10.Short Story: Speak UP

By | July 14, 2021
42125354 speak up encouragement motivational text on a vintage slate blackboard

Complete the story on the following beginning:

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Alina Sara. She was being ………………..

Speak UP

Once upon a time, there lived a girl named Alina Sara. She was being bullied by Alina who often considered her inferior. So Sara was very sad and wanted to do something about it. She decided to talk to Alina to stop bullying her. When she wants to her, she couldn’t speak a single word as she didn’t have the courage to do so. Alina started bullying her even more than before this continued for several days. One day Sara talked to her parents about it. They said, “you should have the courage to speak up. You have to solve this problem on your even as we can’t help it.” “But I tried and could not,” said Sara. They said, “sorry my dear, we can’t help you but can only encourage you to speak.” Her parents kept on encouraging her from that day onwards. One day went to her friends and came to renew that they were also being bullied by Alina. This encouraged her even more. So, she went to Alina and loudly said that “stop bullying me and my friends.” After witnessing this Alina realised that she could not bully others simply because they don’t have the courage to speak up.

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