100. Reading Skills Comprehension: Food

By | July 3, 2021

Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow-


Food can maintain or save a life. It can destroy life as well. Proper food serves the purpose of medicine. Improper food works as poison and causes diseases. We may take pride in calling ourselves civilized, but we float all the norms about the quality or quantity of food. We mostly eat processed foods. We have drifted away from Mother Nature. Thus the incidence of diabetes has increased very much. According to a survey, diabetes was rare in the natives of Canada a few years ago. With the advent of processed and junk foods: the incidence of diabetes has shot up within a very short time. By offering ice-creams, chocolates and cakes too often to our children and by attending panics every other day, we, in fact, invite obesity and diabetes.


(a) What is improper food?

 (b) What is the effect of improper food?

(c) “We float all the norms about the quality and quantity of food.” What does this expression mean?

(d) How have we changed our food habits?

(e) What causes obesity and diabetes?

(f) What was the incidence of diabetes a few years ago in Canada?


(a)Food that does not serve the purpose of medicine is called improper food.

(b) Improper food works as poison and causes diseases.

(c) It means that our eating habits are not good.

(d) We mostly eat processed food.

(e) Processed and junk food cause obesity and diabetes.

(f) A few years ago diabetes was rare in the natives of Canada.

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