In the following exercise, a sentence is given in which a phrase has been italicized and kept in the bracket, followed by some alternatives. You are required to choose that best alternative which expresses the meaning of the italicized phrase.
Example: He has rejoined office after a week and looks (run down). (Asset Grade, 1995)
(a) cheerful and bubbly
(b) weak and tired
(c) active and energetic
(d) busy and preoccupied
Solution: The phrase ‘run down’ means ‘weak and tired’. Hence, the answer is (b).
Directions: In each of the following questions, four or five alternatives are given for the phrase in italics in the sentence. Choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the phrase in italics.
1.He has (come up) during the last five years. (Stenographers’ Exam, 1991)
(a) fallen in rank
(b) risen in status
(c) become proud
(d) become humble
2. After tolerating a lot of exploitation at the hands of the authorities they finally decided to (stand up) for their rights.
(a) seize
(b) enforce
(c) negotiate
(d) vindicate
3. The boss should not have (called Arum names) in front of others.
(a) abused
(b) summoned
(c) scolded
(d) praised
4. Last evening I was (held up) at the meeting. (N.D.A. 1995)
(a) kept
(b) detained
(c) stopped
(d) delayed
5. I have a problem to (square up) with the manager.
(a) work out
(b) consider
(c) discuss
(d) settle
6. Sachem in not (cut out) for this kind of work.
(a) trained
(b) acquainted
(c) suitable
(d) considered
7. Have you (given up) the idea of accepting the new assignment? (Clerk’s Grade, 1993)
(a) postponed
(b) adopted
(c) amended
(d) abandoned
8. The Committee could not (pare down) its report enough to suit the ruling party.
(a) cut down
(b) make smaller
(c) reduce indictments
(d) make austere
9. He (passed himself off) as a noble man.
(a) was thought to be
(b) was regarded as
(c) pretended to be
(d) No error
10. The promotions were granted (across the board). (Asset. Grade, 1995)
(a) to those sitting diagonally opposite
(b) to those working for the other board
(c) selectively with a few exceptions
(d) to all without exceptions
11. The child (bids fair to be) a great man.
(a) aims at becoming
(b) seems likely to be
(c) is trying hard to be
(d) keeps away from
12. Many people (called on) the minister when he was ill.(Stenographer’s Exam, 1994)
(a) helped
(b) surrounded
(c) visited
(d) criticized
13. When it came to the turn of the press, the rumor was (blown up) and presented as if the incident actually occurred.
(a) exaggerated
(b) wiped out
(c) advertised
(d) made important
14. I was obliged to (set him down).
(a) to oppose him
(b) to ruin him
(c) to snub him
(d) to humiliate him
15. The old man was (cut to the quick) when his rich son refused to recognize him. (Matt. Grade, 1996)
(a) irritated
(b) annoyed
(c) surprised
(d) hurt intensely
16. I had no alternative but to (set him down.)
(a) oppose him
(b) snub him
(c) support him
(d) pacify him
17. Only strict laws make the evil of dowry (die out). (Asset. Grade, 1991)
(a) drift
(b) decrease
(c) decay
(d) disappear
18. Men of dissolute lives (cry down) religion because they would not be under its restraints.
(a) appreciate
(b) follow
(c) emphasize
(d) depreciate
19. (Over and above) the household work, she works in a factory on a part-time basis. (C.B.I. 1994)
(a) beside
(b) in addition to
(c) together with
(d) in place of
20. He (worked upon) the ignorant villagers by his talent and worth.
(a) excited
(b) influenced
(c) incited
(d) tempted
1.(b) 2.(d)
3. (a) 4. (b)
5. (d) 6. (c)
7. (d) 8. (c)
9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (c)
13. (a) 14. (c)
15. (d) 16. (b)
17. (d) 18. (d)
19. (b) 20. (b)
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