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Class — IX

Maximum Marks: 80                                                                                                                            Time 3 hours


(I)There are 26 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against the question.

(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 7 are very short Answer type Questions. The answer these questions should not exceed 30 words limit. Each question carries one mark.

(iv) Question from serial number 8 to 18 is 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.

(v)Question from serial number 19 to 25 is 5 marks questions. Answers of these questions should not exceed 100 words each.

 (vi) Question number 26 is a map question. It has two parts 26(A) and 26(B) 26 (A) of 2 marks from History and 26(B) of 3 marks from Geography. After completion attaches the map inside your answer book.

1.Who were called ‘November Criminals’? (1)

2.Which incident was the immediate cause of the 1905 Revolution in Russia? (1)

3.What kind of migration does not change the size of the population in a country? (1)

4.Define an ecosystem. (1)

5.What is El Nino? (1)

6.Who was the President of the Constituent Assembly? (1)

7.What do you mean by MSP? (1)

8.Why are the forests affected by wars? (3)

9.Describe the concept of Karl-Marx about socialist society (3)

10.Why has India a rich heritage of flora and fauna? (3)

11.What are jet streams and how do they affect the climate of India? (3)

12.The Sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh as compared to Gujarat in the West, u watches show the same time. Why? (3)

13. Explain the meaning and significance of representative democracy minimum conditions which are required for democratic elections. (3)

14. Explain any three (3)

15.What legal declarations are required by every candidate at the time of nomination? (3)

16.Define human capital formation. Mention the benefits of investment in human capital. (3)

17.Distinguish between seasonal unemployment and disguised unemployment.

18.Mention three dimensions of food security

19.The ‘Treaty of Versailles sowed the seeds of the Second World War.’ Justify

20.Describe Hitler’s ideology related to the geopolitical concept of Lebensraum.

21.Describe the factors which influence the climate of India.

22.How is judicial system organized in India?

23. Why do we need Parliament? Explain.

24.”Human resource is an indispensable factor of production.” Justify.

25.How was the colonial government responsible for poverty in India?

26.(A)On a given outline map of world name and locate the following countries:

(1) Germany

(2) Russia

(B) Name and locate the following on the given outline map of India.

(1) Western gnat

(2) Malawi plateau

 (3) Malabar coast

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Class — IX

Maximum Marks: 80                                                                                                                            Time 3 hours


(I)There are 26 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.

(ii) Marks for each question are indicated against the question.

(iii) Questions from serial number 1 to 7 are very short Answer type Questions. The answer these questions should not exceed 30 words limit. Each question carries one mark.

(iv) Question from serial number 8 to 18 is 3 marks questions. Answer of these questions should not exceed 80 words each.

(v)Question from serial number 19 to 25 is 5 marks questions. Answers of these questions should not exceed 100 words each.

 (vi) Question number 26 is a map question. It has two parts 26(A) and 26(B) 26 (A) of 2 marks from History and 26(B) of 3 marks from Geography. After completion attaches the map inside your answer book.

1.What was ‘Jungvolk’? (1)

2.What was Commenter? (1)

3.What kind of migration leads to changes in the distribution of population within the nation? (1)

4.In which state is the Similar bio-reserve located? (1)

5.What is ‘October Heat’? (1)

6.Who called the Right to Constitutional Remedies ‘The heart and soul’ of our constitution? (1)

7.What is NSSO? (1)

8.What were the similarities between colonial management of the forests in Bestir and Java? (3)

9.Describe the conditions of the workers under the Tsar in Russia. (3)

10.Describe any three main features of Tropical Evergreen Forests. (3)

11.Define monsoon. What do you mean by ‘break’ in a monsoon? (3)

12.What is the longitudinal extent of India? What is its implication? (3)

13.How did Apartheid come to an end in South Africa? (3)

14.Describe the procedure for nomination of candidates for election in India. (3)

15.Mention any three functions of Election Commission of India. (3)

16.”Human resource is an indispensable factor of production.” Justify. (3)

17.”Unemployment gives birth to various socio-economic problems.” Give three arguments to support this statement. (3)

18.Why is there a need for food security in India? Give any three reasons. (3)

19.How far was Nazi Germany’s Art of Propaganda responsible for establishing total control over its people? (5)

20.How were the ideas of Darwin and Herbert Spencer adopted by Hitler? (5)

21.Name any four non-farm production activities practised in Paramour. Give example.

22.Explain the onset and advancement of monsoon in India.

23.How can we say that Judiciary in India is independent?

24.Describe the need for political institutions. description of them. (5)

25.Describe the main features of “SIRVA Shish Bahaman.”. (5)

26.(A) On a given outline map of world name any two territories under German occupation during the Second World War. (2)

(B) Name and locate the following on the given outline map of India. (3)

(1) The smallest state according to area

(2) Chita Nagpur plateau

(3) Rajah National Park.

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