6. Short Story : Father’s Love Saves the Son

By | July 10, 2021
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Sunder started writing a story but couldn’t go beyond a few lines. Using the information given below along with the introduction made by Sunder, develop the story.

Darius was the king of Persia. Zubaid, his only son fell seriously ill. The king…

Outline:  worried ………..called all doctors …………… tried every medicine ……………. didn’t get well ……… gave up all hopes ………….. Zubaid sure to die ………..gave alms ……….  Darius walked round Zubaida’s bed seven times …………..prayed to God “………… save my son and take my life instead”……….  after some weeks …………. Zubaid got well …………. Darius died

Ans.                                                         Father’s Love Saves the Son

 Darius was the king of Persia. Zubaid, his only son fell seriously ill. The king was worried. He called all the best doctors from Persia. They examined the prince. They tried every medicine. Even doctors from India and China were called. But the prince did not get well. On the other hand, Zubaida’s condition became still worse. The king had no other child to sit on the throne after his death. He cursed himself and his stars. He gave alms to the poor. But that too made no difference. Zubaid showed no sign of improvement. The king was heartbroken. He was convinced that the prince would die sooner or later.

At last, the king had lost all hope. He came to his sick son. He looked at his weak and lifeless face for the last time. He stood up and walked around the prince’s bed for seven times. Every time he prayed, “Allah! save my son. Take my life instead.” Then a miracle took place. Zubaid started showing signs of improvement. On the other hand, Darius fell ill. The prince was on the road to recovery but the king was nearing death. One day Zubaid got well and came out of the sick man’s bed. The moment he got up, Darius fell down dead never to rise again.

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