Short Poem on Enrich your Saul & Dreams

By | June 29, 2022
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Enrich your Soul

Read and Read and feed your brain, read and keep the knowledge you gain.
Enrich your soul, walk towards your goal.
Be a soul so complete, that no soul can reach our feat.
Knowledge will make you humble, and in no pressure will you crumble.
Refrain from vanity, coz that’s insanity.
Spread what you learn, that is how you earn.
Your teachings will go on, long after you’re gone!


One day I had a dream. In which a dirty bear was eating cream.
He was acting supreme. I started to scream!!!
The small bear laid on the ground. His weight was about 150 pounds.
When I said something. He started making different sounds!!!
A dog come named tuffy. He was eating toffee and drinking coffee.
He was looking very fluffy. He was feeling coughy!!!
The dog said to me don’t you dare. You should not have long hair.
Their will not happen again I swear. So take care of your hair!!!
When I woke up, I went upstairs
and took a pairs of socks and went for morning walk.