42.Short Story : Unity and Strength

By | July 14, 2021
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 Unity, strength, hurdles; break-down, serious affairs, final victory.

Ans.                                                              UNITY AND STRENGTH

 The doves of the Panchavati forest had gathered for a meeting called by the king and his adviser, the oldest of them all. Of late, the king had been getting complaints about disunity among his subjects. So, the meeting had been called for. As the doves gathered, the king started his speech “My dear subjects, you all know that it is the unity that gives us strength. If we are united, we can overcome any hurdles. Unity makes us stand firm; while loneliness could only break us down. I find each of you going into different directions for food. That may prove dangerous. I want you to always move as one.”

The impressive speech of the king moved the birds. They decided to live by the king’s word. The next day they all flew together for food. Seeing grains strewn over in a particular spot, they all landed down to eat them. Then only they realized that the grains had been spread on a hunter’s net. They all had been trapped. A crow saw them and reported the matter to the king and his adviser. They both reached the spot. One of the doves told in a frustrating tone, “Your majesty, listening to the old adviser you asked all of us to be one. Now we all have been trapped. It is for the hunter’s benefit. We would be together in our death!” The king’s adviser gave a smile and said, “It’s not like that. Still, you can escape in unison. Unity should be exhibited in all affairs, however serious they are. Then only you can achieve victory finally. Now, all of your fly as one, with the net.” The birds raised themselves and flew away to a place where a mouse, the king’s friend cut the net and freed them.

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