1. Phrasal Verbs with struck
- His head was struck off (cut fop with a sword.
- We were struck dumb (astonished) by the news.
- The workers struck work (refused to work) to compel an increase in wages.
- The last sentence should be struck (erased).
- Strike up (begin to play) the drums.
2. Phrasal Verbs with stand/ stood
- No one could stand against (withstand) Alexander.
- He stood up (opposed) against the caste system.
- He will stand for (present as a candidate) chairmanship in the election.
- He stood by (assisted) me at all times.
- He stood up for (fought for) his rights.
- A contract stands good (remains true) when it is legally made.
- He stood out against (refused to yield) all our efforts to persuade him:
3. Phrasal Verbs with set
- The summer has set in (begun).
- He set out (started on) on his journey.
- The decision of the High Court was set aside (disregarded) by the Supreme Court.
- He set off (departed) for Bombay.
- This building has been set up (established) recently.
- The dog set upon (attacked) the beggar.
- You should set about (begin) your own business.
- One day in a week is set apart (reserved) for a holiday.
- The magistrate set down (recorded) the statement of the accused.
- He set forth (explained) his views clearly.
- He set on (incited) Maki to fight.
4. Phrasal Verbs with draw/ drew
- The date of examination is drawing near (approaching).
- They drew out (prepared) a plan.
- He will not draw back (withdraw) from his promise.
- Wickedness will draw down (attract) punishment form a righteous God.
- The snail draws in (pulls inside) its horns.
- Draw off (Divert) your mind from exciting amusements.
- Ambedkar drew up (drafted) the Constitution.
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