
In the following exercise, a sentence is given in which a phrase has been italicized and kept in bracket, followed by some alternatives. You are required to choose that best alternative which expresses the meaning of the italicized phrase.

1.Inspire of the immense pressure exerted by the militants, the Government has decided not to (give in.) (Assistant Grade, 1996)

(a) conform

(b) oblige

(c) accede

(d) yield

2. Sheer Singh because of the advance. could be easily arrested police were (tipped off) in

(c) bribed rib

(a) threatened

 (b) toppled over

(d) given advance information

3. He is always (standing up) for the weak and oppressed.

(a) supporting

(b) boosting the claims of

 (c) championing the cause of

(d) seeking help of others for

4. There are many things about behavior that I can’t (account for)

(a) relate

 (b) pay for

 (c) explain

 (d) enumerate

5. I am leaving India (for good.) (Clerk’s Grade, 1994)

(a) permanently

 (b) to do good for myself

(c) to do good for the country

(d) to do nobody good

6. He has (drawn off) a major share of his profits from the company.

(a) to part with

(b) to transfer to some other name

 (c) to write off

 (d) to withdraw

7. His views are (looked down upon) by his fellow workers.

(a) relied upon

(b) regarded as inferior

 (c) criticized

 (d) appreciated

8. The old beggar (ran amuck) and began to throw stones at the passerby. (C.B.I. 1995)

(a) felt disgusted

(b) became annoyed

(c) ran about wildly

(d) became desperate

9.There is no need to (go over) the second chapter of the book again.

(a) open up

(b) overlook

(c) learn by heart

(d) study carefully

10. I readily (closed with) his offer.

(a) turned down

(b) accepted

 (c) proclaimed

 (d) denied

11. You need rest; you look a bit (run down.) (Stenographer’s Exam, 1994)

(a) sad

 (b) in poor health

(c) ill

(d) depressed

12. We were (bowled over)by the unexpected beauty of the landscape.

(a) shocked

(b) overwhelmed

(c) confused

 (d) staggered

13. Enemy soldiers (fell upon) the platoon as soon as it crossed the border.

 (a) warmly greeted

 (b) accidentally met

 (c) attacked

 (d) happened to see

14. They (fixed upon) him to do the work.

(a) relied upon

(b) chose

(c) compelled

 (d) requested

 (e) ordered

15. He generally (passed by) the faults of subordinates.

(a) succeeded in mending

(b) managed to make them realize

(c) tolerated

(d) overlooked

16. The doctors have (given him up.)

 (a) cured him

 (b) convinced him

(c) have no hope of his recovery

 (d) are fully hopeful of his recovery

17. I can’t (put off )consulting the doctor any longer.

(a) decide

(b) forget

(c) postpone

(d) afford

18. In order to save himself from a thrashing, the boy (trumped up) a story.

 (a) flung

(b) fabricated

(c) followed

(d) presented

19. We should do (away with) the present examination system. (I. Tax, 1994)

(a) prohibit

(b) demolish

 (c) extend

(d) abolish

20. The merchants were (advised of) the risk.

 (a) acquainted with

 (b) warned against

(c) told how to avoid

(d) advised not to take


1.(d)             2. (d)

3. (c)             4. (d)

5. (a)            6. (d)

7. (b)            8. (c)

9. (d)            10. (d)

11. (b)          12. (b)

13. (c)          14. (b)

15. (d)         16. (c)

17. (c)         18. (b)

19. (d)         20. (a)

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