
Directions: of the alternatives given for each group of sentences, find the best fits into the blank in each of the given sentences:

Questions 1 to 7

(a) fall in          (b) fall out       (c) fall back     (d) fall off       (e) fall through

1. At last the rioters——-

2. The two brothers have——– with each other.

3. In the second school-term the attendance ———-

4. As neither of us would give in, the bargain———-

5. At present many persons oppose my scheme, but by and by they will———

6. Ripe mangoes have started———

7. The standard of efficiency in public service has——–

Questions 8 to 11

(a) look over    (b) look into    (c) look for      (d) look out for

8. You should ——–the matter.

9. I ———-my accounts.

10. We are——— the lost keys.

11. The eagle is——– prey.

 Questions 12 to 16

(a) layout        (b) lay by         (c) lay down    (d) layup of his

12. He resolved to——— a part of his income.

13. Satish has ———- a large sum in share.

14. The rebels———- their arms.

15. He is————- with fever.

16. People, who do not———–their money carefully, soon come to grief.


1.(c): fallen out – quarrelled

2. (b): fell off – diminished

3. (d): fell through – came to nothing

4. (e): fall in – agree

5. (a): falling off- dropping

6. (d): fallen off – deteriorated

7. (d): look into – investigate

8. (b): looked over-examined

9. (a): looking for – searching for

10. (c): looking out for – to be on the watch for

11. (d) : lay by – save for future

12. (b) : laid out – invested

13. (a): laid down – surrendered

14. (c): laid up – confined to bed

15. (d): lay out – spend

16. (a): lay – spend

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