35. Short Story : The First Voyage of Daud

By | July 12, 2021
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Taking help from the information given below, write on ‘The First Voyage of Da’ud’. You can invent your own details.

Outline:  Da’ud inherited lots of wealth …………became a spendthrift …………. wealth soon passed away ………..sold buildings and land …………. collected 3000 coins ……….bought goods and commodities  …………..sea voyage ……….ship landed on an island ……….not an island but a huge sea fish ………….captain warned ………..many boarded the ship………… Da’ud was left…….. saved ………..swam to the coast with a wooden plank ………..island full of sweet water and fruits ………….  lived there for months………….. grew a beard ………….couldn’t be recognised ……… one day saw a ship coming ……………the ship anchored …………..the captain didn’t recognise Da’ud …………..but Da’ud recognised……………..got all his merchandise back…………. returned to his home town and family

Ans.                                                                    The First Voyage of Daud

 Da’ud had inherited a lot of wealth and property from his wealthy father. But the life of ease and comforts made him a spendthrift. He soon found that his wealth had passed away. Then he returned to his region and collected what he had. He sold his buildings and land and amassed three thousand pieces of silver. He bought for himself goods and commodities and other things required for performing a sea-voyage. He came to the city of Basra with his fellow merchants. They had passed by island after island and from sea to sea selling, buying and exchanging merchandises. They cast the anchor near an island and gave to eating and drinking. The master of the ship signalled an alarm bell. He announced that the ship had anchored on a huge fish stationed in the midst of the sea. Many hastened to go up into the ship. Da’ud was among those who remained behind the island. But God saved him from drowning as he swam across with the help of a wooden plank. He threw himself upon the island like one dead and soon became unconscious. The island had fruits in abundance and sweet water. Therefore, his health and spirit revived. He spent a few months, grew a beard and his face bore a different resemblance. One day when he was walking upon the shore of the island, he saw an indistinct object in the distance. Suddenly a great ship approached and anchored near the shore. The captain saw Da’ud but didn’t recognise him. He told him that there were some goods in the hold of the ship. Their owner was drowned in the sea at one of the islands during their voyage there. He also told Da’ud that they desired to sell those things and give the money to his family in Baghdad. Da’ud had already recognised the captain and said, “O master, I am the owner of the goods, and I am Da’ud”. The captain welcomed him aboard the ship. Da’ud proceeded to have a reunion with his wife and children. He got a lot of money after selling the merchandise in Baghdad.

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