4. Unseen Poem Comprehension for Class 8

By | March 21, 2022
The Owl

  The Owl

Read the following poem carefully:

When cats run home and light has come,
 And dew is cold upon the ground,
And the far-off stream is  dumb,
And the whirring sail goes round
And the whirring sail goes round
Alone and warming his five wits
The white owl in the belfry sits.
When merry milkmaids click the latch,
And rarely smells the new-mown hay.
And the cock hath sung beneath the thatch
Twice or thrice his roundly
Twice or thrice his roundly
Alone and warming his five wits
The white owl in the belfry sits.                                                         –  Alfred Lord Tennyson

                             Type I (Multiple Choice Questions)
a. I Choose the most appropriate option :
1 . The arrival of the morning is heralded by the:
( A) running stream     (B) tower clock        (C) fishermen cry     (D) cock’s singing

2. The poetic device used in the phrase ‘ merry milkmaids’ is:
(A) simile         (B) metaphor         (C) alliteration         (D) imagery

3. The owl prefers:
(A) hay mowing     (B) loneliness    (C) hooting with other owls     (D) watching of’ milkmaids

4. The idiom ‘ warming his five wits’ means:
(A) taking rest after  hunting                                           (B) enjoying the fun
(C) enjoying sunshine                                                       (D) getting knowledge

5. The poem describes:
(A) cats         (B) milkmaids        ( C) cocks         (D) an owl

6. A word in the poem which means ‘a roof’ covering ‘ is
(A) whirring     (B) thatch        (C) hay             (D) latch

7. Morning activities described in the poem are:
( A) milking of cows and cocks crowing          (B) mowing of grass and running of the stream
( C) running of dogs and running of stream   (D) hooting of owls and barking of dogs

1. (D) cock’s singing     2. (C) alliteration    3. (B) loneliness     4. (C) enjoying the sunshine
5. (D) an owl         6. (B) thatch        7. (A) milking of cows and cocks crowing

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