Active and Passive Voice Rules and Exercises (Simple Present Tense)

By | March 28, 2022
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Assertive sentences: is/am/are 3rd form

Active Voice
1st form + s/es
Passive Voice
is/am/are+3rd form
1. He loves me.I am loved by him.
2. She lights the candle.The candle is lighted candle. by her.
3. I do my duty.My duty is done by me.
4. They expect good news.Good news is expected news. by them.
5. We help the poor.The poor are helped by us.

 Negative sentences: is/am/are + not + 3rd form

Active VoicePassive Voice
do not/does not + 1st formis/am/we + not + 3rd form  
1. The boys do not make a noise.
A noise is not made by the boys.
2. She does not abuse you.You are not abused by her.

Interrogative sentences: is/am/are + Subject + 3rd form?

Active VoicePassive Voice
do/does + subject + 1st am/are + subject + 3rd form
1. Do you eat meat?Is meat eaten by you?
2. Does she pluck flowers?Are flowers plucked by her?

Note: 1. If the question begins with a ‘Wh’ word, the ‘Wh’ word is placed before the helping verb; as;

3. When do you eat you breakfast?When is your breakfast eaten by you?
4. Why does he tell lies?When is your breakfast eaten by you?
5. How do you prepare tea?How is tea prepared by you?
6. Where does she keep her money?Where is her money kept by her?

Note 2. ‘What’ serves as Object in the Active Voice and as Subject in the Passive Voice. Therefore the Helping Verb is placed after what’. Similarly, the Helping Verb is placed after the Noun followed by ‘which’.

7. What do you see?What is seen by you?
8. Which pen do you like?Which pen is liked by you?

Note: 3. if the Question is framed with ‘who’ or ‘whom’. in the Passive Voice ‘who’ is changed into by ‘by whom’ and ‘whom’ is changed into ‘who’.

9. Who abuses you?   By who are you abused
10. Whom do youWho is wanted by you ? want




Change the following sentences into Passive Voice:

1. I teach English.

2. Mohan tells stories.

3. I see a bird.

4. He likes apples.

5. You write poems.

6. Ashok wants a pen.

7. Ram makes a chair.

8. They run a race.

9. The peon rings the bell.

10. She does not wash clothes.

11. You do not keep your word.

12. This officer does not punish his juniors.

13. I expect good news.

14. How do you wash your clothes?

15. Who teaches you?