash. He had no cash before a few days.

10. Invisible Man Shows Himself: Mrs Hall went to Griffin’s room. He was there. She asked what he was doing to her chairs upstairs. She also asked how he entered a locked room. The scientist lost his temper. He became furious and cried “I’ll show you.” Suddenly he threw away all bandages, whiskers, spectacles and even nose. The horrified men in the bar were staring at a headless man!

11. Encounter with Constable Jeffers: The police constable who had been informed, arrived now. He was totally surprised to find that he was to arrest a man without a head. There followed a wonderful scene. The scientist (Griffin) started throwing his clothes one by one. He was becoming more and more invisible as he threw off one garment after another. Finally, the man became invisible. Some people who tried to hold him were beaten by the unseen blows that came from nowhere. In the end, Jailers was knocked unconscious. Nervous and excited people were crying “Hold him!” Griffin was invisible and free now. No one knew where to lay hands on him.

The line to Line Explanation in Hindi- Footprints without Feet

 पाठ का सम्पूर्ण हिंदी अनुवाद

[PAGE 26]: दो लड़को ने नंगे पाव के कीचड़ बाले ताज़ा पद चिन्हो की तरफ हैरानी से देखा कोई नंगे पाओ बाला व्यक्ति लंदन के मधय में स्थित एक मकान की सीढ़ियों पर क्या कर रहा था ? और बह व्यक्ति कहाँ था ?

लड़के धयान से देख ही रहे थे कि उन्हें एक विचित्र दृश्य देखने को मिला यहीं कहीं से एक ताज़ा पदचिन्ह प्रकट हुआ

उनके आगे सीढ़ियों से उतरते हुए तथा नीचे गली में जातें हुए एकएक करके और पदचिन्ह आगे बढ़ने लगें लड़के कोतुहलवश पीछा करने लगे आखिरकार कीचड़ भरे निशान मद्द्यम होते गए और फिर पूर्णतया लुप्त हो गए

इस रहस्य का कारण वास्तव में बहुत आसान था आश्रयचकित लड़के एक ऐसे वैज्ञानिक का पीछा कर रहे थे जिसने मानव शरीर को पारदर्शक बनाने की विधि खोज ली थी

यह सिद्द करने के लिए कि मानव शरीर को अदृश्य बनाया जा सकता है ग्रिफिन नामक वैज्ञानिक ने अनेक प्रयोग किये थे अंत में उसने कुछ दुर्लभ दवाइयाँ निगली तथा उसका शरीर एक शीशे की चादर की  तरह पारदर्शक बन गयायद्द्यपि बह शीशे की तरह ठोस ही रहा

यद्द्यपि ग्रिफिन एक तीव्र बुद्धि वाला वैज्ञानिक था , फिर भी बह काफी स्वेच्छाचारी व्यक्ति था उसका मकान मालिक उसे पसंद नहीं करता था और उसे अपने मकान से निकालना चाहता था वदला लेने के लिए ग्रिफिन ने मकान को आग लगा दी बिना दिखाई दिए भाग जाने के लिए उसे अपने कपड़े उतारने पढ़े इस प्रकार एक अदृश्य व्यक्ति वनकर बह बेघर होकर बिना कपड़ो और बिना पैसो के भटकने लगाजब तक उसके पाव कीचड़ में पढ़ गए और चलतेचलते उसके पाव के निशान बनने लगे थे

[PAGE 27 ] : उसने उन लड़को से आसानी से पीछा छुड़ा लिया जो लंदन में उसके कदमो के निशानों का पीछा कर रहे थे परन्तु उसके जोखिम भरे कार्य अभी पूरे नहीं हुए थे बिना वस्त्र पहने लंदन में घूमने के लिए उसने साल का गलत समय चुना था यह शीत ऋतू का समय था हवा बहुत अधिक ठंडी थी और बह कपड़ो के बिना नहीं रह सकता था गलियों  में इधरउधर घूमने की बजाय उसने गरमाहट के लिए लंदन के एक बढे स्टोर के अंदर जाने का निश्चय किया

स्टोर बंद होने का समय हुआ और जैसे ही दरवाजे वंद हुए ग्रिफिन को विना पैसे खर्च किये वस्त्र पहनने तथा खानेपीने  का आनद लेने का मौका मिल गया उसने संदूको और लिफाफो को खोला और सोयम को गर्म कपड़ो से सुसज्जित कर लिया बह जूते , ओवरकोट और खुला किनारे बाला टोप पहनकर शीघ्र ही पूरणतया सुसज्जित और दृश्य व्यक्ति बन गया भोजनालय के रसोईघर से उसे ठंडा मॉस और काफी मिली और भोजन करने के पश्चात् उसने करियाने के  स्टोर से प्राप्त मिठाइयों तथा मदिरा का सेवन किया अंत में बह एक रजाइयों के ढेर पर सो गया

यदि ग्रिफिन केवल ठीक समय पर जाग जाता तो भी सब कुछ ठीक रहता मगर हुआ ऐसा कि उसकी आँखे तब तक नहीं खुली जब तक दुकान के कर्मचारी अगली प्रातः बहा नहीं आ गए जब उसने उनमे से दो को आते देखा तो बह घबरा गया और भागने लगा

[ PAGE 28 ] : स्वाभाविक रूप से उन्होंने उसका पीछा किया अंत में बह अपने हाल ही में प्राप्त कपड़ो को शीघ्रता से उतारकर फेंक देने से वचने योग्य हो गया इसलिए एक बार फिर , उसने स्वयं को जनबरी की ठंडी हवा में अदृश्य मगर नंगा पाया

इस आशा में कि उसे अपने कंधे के ऊपर के खाली स्थान को छुपाने के लिए कुछ मिल जाएगा इस बार उसने एक नाटकीय कंपनी के स्टॉक को आज़माने का फैसला किया ठंड से कापते हुए बह Drury Lane ड्रामा संसार के केंद्र की ओर भागा

उसे शीघ्र ही एक उचित दुकान मिल गयी बह अदृश्य रूप से सीढ़ियों पर चढ़ा और थोड़ी देर पश्चात अपने माथे पर पट्टियां , काला चश्मा , नकली नाक , गुच्छे दार मूछे और एक लम्बा टोप पहने हुए बाहर आया बहा से विना दिखाई दिए भाग निकलने के लिए उसने दुकानदार पर पीछे से बढ़ी निर्दयता से प्रहार किया और इसके पश्चात उसे जो भी धन मिला , उसे लूटकर चलता वना

भीड़भाड़ बाले लंदन से बच भागने को उत्सुक , उसने आइपिंग गाँव की गाढ़ी पकड़ी जहा पर उसने एक स्थानीय सराय में दो कमरे बुक करवाय

सर्दिओ में सराय में एक अजनबी का आना एक असाधारण घटना थी सब लोग असाधारण वेशभूषा वाले अजनबी के आने की चर्चा करने लगे सराय की मालकिन श्री मती हॉल ने दोस्ताना रहने का भरसक प्रयत्न किया परन्तु ग्रिफिन तो बात करना ही नहीं चाहता था और उसने कहा , ” मेरे आइपिंग में आने का उद्देश्य एकांत प्राप्त करना ही है मैं चाहता हूँ कि मेरे काम में मुझे कोई तंग न करे इसके अतिरिक्त एक दुर्घटना के कारण मेरा चेहरा बिगड़ गया है

इस बात से संतुस्ट होकर कि उसका अतिथि एक सनकी वैज्ञानिक था और यह देखते हुए कि उसने किराया भी पेशगी दे दिया था , श्री मती हॉल उसे उसकी विचित्र आदतों और चिढ़चिढ़े स्वभाव के लिए छमा करने को तैयार हो गयी परन्तु चुराया हुआ पैसा अधिक देर तक न रह सका और शीघ्र ही ग्रिफिन को यह बात स्वीकार करनी पढ़ी कि उसके पास और नकद रुपया नहीं है मगर उसने बहाना बनाया कि उसे जल्दी ही एक चैक के आने की आशा है

उसके थोड़ी देर बाद एक अद्भुत घटना घटी बहुत प्रातः एक पादरी और उसकी पत्नी पढ़ने बाले कमरे में शोर सुनकर जाग उठे चुपके से नीचे आते हुए उन्हें पादरी के डैस्क में से धन निकाले जाने की आवाज सुनाई दी

हाथ में दृढ़ता से लोहे की चढ़ पकड़कर और बिना कोई शोर किये , पादरी ने एकदम कमरे का दरवाजा खोल दिया

आत्मसमर्पड़ करो

 [Page 29] : तब उसे यह देखकर हुई कि कमरा खाली था उसने और उसकी पत्नी ने मेज के नीचे , पर्दो के पीछे और यहाँ तक कि चिमनी में भी देखा कहीं किसी का कोई चिह्न नहीं था फिर भी डैस्क को खोला गया था और घर के खर्चे के पैसे गायब थे

असाधारण बात! ” पादरी सारा दिन यही कहता रहा

परन्तु यह इतनी असाधारण बात नहीं थी जितनी कि उस सुबह थोड़ी देर बाद श्री मती हॉल के कमरे फर्नीचर की स्तिथि हुई थी

सराय का मालिक और उसकी पत्नी सुबह जल्दी जाग गए और वैज्ञानिक के कमरे का दरवाजा एकदम खुला देखकर हैरान हुए प्रायः यह अंदर से बंद ही रहता था और इस पर ताला लगा रहता था और यदि कोई उसके कमरे में प्रवेश करता तो बह बहुत नाराज होता मौका इतना अच्छा था कि वे इसे खोना नहीं चाहते थे उन्होंने कमरे के चारो ओर झाँका , कोई दिखाई न दिया और छानबीन करने का निश्चय किया पलंग पर बिछे हुए कपड़े ठंडे थे जिससे यह स्पस्ट था कि वैज्ञानिक को विस्तर छोड़े काफी समय हो गया है और हैरानी की बात यह थी कि वे कपड़े और पट्टियां , जिन्हे वैज्ञानिक सदा पहने रहता था , कमरे में बिखरी पढ़ी थी

अचानक श्री मती हॉल ने अपने कान के समीप सांस लेने की आवाज़ सुनी एक चढ़ बाद विस्तर के पाय से टोप उछला और उसके चेहरे से टकराया तब कमरे की कुर्सी सजीव हो गयी हवा में उछलकर उसने सीधे अगली टांगो से उस पर आक्रमण किया जैसे ही बह और उसका पति भयभीत होकर जाने के लिए मुड़े , असाधारण कुर्सी ने उन्हें कमरे से बाहर धकेल दिया और उन पर दरवाजा बंद करके कमरे का ताला लगाती हुई प्रतीत हुई

श्री मती हॉल लगभग बेहोश होकर सीढ़ियों से गिर पढ़ी उसे विस्वाश हो गया कि कमरे में भूतप्रेत है और अज़नबी ने किसी तरह उनको फर्नीचर में दाखिल कर दिया था

मेरी वेचारी माँ उस कुर्सी पैर बैठती थी“, उसने करहाकर कहाजरा सोचो कि वही कुर्सी मेरे विरुद्ध खड़ी हो गयी है

पड़ोसियों की धारणा थी कि इस मुसीबत का कारण जादूटोना है, परन्तु जादूटोना हो, चाहे न हो ,जब पादरी के घर चोरी का समाचार फैला ,तो संदेह किया जाने लगा कि इसमें विचित्र वैज्ञानिक का हाथ था जब उसने एकदम नकद रुपये पेश किये तो यह संदेह ओर भी पक्का हो गया क्योकि उसने कुछ समय पहले ही स्वीकार किया था कि उसके पास नकद पैसे नहीं है

गुप्त रुपए से गाँव के किसी सिपाही को बुलाया गया सिपाही की प्रतीछा करने के बजाय श्री मती हॉल वैज्ञानिक के पास गयी जो रहस्य्मय तरीके से अपने खाली शयनकछ से प्रकट हुआ था

उसने पूछा , ” तुम ऊपर मेरी कुर्सी को क्या करते रहते हो ? और मैं जानना चाहती हूँ कि खाली कमरे में से तुम कैसे प्रकट हुए और तुमने तालाबंद कमरे में किस प्रकार प्रवेश किया

[Page 30 ] : वैज्ञानिक को सदैव जल्दी क्रोध आ जाता था , अब बह क्रोध से लालपीला हो गया

तुम नहीं जानती कि मैं कौन और क्या हूँ ! ” बह चिल्लायाठीक हैमैं तुम्हें दिखाऊंगा

अचानक उसने अपनी पट्टियां , मूछें , चश्मा और नकली नाक भी फेंक दी उसे ऐसा करने में केवल एक मिनट लगा बार (होटल ) में उपस्तिथ लोग भयभीत होकर बिना सिर के मनुष्य को आँखे फाड़फाड़ कर देखने लगे 

पुलिस का सिपाही , मिस्टर जैफरज़ , अब पहुंच गया था और बह यह जानकर बहुत हैरान हुआ कि उसे बिना सिर के मनुष्य को पकड़ना था परन्तु जैफरज को अपना कर्तव्य निभाने में आसानी से नहीं रोका जा सकता था यदि मजिस्ट्रेट ने एक व्यक्ति की गिरफ्तारी का वारंट दिया हो , तो उस व्यक्ति को पकड़ना ही पढता है चाहें उसका सिर हो या नहीं

तब बढ़ा विचित्र दृश्य देखने में आया जब सिपाही ने एक ऐसे व्यक्ति को पकड़ने का पर्यत्न किया जो अधिक अदृश्य होता जा रहा था क्योकि बह एकएक करके कपड़े उतार रहा था अंत में एक कमीज हवा में उडी और सिपाही ने पाया कि बह एक ऐसे व्यक्ति में संघर्ष करते पाया जिसे बह बिलकुल देख नहीं सकता था

[PAGE 31] : कुछ लोगो ने उसकी सहायता करने का प्रयत्न किया , परन्तु न जाने कहाँ से उन पर मार पढ़ने लगी

अंत में जब जैफरज़ ने अदृश्य वैज्ञानिक को पकड़ने का अंतिम प्रयास किया तो बह चोट खाकर बेहोश हो गया

लोग घबराकर चिल्लाये ,” उसे पकड़ोमगर कहना आसान था , करना नहीं ग्रिफिन ने स्वयं को आज़ाद करवा लिया था और अब कोई नहीं जानता था कि उसे कहाँ से पकड़ा जाय    

DETAILED SUMMARY in Hindi – Footprints without Feet

ग्रिफिन एक प्रतिभाशाली वैज्ञानिक था उसने अनेक प्रयोग किये एक दिन उसने एक अदभुत औषधि का आविष्कार किया यह उसको अद्र्स्य बना सकती थी उसने यह औषधि ली और अदृस्य बन गया बह प्रत्येक व्यक्ति को देख सकता था लेकिन उसे कोई भी नहीं देख सकता था

ग्रिफिन का मकान मालिक उसे पसंद नहीं करता था उसने अपना मकान खाली करवाने का प्रयास किया ग्रिफिन क्रोधित हो गया उसने घर को आग लगा दी तब उसने औषधि ली उसने अपने वस्त्र उतारे बह अदृश्य हो गया और बाहर चला गया

सर्दी का मौसम था बिना वस्त्रो के घूमना आसान नहीं था ग्रिफिन के पास पैसे नहीं थे इसलिए बह लंदन के एक बढे स्टोर में घुस गया उसने बहां से वस्त्र चुराएं जब बह उन कपड़ो को पहन कर चला तो ऐसा लग रहा था जैसे कि कोई बिना सिर के आदमी चल रहा हो उसने स्टोर की रसोई में से मॉस , काफी , मिठाईया और शराब ली तब बह बहा गद्दो (रजाइयों ) के एक ढेर पर सो गया

अगली सुबह बह समय पर नहीं उठा दूकान के सहायक पहुंचे और उसे देखा ग्रिफिन डर के मारे बाहर भागा सहायक उसके पीछे भागे ग्रिफिन ने एक -एक करके अपने वस्त्र उतार दिए बह पुनः अदृश्य बन गया लेकिन इस बार बह ठंड के कारण काँप रहा था बह एक नाटकीय कंपनी की दुकान में घुस गया उसने अपने माथें पर पट्टियां बाँधी उसने काले चश्मे , एक नकली नाक और मूछें भी पहनी ग्रिफिन ने दुकानदार का कुछ धन लूटा तब उसने गाढ़ी पकड़ी और आइपिंग गाँव पहुंच गया

आइपिंग में ग्रिफिन ने एक सराय में दो कमरें बुक करवाय उसने किराया पेशगी दे दिया सराय की मालकिन का नाम श्री मति हॉल था उसने ग्रिफिन के विचित्र व्यवहार को सहन किया शीघ्र ही ग्रिफिन ने चुराया हुआ धन खर्च कर दिया उसने सराय कि मालकिन को बताया कि उसके पास नकद पैसे नहीं है उसने कहा कि बह किसी भी समय चैक के आने की प्रतीच्छा कर रहा है अगले दिन उसने पादरी के घर से धन चुराया पादरी और उसकी पत्नी हैरान थे उन्होंने किसी को भी आते हुए नहीं देखा था कमरा खाली था फिर भी धन चोरी हो गया था

कुछ समय पश्चात् मालिक और उसकी पत्नी ने पाया कि ग्रिफिन का कमरा खुला हुआ था उन्होंने कमरे में प्रवेश किया लेकिन बहां कोई भी नहीं था ग्रिफिन के कपड़े और पट्टियां फर्श पर बिखरे हुए थे अचानक ही टोप उछला और श्री मति हॉल के मुहं पर जा लगा  तब कुर्सी उछली और उस पर हमला कर दिया दम्पंती डर गए उन्होंने सोचा कि कमरे में भूत थे वे चिल्लाये और सीढ़ियों से नीचे भागे

बहां पड़ोसी एकत्रित हो गए उन्होंने सोचा कि इसके लिए ग्रिफिन जिम्मेदार था एक सिपाही को बुलाया गया उससे पहले ग्रिफिन और श्री मती हॉल में लड़ाई हुई ग्रिफिन क्रोधित हो गया उसने अपनी पट्टियां , चश्मे और नकली नाक उतारकर फेक दिए अब उसने वस्त्र पहन रखे थे लेकिन गर्दन से ऊपर उसका शरीर अदृश्य था लोग भयभीत हो गए जब उन्होंने एक बिना सिर बाले आदमी को देखा

तभी सिपाही आ गया जब उसने एक बिना सिर के आदमी को देखा तो बह भी हैरान हो गया उसने ग्रिफिन को पकड़ने का प्रयास किया लेकिन ग्रिफिन ने अपने वस्त्र उतारने शुरू कर दिए बह अदृश्य बन गया जिन्होंने उसे पकड़ने का प्रयास किया उन्हें हवा में से घूसे लगे शीघ्र ही ग्रिफिन स्वतत्र हो गया कोई भी नहीं जानता था कि उसे पकड़ने के लिए कहा हाथ डाला जाय ग्रिफिन सराय से बाहर निकला और उसने सड़क पर चलना आरम्भ कर दिया अब बह पुनः एक स्वतत्र आदमी था 

Main Points of the Story – Footprints without Feet

  1. Two boys were surprised at the muddy footprints of a pair of bare feet.
  2. The boys followed those footmarks until they became fainter and finally completely disappeared.
  3. Griffin was a brilliant scientist who discovered that the human body could become invisible and transparent.
  4. Griffin became a lawless person.
  5. His landlord disliked him and wanted to eject him.
  6. In revenge, he set his house on fire.
  7. Griffin became a homeless wanderer without clothes and money.
  8. The air was bitterly cold in mid-winter and Griffin could not do without clothes.
  9. So, he entered a big London store to warm and feed himself
  10. The invisible man pleased himself with wine and sweets and fitted himself with warm clothes. He slept on a pile of quilts.
  11. Griffin could be invisible only when he was naked.
  12. Next morning, the employees came and saw him because he was dressed up.
  13. Griffin ran away and became invisible by throwing off his clothes one by one.
  14. He came to Drury Lane where he bandaged himself around the head, dark glasses, false nose, big bushy side-whiskers and a large hat in a shop.
  15. Griffin left crowded London and came to the village of Iping.
  16. Mrs Hall was pleased to have a guest in winter and tried to be friendly with her guest.
  17. The stranger snubbed Mrs Hall and told her not to disturb her anymore.
  18. Griffin had no cash and he burgled a clergyman’s house to get it.
  19. The surprised clergyman and his wife found their desk open and the money missing.
  20. They searched for the thief but were surprised not to find him anywhere.
  21. One day the landlord and his wife Mrs Hall, found their guest’s room widely open which was usually kept shut and locked.
  22. They came to the stranger’s room and found his hat hitting into Mrs Hall’s face.
  23. The chair started moving and pushed Mr and Mrs Hall out of the room.
  24. Mrs Hall felt that the house was haunted by spirits and ghosts. Even the villagers thought so.
  25. One day Mrs Hall asked her guest what he had been doing to her chair and how he entered a locked room.
  26. The scientist became furious and shouted, “I’ll show you.”
  27. Suddenly, he threw off bandages, whiskers, spectacles and even nose.
  28. Mrs Hall and the people in the bar were horrified staring at a headless man.
  29. The constable Jaffers was informed and he came to arrest the stranger.
  30. The policeman tried to get hold of a man who started throwing his garments one by one and became invisible.
  31. Jaffers and the people who came to help him were hit by blows from nowhere.
  32. Jaffers was knocked unconscious when he tried to hold on to the unseen scientist.

Following is the complete question bank for Footprints without Feet-

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS- Footprints without Feet

1.What was Griffin?

(A) scientist                             (B) clergyman

(C) shopkeeper                        (D) landlord

Ans. (A) scientist

2. Griffin discovered a medicine that could make his body ———-

 (A) large                                 (B) small

(C) invisible                             (D) all

 Ans. (C) invisible

3. Whose house did Griffin set on fire?

 (A) the landlord                      (B) the clergyman

 (C) Mrs Hall                            (D) the shopkeeper

Ans. (A) the landlord

4. Griffin swallowed certain rare drugs and his body became as ————- as a sheet of glass.

 (A) shining                              (B) thin

(C) transparent                        (D) thick

Ans. (C) transparent

5. What type of man was Griffin?

(A) brilliant scientist               (B) lawless person

(C) both (A) and (B)                 (D) none of the above

Ans. (C) both (A) and (B)

6. Who were following the muddy footprints?

(A) the landlord                       (B) two girls

 (C) Mr and Mrs Hall               (D) two boys

Ans. (D) two boys

7. Griffin left his muddy footprints on the steps of a house in the middle of ——————

(A) London                               (B) Paris

(C) Moscow                             (D) Iping

Ans. (A) London

8. Why was it a bad time to wander about in London without clothes?

(A) it was a rainy season        (B) it was very hot

 (C) it was bitterly cold           (D) none of the above

 Ans. (C) it was bitterly cold

9. For what did Griffin enter the big London store?

 (A) for coldness                      (B) for warmth

(C) for money                          (D) all of the above

Ans. (B) for warmth

10. What did Griffin do in the big London store?

(A) he wore shoes                         (B) he wore an overcoat

 (C) he ate cold meat and sweets (D) all of the above

 Ans. (D) all of the above

11. How did Griffin escape from the assistants?

 (A) by running hard                (B) by removing his newly worn clothes

(C) by hitting the assistants   (D) by hiding in a shed

Ans. (B) by removing his newly worn clothes

12. The shop of the theatrical company was situated at:

 (A) Drury Lane                        (B) London Lane

(C) Iping Lane                          (D) Griffin Lane

 Ans. (A) Drury Lane

13. Who did Griffin attack and rob all the money?

(A) the landlord                       (B) the assistance of the London store

 (C) the owner of the big London store (D) the owner of the theatrical company

 Ans. (D) the owner of the theatrical company

14. According to Mrs Hall, what type of a scientist was her guest?

(A) good                                  (B) brilliant

(C) eccentric                            (D) all of the above

 Ans. (C) eccentric

15. After making a theft in the shop of a theatrical company where did Griffin decide to go?

(A) Iping village                       (B) Oxford city

 (C) Paris                                 (D) London

 Ans. (A) Iping village

16. At Iping where did Griffin stay?

(A) in a hotel                           (B) in an inn

 (C) in a church                        (D) in a but

Ans. (B) in an inn

Extract Based / comprehension test  Questions and Answers of Footprints without Feet

Read the extracts, given below tetra fully and answer the questions that follow

1.”Extraordinary affair! the clergyman kept Raying for the rest of the day.”

(a) what was the of nosh miry allotter?

(b) Why did the celebrity repeal, the words?

 (c) What curious episode occurs in the study?

 (d) Who is the speaker talking about?

 Ans. (a) the clergyman heard someone in the room but when he opened it, he found no one there.

(b) He had experienced an extraordinary thing of listening to someone but not seeing anyone. He was shocked at it.

(c) The clergyman and his wife were awakened by the clink of money in his study room. But when they opened the door, there was nobody in the room.

(d) The clergyman is talking about the deeds of Griffin.

2. This time he decided to try the stock of a theatrical company in the hope of finding not only clothes but also something that would hide the empty space above his shoulders. Shivering with cold he hurried to Drury Lane, the centre of the theatre world.

(a) Who is ‘lie’ in the above extract?

(b) What was his decision?

 (c) What was his main purpose?

(d) What was the centre of the theatre world in London?

 Ans. (a) Griffin

(b) He decided to steal clothes from a theatrical company.

 (c) He wanted to protect himself from cold.

(d) Drury Lane was the centre of the theatre world.

3.”Soon, with shoes, an overcoat and a wide-brimmed hat, he became a fully dressed visible person”.

(a) Where was this man getting dressed?

 (b) Explain ‘fully dressed and visible person’.

(c) Name the person, the speaker is talking about?

(d) How did the invisible man first become visible?

Ans.  (a)  In a big London store.

 (b) The invisible man became visible when fully dressed.

 (c) Griffin

(d) He became visible when he dressed with warm clothes, an overcoat, shoes and wide-brimmed hat inside the London store.

4. Further footprints followed one after another, descending the steps and progressing down the street. The boys followed, fascinated, until the muddy impressions became fainter and fainter, and at last disappeared altogether.

(a) Who was gazing at these footprints and where were the steps?

 (b) What can be inferred about the person from the footprints?

(c) What surprised the two boys?

(d) Where were the footprints heading?

Ans. (a) Two boys were gazing the footsteps on the steps of a house.

 (b) The person was invisible.

 (c)A pair of travelling footprints, without an actual person making them, surprised the boys.

(d) The footprints descended towards the street.

5. The village constable was secretly seated for. Instead of waiting for the constable, Mrs Hall went to the scientist, who had some hew mysteriously appeared from his empty bedroom.

(a)Who seal line ilea village constable and why?

 (b) Whilst trouble the lady?

 (c) Where was gryphon appear?

(d) Why do you think brilliant but not a true scientist?

 Ans. (a) Mrs Hall mint liar the village constable as her tenant was suspected of burglary.

(b)She was troubled by her furniture that had come ‘alive’, and by how.

(c) Griffin had entered II locked room and come out of an empty one. Titling had somehow mysteriously appeared from his empty bedroom. 

(d)A true scientist uses his inventions for the good of humanity while Griffin uses it for selfish motives.

6. Mrs Hell almost fell down the stairs in hysterics. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits and that the stranger had somehow caused these to enter into her Await re.

(a) Why did Mrs Hall trip?

(b) What was her fear?

 (c) Who was the stranger?

(d) Why did Mrs Hall suspect Griffin of witchcraft?

Ans. (a) Mrs Hall was pushed out of the room by a chair. She got so scared that she tripped.

(b) She felt that the room was haunted by spirits and they had entered into her furniture.

(c) Mr Griffin, the scientist.

(d) When the furniture of Griffin’s room became alive and pushed her out of the room. She suspected it happened due to the witchcraft.

7. The feeling among the neighbours was that the trouble was caused by witchcraft. But witchcraft or not, when news of the burglary at the clergyman’s home became known, the strange scientist was strongly suspected of having had a hand in it. Suspicion grew even stronger when he suddenly produced some ready cash, though he had admitted not long before that he had no money.

(a) What did people think about the burglary?

(b) Why did the suspicion grow on the stranger?

(c) Who was suspected by whom and for what?

(d) What is the reference to money and its significance?

 Ans. (a) People suspected the scientist for the burglary.

(b) Suspicion grew strongly on him because he had ready cash though he had admitted earlier that he had no money.

(c) Griffin was suspected of having a hand in robbing the clergyman, by the residents of! ping village,

(d) Griffin paid his dues in the inn after the robbery at the clergyman’s, making the reference signature.

Main Characters of the Story- Footprints without Feet

1.Griffin: Griffin was an extraordinary and brilliant scientist. He discovered that the human body could become invisible and transparent as a sheet of glass. It was the result of his long and constant experimentation. However, he misused his discovery only for his personal gains, committing theft and burglaries and beating and robbing innocent persons. He could have earned fame and respect had he utilised his great discovery for the welfare of humanity. But his activities made him a lawless and an anarchist.

His invisibility was possible only when he didn’t wear any clothes. If dressed up, he could lose his invisibility. He had to remain without clothes even in the chilly weather, of midwinter to remain invisible. He had to make illegal entries and burglaries in a clergyman s house, a big sate store in London and a shop in Drury Lane. This brought him to disrepute and dishonour instead of fame and respect.

2. Mrs Hall: The landlord’s wife at the local inn in Iping. She was more than happy to receive a guest in the lean season. Mrs Hall was convinced that her strange guest was an eccentric scientist. She excused his strange habits and irritable behaviour because he had paid her in advance. When she noticed the strange behaviour of her furniture in her guest room. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits. She dared to question even the eccentric scientist, Griffin. She also asked how he entered a locked room.

3. Jaffers: He is the village constable. He is a very determined person. He is called to the inn when the stranger unveils himself and creates chaos. He was quite surprised to find that he had to arrest a man without a head. But Jaffers couldn’t be easily prevented from doing his duty. The constable tried to catch hold of a person whom he couldn’t see at all. In the end, Jaffers made the last attempt to hold on to the unseen scientist, Griffin. Jaffers was knocked down unconscious.

Short Answer Type Important QuestionsFootprints without Feet

1. Why was Mrs Hall angry with Griffin, the strange scientist?

 Ans. Griffin had attacked Mr and Mrs Hall and even threw her mother’s chair at her. Moreover, Griffin had not paid the rent for a long time. This made Mrs Hall angry.

2. How did Griffin try to get rid of Mrs Hall’s accusations?

Ans. Griffin got furious with Mrs Hall’s accusation of stealing money and of not paying her rent. He threw off his bandages, spectacles and became invisible. He hit everyone and escaped from there.

3. Why did Griffin set the landlord’s house on fire?                                              

 Ans. Griffin was not liked by his landlord. He decided to take revenge on him, so one day he set his house on fire. Moreover, he did not want anyone to know about his secret discovery

4. How did Griffin escape from the London store?                                                       

Ans. When two attendants of the store discovered Griffin, they chased him. Hence, in order to protect himself, he threw away his clothes and became invisible and escaped from the London store.

5. How did Griffin become invisible?

 Ans. Griffin swallowed a concoction of certain rare drugs that made his body transparent like glass, and also, solid as glass.

6. Why were the landlord and his wife surprised to see the scientist’s door open?

Ans. They were surprised because typically the door to the scientist’s room was shut and locked, and he would be very angry if anyone entered it.

7. Why did Griffin go inside a big London store?

 Ans. Griffin went inside a big London store to gain some warmth, find a place for the night, and also to put on some clothes.

8. Why did Griffin not get a suitable house to live in?

 Ans. Griffin was a lawless person, who was largely disliked by all. When his landlord tried to evict him, he set fire to the house and escaped due to his invisibility. Thereafter, it became difficult for him to find a proper place to live in.

9. How did Griffin try to become visible?

Ans. Griffin went into a shop in Drury Lane, the heart of the theatre world, with the aim of finding something to wear, and becoming visible. He emerged from the shop wearing bandages around his forehead, dark glasses, a false nose, bushy sideburns and a large hat.

10. Why were the two boys surprised when they saw the imprints of a pair of bare feet?

Ans. The two boys could see muddy footprints on the steps of a house in central London, descending towards the street. It was surprising to see the footprints without seeing anybody making them.

11. How did he save himself from the chasing staff of the store?         

Ans. When Griffin saw that the salesmen of the store were coming near him, he took off all his clothes and became invisible. He did not have any other choice to save himself.

12. What was so strange about the furniture of Mrs Hall?


 Why was Mrs Hall hysterical and fell down the stairs?                        

 Ans. When Mrs Hall went to see the invisible man in his room, she found the bedroom chair became alive, springing into the air, it charged straight into her. Then the chair pushed both husband and wife out of the room. She felt that spirits have entered into her furniture and she became hysterical.

13. What did he do inside the shop?

Ans. Inside the London store, Griffin wore woollen clothes. He wore shoes, an overcoat and a hat. He ate cold meat and drank coffee. He enjoyed sweets and wine also. Then he slept on a pile of quilts.

14. What happened when Griffin didn’t wake up in time?

  Ans. Griffin entered a big London store. There he slept on a pile of quilts. The next morning he did not wake up in time. The shop assistants opened the door. They found Griffin sleeping.

15. How did he escape from the London store?

Ans. Griffin got up and tried to escape. The assistants ran after him. But Griffin took off his clothes one by one. He became invisible and escaped.

16. What did Griffin do in the shop of a theatrical company?

Ans. Griffin entered the shop of a theatrical company. He wore bandages around his forehead. Then he wore dark glasses, a false nose and a big hat. He put side whiskers also. Then he attacked the shopkeeper. He robbed him of his money and came out.

17. Why were the landlord and his wife surprised to see the scientist’s door wide open?

Ans. The scientist always kept his room locked. He got angry if anybody tried to enter his room. So, the landlord and his wife were surprised when they found his door wide open. It was an unusual thing.

18. What did the scientist do when he became furious? Why were the people in the bar horrified?

Ans. The scientist became angry. He took off his bandages, false nose and side whiskers. But he was still wearing his clothes. The people in the bar were horrified when they saw a headless man.

19. What happens to the constable?

Ans. The policeman tried to catch Griffin. But he looked a headless man. Griffin hit the constable. Then Griffin took off his clothes and became totally invisible. The constable was hit by unseen blows. Griffin knocked him unconscious.

20. Why did Griffin set the house of the landlord on fire?

Ans. Griffin was a lawless man. His landlord disliked him. He tried to eject him from his house. Griffin became angry. He wanted to take revenge upon him. So he set fire to his house.

21. What reason did Griffin give Mrs Hall for coming to Iping?

Ans. Griffin told Mrs. The hall that he had come to Iping for having rest. He said that he did not want to be disturbed in his work. He told her that his face had been affected in an accident.

22. What did Griffin do in the house of the clergyman?

Ans. Griffin ran short of money. He decided to steal it from the clergyman’s house. He entered the house invisibly and stole money from his desk.

23. How did Griffin become a homeless wanderer without clothes?

Ans. Griffin was a lawless scientist. He wanted to take revenge on his landlord. He set his house on fire. Then he took some rare drugs. He became invisible. He took off his clothes and came out. Thus he became a homeless wanderer without clothes.

24. Why was the time bad for Griffin, the scientist, to become invisible?

Ans. Griffin removed his clothes and became invisible. It was the month of January. The air was very cold. He started shivering with cold. Thus the time was bad for Griffin to become invisible.

25. How did Griffin save himself from the cold of January?

Ans. Griffin was shivering with cold. He entered a big store. After some time, the store was closed. Griffin Wore warm clothes. Then he slept on a pile of quilts. Thus he saved himself from the cold.

26. Why was there an empty space above the shoulders even when Griffin was fully clothed?

Ans. Griffin’s body had become totally invisible. He became fully clothed. But the space over his shoulders remained uncovered. Therefore, there was an empty space above his shoulders.

27. What discovery did Griffin make?

Ans. Griffin was a brilliant scientist. He made some experiments to show that the human body could be made transparent. At last, he discovered a rare drug. He took this drug and his body became as transparent as a sheet of glass.

28. Why were the two boys in London surprised and fascinated?

Ans. The two boys in London saw the muddy footprints. The footprints were fresh. But they could not see any man. The footprints moved on. Soon these prints disappeared. So, the two boys were surprised and fascinated.

29. The scientist (Griffin) slipped into a big London store because:

 (a)he wanted to rob the shop.

 (b) he wanted to buy clothes.

(c) the cold was unbearable.

(d) he was very hungry.                                             Or

Why did Griffin slip into a big London store?

Ans. Griffin slipped into a big London store because the cold was unbearable.

 Q30. Why were the two boys surprised and fascinated?

Ans. The two boys were highly surprised. They saw fresh muddy imprints of a pair of bare feet. They wondered what a barefooted man doing on the steps of a house in the middle of London. They saw only the footsteps but didn’t see the man whose marks they were. As they gazed, a fresh foot mark appeared from nowhere. The boys followed them fascinated. The marks became fainter and disappeared altogether.

Q31. What was the explanation of the mystery of the footmarks? Who was responsible for them?

Ans. The explanation of the mystery of the footmarks was really simple enough. Those footmarks were of a scientist. He was Griffin. Griffin carried out many experiments. He succeeded in proving that the human body could become invisible. Those were the footmarks of the invisible scientist Griffin.

Q32. How did Griffin succeed in becoming invisible? What was the result of his experiments?

Ans. Griffin was a brilliant scientist. He had carried out an experiment after experiment. He wanted to prove that the human body could become invisible. His experiments succeeded. He swallowed certain rare drugs. His body became as transparent as a sheet of glass. Its status didn’t undergo any change. It remained solid as glass.

Q33. How and why did a brilliant scientist like Griffin degenerate into a lawless and homeless wanderer?

Ans. There can’t be any doubt that Griffin was a brilliant scientist. After all, the man who discovered invisibility of the human body couldn’t be an ordinary person. But he misused the discovery. He utilised it for his petty interests. He indulged in petty thefts, burglaries and beatings of innocent persons. He made illegal and unlawful entries in stores and shops only to feed and dress without paying anything. All these illegal activities made him a lawless person and an anarchist.

Q34. How did Griffin become a homeless wanderer without clothes and money?


Who set his landlord’s house on fire and why?

Ans. Invisibility made Griffin a lawless person. He was living in a rented house in London. His landlord disliked him. He tried to eject Griffin. The scientist was determined to take revenge. In revenge, Griffin set fire to the house. Now he became a homeless wanderer without money. To become invisible, he had to remove his clothes completely.

 Q35. What made Griffin enter a big store in London?


What did the clothless and homeless wanderer Griffin decide to get warmth in mid-winter?

Ans. Griffin was a homeless wanderer without money. He had to be without clothes to remain invisible. It was a bad time of the year for such a person in London. It was mid-winter. The air was bitterly cold. He couldn’t do without clothes. So, he decided to slip into a big London store for warmth.

Q36. What did Griffin do in a big store in London?

Ans. First of all, a clothless wanderer in mid-winter needed some warmth. As the doors of a big London store were shut, Griffin first looked for clothes. He broke open boxes and fitted himself out with warm clothes. He became fully dressed in shoes, an overcoat and a hat. Then he fed himself on cold meat, coffee, sweets and wine taken from the grocery store. Finally, he lay down to sleep on a pile of quilts.

Q37. What mistake did Griffin make while he was in a big London store? What should have he done?


Why did Griffin find himself invisible and naked in chill January again after running from the big London store?

Ans.No doubt, Griffin got what he was searching for in the big London store. He dressed fully and fed himself on cold meat, wine etc. He lay down comfortably and slept on a pile of quilts. Had he woken up early before the coming of the employees in the morning, all might have been well. Fully dressed, he was easily seen now. He panicked and began to run. He was able to escape only by throwing all his clothes away. So, once more, Griffin found himself invisible but naked in the chill January air.

Q38. Why did Griffin hurry to Drury Lane, the centre of the theatre world?

Ans. The invisible but naked Griffin decided to try the stock of a theatrical company in London. He hoped of not only finding clothes for himself but also something that would hide the empty space above his shoulder. He hurried to Drury Lane, the centre of the theatre world. He made his way, invisible, upstairs. He came out a little later. He was wearing bandages around his forehead, dark glasses, a false nose, big bushy side-whiskers, and a large hat.

Q39. Why did Griffin decide to leave London and come to the village of Iping?

Ans. Griffin wanted to get away from crowded London. He wanted to live alone in isolation away from the searching eyes of the people. So he took a train to the village of Iping. He wanted to lead a peaceful and undisturbed life in the village. He booked two rooms at the local inn.

Q40. How did the arrival of Griffin at the Iping inn was taken by the people and the landlady Mrs Hall?

 Ans. Griffin arrived at an inn in the village of Iping in winter. It was quite an unusual event in that season. Moreover, the stranger was of an unusual appearance. It set all tongues wagging in the village. Mrs Hall, the landlord’s wife, tried to be friendly with him but was snubbed. She was prepared to excuse Griffin’s strange habits and irritable temper because the eccentric scientist had paid her in advance.

Q41. Why did the landlady Mrs Hall try to be friendly and prepared to excuse Griffin’s irritable habits?

Ans. It was winter. It was quite unusual to visit Iping in winter. So, Mrs Hall, the landlady felt obliged to get a guest in such a season. So, she tried to be friendly with him. Griffin snubbed her and asked her not to disturb him for nothing. Mrs Hall was prepared to excuse the strange guest because he had paid her in advance. She thought him an eccentric scientist. She tolerated the strange habits and irritable manner of the eccentric scientist.

Q42. Why did Griffin have to burgle a clergyman’s house in Iping?

Ans. All the stolen money didn’t last long. He had no more ready cash. He pretended to Mrs Hall that he was expecting a cheque to arrive at any moment. He needed money immediately. The burglary committed by Griffin in a clergyman’s house very early in the morning was a desperate attempt to steal some cash.

Q43. Describe the burglary committed very early morning at a clergyman’s house in !ping.

Ans. A clergyman and his wife were awakened by the noises in the study. When they came downstairs, they heard the chink of money being taken from the clergyman’s desk. He flung open the door and cried, “Surrender!” They were surprised to realise that the room was empty. The desk was open and money missing. They looked under the desk, behind the curtains and even up the chimney. They found nobody anywhere. The poor couple couldn’t realise that the invisible man, Griffin, decamped unseen with the money.

Q44. What did Mr and Mrs Hall do when they found Griffin’s room wide open? Why were they surprised?

Ans. The landlord and his wife woke up early. They were surprised to see the scientist’s door wide open. Usually, it was shut and locked. He was furious if anyone entered his room. They peeped around but found nobody. The bedclothes were cold. It meant that the scientist must have woken up long ago. The bandages and clothes that the stranger always wore were lying about in the room.

Q45. Describe the strange behaviour of Mrs Hall’s furniture. How did the chair start moving and push Mr and Mrs Hall out of the room?

Ans. All of a sudden, Mrs Hall heard a sniff close to her ear. A moment the hat on the bed-post of Griffin’s room leapt up. It dashed itself into her face. Then, the bedroom chair started moving. Mrs Hall and her husband turned away in terror. The chair pushed them both out of the room. The door was locked after them. All these strange activities were done by the invisible man.

Q46. Why did Mrs Hall think that the room was haunted by ghosts? What did the neighbours think about the strange incident, the movement of furniture in the stranger’s room?

 Ans. Mrs Hall was highly surprised and terrified to see the furniture in her guest’s room moving and dancing. She saw how out chair the prior, should an uh der the dd ohoerr whuss bsahnudt and locked. She thought that the room was haunted by spirits and ghosts. The stranger had somehow caused those spirits to enter into her furniture. The neighbours thought that the trouble was caused by witchcraft.

Q47. What and why did Griffin show himself to Mrs Hall and why were the people in the bar horrified?

 Ans. Mrs Hall wanted to know how the stranger came out of an empty room and how he entered a locked room. And what he had been doing to her chair upstairs. This made Griffin furious and he cried, “Very well—I’ll show you.” Suddenly he threw off bandages, whiskers, spectacles and even nose. Mrs Hall was shocked and the people in the bar were horrified and found themselves staring at a headless man!

 Q48. Why did no one know where to lay hands on Griffin during the encounter of the invisible man with the constable, Mr Jaffers?

 Ans. Mr Jaffers was informed and he arrived to arrest Griffin. He was quite surprised to find that he had to arrest a man without a head. The policeman ran to get hold of a man who was throwing off one garment after another. At last, Griffin became invisible when he threw off his shirt finally in the air. The constable was struggling to arrest him. Those who came to Jaffer’s help were hit by blows that came from nowhere. Jaffers was knocked down unconscious. Griffin had shaken himself free and no one knew where to lay hands on him.

Important Long/ Detailed Answer Type Questions- to be answered in about 100 -150 words each

1. How would you assess Griffin as a scientist and a human being? What qualities or values would you suggest will make him a better person?

 Ans. Griffin was an eccentric scientist who had discovered a rare drug which could make him invisible. Griffin became invisible not for. The welfare of the society but to satisfy his own ego and carry out satanic deeds. He was a brilliant scientist but not a law abiding person. He was a criminal scientist who had no respect for humanity. He stole money from the clergyman’s house, set the landlord’s house on fire and even killed his father for his own benefit. He was not also a good human being. He was rude to everyone. When everyone asked about his secret, he hit them and escaped becoming invisible. I would like to suggest him to imbibe empathy, kindness, helpfulness, honesty, generosity, social responsibility, etc. These values will make him a better person. He should have used his discovery for the benefit of society and his country.

2. Mrs Hall found the scientist rather eccentric. How can he be helped to lead a normal life? Highlight the values that can help him become a better person.                       

 Ans. Griffin was an eccentric scientist who had come to Ping in a desire for solitude. He did not wish to be disturbed and moreover, he had come to the town at that time of winter when no one comes. Mrs Hall found him eccentric also because of his looks. He was overdressed with all parts of his body covered. He was wearing dark glasses, big bushy side whiskers and a large hat all the time, even at night. He could be helped to lead a normal life by guiding him patiently. He should be counselled to work for the welfare of society. The values of empathy, social responsibility, kindness, helpfulness, honesty to his profession, generosity can help Griffin to become a better person.

3. Griffin was his own enemy. What typical traits of his character led to his downfall? Mention some of the values he should have possessed.

Ans. Griffin was truly his own enemy. He was short-tempered, violent and lawless. Being a person prone to anger, and a scientist, proved to be a dangerous combination. He would attack without provocation, as he did the Drury Lane shopkeeper. Despite being invisible, he was careless enough to be ‘discovered’ stealing at the clergyman’s house. Thus, all these character flaws, i.e., inexplicable anger, aggression, hostility, restlessness, vexation and uncontrolled behaviour led to his downfall.

4. Griffin’s unlawful activities devalue his scientific discovery. What are some of the qualities that he should develop?

Ans. Griffin was a scientist who had actually made a major discovery, that of invisibility. However, his illegal activities greatly undermined his discovery. People were afraid of him and did not recognize his achievement due to his anger and violent nature. Griffin ought to have been more tolerant and patient. Instead of terrorizing people with his discovery, he should have exercised discretion, and gradually revealed himself to the world. Patience would have been an asset for him, as would have common sense!

5. How did Griffin steal money from the clergyman’s house? How did he escape arrest?


 Narrate the adventure of Griffin in the village Iping.

Ans. Griffin came to live at village Aping. One day, he ran short of money. He had to pay the rent to the innkeeper. He made himself invisible. He entered the clergyman’s house. He took money from the desk. When he was taking away the money, the clergyman and his wife heard the sound. They came downstairs to look into the matter. They opened the door and looked into the room. But nobody was there. Griffin came back to his room and paid the dues to the landlady. But the neighbours suspected Griffin. Mrs Hall called a policeman. He tried to arrest Griffin. But Griffin made himself invisible and escaped arrest.

6. What was the curious episode that took place in the clergyman’s study?

Ans. One day, early in the morning some sounds came from the study. The clergyman and his wife were awakened. They came downstairs. They heard the chink of money from the study. It was clear that someone was taking away money from the clergyman’s desk. The clergyman took a poker in his hand. He carefully opened the door. He expected to find a thief in the room. So he shouted and asked the man to give in. But he found the room empty. They were surprised. He and his wife looked under the desk. They looked behind the curtains. They even checked the chimney. But they did not find anybody. However, the desk had been opened. They found that money was missing from the desk. This was really a curious episode.

7. Why did Griffin enter the big London store? What did he do there? How he was finally obliged to leave it?


Describe Griffin’s adventures in a London store?

Ans. Griffin set fire to his landlord’s house. Then he took a drug and became invisible. But he had to remove his clothes. It was the middle of winter. The air was very cold. He reached a London store. Before the closing time, he entered the store. After some time, the store was closed. Now he was free. He broke open boxes and wrappers. He took out some clothes and wore them. He was feeling hungry. So he went into the kitchen. He ate cold meat and drank coffee. Then he lay on a pile of quilts. The next morning, he did not get up in time. The shop assistants reached. They found Griffin sleeping on quilts. He woke up and tried to run away. The servants ran after him. Griffin again took off his clothes one by one. He became invisible once again. Thus, he was able to save himself.

8. Why was the arrival of the stranger in a village in an unusual event? Give two reasons.

Ans. Griffin was a scientist. He reached the village inn in winter. He was a stranger in that village. It was not a proper time to visit the village. People did not come here in winter. So the event was unusual. Secondly, Griffin looked very strange. He was wearing dark glasses, a false nose and a big hat. His forehead was covered with bandages. He did not talk to anyone in the village. He said that he wanted to live alone. He asked Mrs Hall not to disturb him. The people of the village were attracted towards his strange appearance and habits. Thus, his coming to the village was an unusual event.

9. Describe the policeman’s fight with the invisible man. [H.B.S.E. March 2017 (Set-C]


 Describe the scene when Mr Jaffers tries to arrest “a man without a head”?

Ans. One day. Griffin stole money from the clergyman’s house. The people of the village suspected Griffin. They thought that he had stolen the money. Mrs Hall called a policeman. When the policeman reached there, he was surprised. Griffin had removed his spectacles, false nose and side whiskers. Now, he looked headless. The policeman was surprised as he had to arrest a headless man. He tried to catch Griffin. But Griffin started taking off his clothes one by one. He was becoming more and more invisible. In the end, he became totally invisible. The constable tried to fight with him. Some villagers also tried to help the policeman. But they received blows from nowhere. Then Griffin hit the policeman. He fell unconscious. Then Griffin became free and walked out.

10. How did Griffin steal money from the clergyman’s house? How did he escape arrest?


 Narrate the adventure of Griffin in the village Iping.

Ans. Griffin came to live at village Aping. One day, he ran short of money. He had to pay the rent to the innkeeper. He made himself invisible. He entered the clergyman’s house. He took money from the desk. When he was taking away the money, the clergyman and his wife heard the sound. They came downstairs to look into the matter. They opened the door and looked into the room. But nobody was there. Griffin came back to his room and paid the dues to the landlady. But the neighbours suspected Griffin. Mrs Hall called a policeman. He tried to arrest Griffin. But Griffin made himself invisible and escaped arrest.

Q11. Give a character-sketch of Griffin. Why did his discovery of invisibility make the brilliant scientist a lawless person who brought sufferings to himself and the people around him?


Was Griffin a true scientist in spite of his great discovery? Didn’t he misuse his discovery for his petty gains and thefts rather than for the welfare of humanity?


 Griffin’s great discovery did not make him a popular and respectable person. Explain with instances from the text. Was he a disaster for himself and for society?

Ans.No doubt, Griffin was a brilliant and competent scientist. He discovered that the human body could become invisible and transparent as a sheet of glass. It was the result of his long and constant experimentation. However, he misused his discovery only for his personal gains, committing theft and burglaries and beating and robbing innocent persons. He could have earned fame and respect had he utilised his great discovery for the welfare of humanity. But activities made him a lawless person and an anarchist.

Griffin proved how the misuse of science and its great discoveries can be misused. An eccentric scientist can degenerate himself into a lawless anarchist. He can become devilish and a disaster for himself and society. Lawlessness and anarchist behaviour make him a homeless wanderer, without clothes and money. He has to remain without clothes even in the chilly weather of mid-winter to remain invisible. He has to make illegal entries and burglaries in a clergyman’s house, a big store in London and a shop in Drury Lane. This brings him to disrepute and dishonour instead of fame and respect.

Q12. Why were the two boys surprised and fascinated when they saw fresh muddy imprints of a pair of bare feet? What was the explanation of this mystery and who was causing it and why?


Why did Griffin have to remain without clothes and naked even in the chilly weather of mid-winter?

Ans. The two boys were highly surprised and fascinated. They saw fresh muddy imprints of a pair of feet. They wondered how those footmarks came there. They were surprised not to see the man who caused those footprints. They only followed them till they grew fainter and finally disappeared.

The explanation of the mystery was simple. Those were the footmarks of a brilliant but eccentric scientist Griffin. Griffin had carried out an experiment after experiment to prove that the human body could become transparent and invisible like a sheet of glass. He discovered certain rare drugs. He swallowed them and his body became invisible and transparent like glass. But this invisibility was possible only when he didn’t wear any clothes. If dressed up, he could lose his invisibility. He could be seen by others if he was not naked. So his invisibility became a curse for Griffin. He had to be without clothes in the chilly weather of mid-winter. This made him a homeless wanderer without clothes and without money. He had become a lawless man committing thefts and burglaries to clothe and feed himself.

Q13. How did Griffin become a homeless wanderer, without clothes and without money? What did he do in revenge and what was the result?


Why did Griffin set fire to his landlord’s house? What difficulties did he face after that?

Ans.No doubt, Griffin was a brilliant scientist. He had a great discovery to his credit. He discovered how to make human body transparent and invisible. It was the result of his long researches and experimentations. However, success went to his head. He misused the power of being invisible to settle personal scores with the people. The revenge he took with his landlord speaks of his degenerated mentality. He became a lawless person and an anarchist.

Griffin’s landlord didn’t like him. He wanted to eject him. Griffin was furious and decided to take revenge. In revenge, he set the house of the landlord on fire. After setting the house on fire, he had to escape without being arrested. To get away without being seen, he had to remove his clothes. So, he took off his clothes, became invisible and ran away. But Griffin had to bear the consequences of his misdirected revenge. He became a homeless wanderer, without clothes and without money in the chilly weather of mid-winter. He had to make an illegal entry and resort to a burglary in a store in London to warm himself with clothes and to feed himself. His regeneration was complete.

Q14. Why did Griffin have to resort to a burglary at the house of a clergyman in the village of Iping?

Ans. Griffin had booked two rooms at the local inn in the village of Iping. The landlady Mrs Hall tolerated the strange habits and irritable temper of her strange guest because he had paid her in advance. But the stolen money didn’t last long. Griffin had no more ready cash. He pretended to Mrs Hall that he was expecting a cheque to arrive at any moment. Griffin had to find ready cash. So, the result was the burglary at a clergyman’s house.

 Very early in the morning, the clergyman and his wife were awakened by the noises in the study. When they came downstairs, they heard the chink of money being taken from the clergyman’s desk. Without making any noise, the clergyman flung open the door shouting, “Surrender!” But he was amazed to find the room empty. He and his wife looked under the desk and behind the curtains. They even looked up the chimney. There was no sign of anybody. Yet, the desk had been opened and the money was missing. The clergyman could only utter, “Extraordinary affair!” The invisible man had already decamped with the cash.

Q15. Why did Griffin leave London and came to live in the village of Iping? How was he received there?

Ans. Griffin was eager to get away from crowded London. There he could be an easy target of so many searching eyes. Therefore, he took a train to the village lonte’  So, the landlady Mrs Hall was more than happy to receive him. She tried to be friendly with him. However, Griffin snubbed her. He told clearly that his reason for coming to Iping was “a desire for solitude”. He didn’t want to be disturbed. He also told that an accident had affected his face.

 Mrs Hall was convinced that her strange guest was an eccentric scientist. She excused his strange habits and irritable behaviour because he had paid her in advance. The opinion of the people towards Griffin changed after the burglary in the clergyman’s house and the strange behaviour of Mrs Hall’s furniture. Mrs Hall thought that the room was haunted by spirits and her guest Griffin had caused those spirits to enter into her furniture. The neighbours thought that the trouble was caused by the witchcraft. The news of the burglary at the clergyman’s house made them suspect that it was caused by the stranger. Griffin had no money earlier but when he produced ready cash suddenly, their suspicion rested on him.

Q16.When and how did the landlady Mrs Hall and her husband see their furniture moving and behaving strangely in the stranger’s room? What was the result?

Ans. The landlord and his wife were up very early. They were surprised to see the scientist’s room widely open. Usually, it was shut and locked. They decided to investigate. They peeped round the door but found nobody. In the room, the bedclothes were cold. That proved that Griffin had woken up quite early. They found the clothes and bandages that he always wore lying about the room. All of a sudden, Mrs Hall heard a sniff very close to her ear. A moment later the hat leapt up from the bedpost. It dashed itself into Mrs Hall’s face. Then the bedroom chair started moving. She and her husband turned away in terror. The `extraordinary chair’ pushed both of them out of the room. Then the door was shut and locked after them. Mrs Hall almost fell down the stairs. She was very nervous and confused. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits. The stranger, Griffin had caused those spirits to enter into her furniture. Her mother used to sit in the chair which rose up against her. The feeling among the neighbours was that the trouble was caused by witchcraft.

Q17. Describe Griffin’s encounter with the village constable Jaffers. Why did nobody lay his hands on Griffin?

Ans. The village constable Jaffers had been informed about the wrongdoings of the stranger staying at the inn. And he appeared on the scene. He was completely surprised to find that he had to arrest a man without a head. But Jaffers was a determined person. He couldn’t be easily prevented from doing his duty. There followed a wonderful scene. The policeman tried to get hold of Griffin. As he came near, Griffin started throwing off his clothes one after another. As Griffin threw off his clothes more invisible he became. Finally, a shirt flew into the air and Griffin became absolutely invisible. The constable was trying to catch hold of a person whom he couldn’t see at all. Some people tried to help Jaffers. They were beaten back by the invisible man. In the end, Jaffers made the last attempt to hold on to the unseen scientist, Griffin. Jaffers was knocked down unconscious. The people were nervous and excited. They were crying, “Hold him!” Griffin had shaken himself free. No one knew where to lay hands on Griffin.

Q18. How did invisibility help Griffin in escaping on different occasions in the story? When did invisibility become a curse for Griffin?

Ans. Griffin, once a brilliant scientist, had worked hard to discover that the human body could become transparent and invisible. He didn’t utilise this great discovery for the welfare of the society but only for his petty crimes, thefts and burglaries. He became a lawless man hitting, beating and robbing innocent people. But invisibility helped him in escaping when there was a danger of his being caught and arrested.

The first time when his invisibility helped Griffin was when he lay asleep fully dressed on a pile of quilts. In a big London store, when the employees saw him, he panicked. When he was chased, he threw away all his clothes and saved himself after being invisible. The second time Griffin’s invisibility helped him was when he burgled a clergyman’s house. He decamped with all the money that was in the clergyman’s desk. The invisible Griffin created a scene when he hit Mrs Hall with a hat into her face and pushed both of them out by using a chair. This led Mrs Hall to think that her house was haunted by spirits. In revenge, Griffin had set the house of his landlord in London on fire. He had to throw off all his clothes to become invisible and save himself Finally when the village constable Jaffers came to arrest him, he made him unconscious and hit all those who came to his help. Nobody knew how to face an invisible man.

But invisibility was also a curse for him. He had to be without clothes to become invisible. And to be without clothes in the chilly weather was very challenging and dangerous. Invisibility made him a lawless and homeless wanderer, without clothes and without money.

Q19. Describe Griffin’s adventures or misadventures in the village of Iping. Why did he come there?

Ans. Griffin left crowded London to live peacefully in the village of Iping. He wanted to be away from the searching eyes of the people of crowded London. He had booked two rooms at a local inn. Mrs Hall, the landlady was snubbed when she tried to be friendly with him. He had no ready money now. So in order to get the much needed ready money, he burgled into the house of the clergyman in Iping. The clergyman and his wife heard the chink of money being taken from their desk. They were helpless as the invisible man, Griffin was doing all this. They only found the desk open and all their money missing. Griffin’s adventures didn’t end here. He threatened Mrs Hall and her husband by hitting them with his hat and the bedroom chair. He forced them out of the room. Poor Mrs Hall thought that the house was haunted by spirits. Her strange guest had caused those spirits to enter into her furniture.

When Mrs Hall tried to question him how he entered a locked room, Griffin became furious. He threw away his bandages, whiskers, spectacles and false nose. She and the people in the bar found themselves staring at a headless man!

The most remarkable adventure of Griffin in Iping was his encounter with the village constable Jailers. When Jailers came to arrest him, he threw away all his clothes and became invisible. The constable found himself struggling with someone he could not see at all. The invisible man Griffin hit all those with his mighty blows who came to help Jailers. In the end, Jailers was knocked down unconscious. Griffin had shaken himself free and no one knew where to lay hands on the invisible Griffin.

 Q20. Give a character-sketch of Mrs Hall.

Ans. (a) Mrs Hall Welcomes the Guest: The arrival of a strange guest in winter at the local inn in Iping was quite an unusual event. So Mrs Hall, the landlady, was very pleased to receive her strange guest.

(b) Tries to Make him Comfortable: Like a good landlady, Mrs Hall tries to make her strange guest quite comfortable. She even tries to be friendly with him. However, she is snubbed as Griffin doesn’t want to be disturbed by anyone. He wants to live in solitude and peace.

(c) Prepared to Excuse Griffin’s Strange Habits and Irritable Behaviour: Mrs Hall was convinced that her guest was an eccentric scientist. She was prepared to excuse his strange habits and irritable temper. The reason was quite simple. Griffin had paid her in advance. Such a guest in the lean season was a blessing for the landlady.

(d) Believes in Spirits: When Mrs Hall noticed the strange behaviour of her furniture in her guest’s room she was shocked and surprised. She saw the hat flying up and hitting her face. She saw the bedroom chair throwing her and her husband out of the room. She was convinced that the room was haunted by spirits. The stranger had caused those spirits to enter into her furniture.

(e) Dares to Question Griffin: Mrs Hall dared to question even the eccentric scientist, Griffin. She asked what he had been doing to her chair. She also asked how he entered a locked room. She made him furious. Suddenly, he threw off bandages, whiskers, spectacles and the false nose. She and the people in the bar were shocked to find themselves staring at a headless man.