Hard Words : The Ghat of the Only World Difficult Words in English with Hindi Meaning | Snapshots | Class 11 | 2023-24 Updated

By | January 17, 2024
The Ghat of the Only World Difficult Words in English edumantra.net

In this post, we will dive into the difficult words in English from The Ghat of the Only World. We’ve simplified hard words, providing their word meaning in English alongside an easy-to-understand Hindi translation. This comprehensive guide ensures that understanding complex terms, even the most English difficult words, becomes more accessible for those studying The Ghat of the Only World Word Meanings from Snapshots Class 11.”

Hard Words : The Ghat of the Only World Page No. 54 – 55

expatriatea person sent back to his own homeland,स्वदेशी भेजे जाने व्यक्ति; approachingnot far, drawing near, निकट आती; routinelyusual or commonplace,दैनिक कार्यानुसार; apartmentflat, house,घर; lucidclear headed,सुबुद्ध; lapsesdecline, पतन;

pausesilence, gap in speech, interval,ठहराव; respondreply,उत्तर देना;  at odds withcontrary to,विपरीत; lightnot serious; jocularityjoking, merriment; mumbledmuttered,बुड़बुड़ की ; innocuousharmless,हानिरहित; quizzicalcomical,विनोदी; blackoutunconsciousness,बेसुधी; revealedshowed,दर्शाया;

malignantharmful to life,घातक; tumourgrowth, swelling,गाँठ ; ignoreddid not pay heed to,ध्यान नहीं दिया;   reassurancesconsolation,आश्वासन; entrusting oneassigning,सौंपा जाना; specificparticular, definite,स्पष्ट ;

Also Read:

The Ghat of the Only World Difficult Words in English Page No. 56 – 57

chargeresponsibility, दायित्व; recitativespassages in an opera, narrative,कथन; inbuiltstrong, inner,मजबूत; resistanceopposition, विरोध; bereavementloss by death,मृत्युलोक; instinctsimpulses,मूल प्रवृत्तिया ँ; routesexcuses, tries to avoid,बहाने;

imperativeessential, command,आदेशात्मक; acknowledgebe accepted,स्वीकृत किया जाना ; pledgepromise,वचन ; impressioneffect,छाप; fiercelygreatly,अत्यधिक;  contemporaryof the same period,समकालीन ; bardic registerpoetic style ,काव्यात्मक भाषा ; conceivethink,विचार करना;

overlappedspent together,साथ साथ बिताया  गया ; acquaintancespersons known to each other,जान पहचान वाले व्यक्ति; occasionalfrequent,अक्सर ; Impedeobstruct बाधा डालना ; rosterlist,सूची ; mutual indifferencecommon dislike, lack of interest,दोनों की उदासीनता;

attachmentliking,love,लगाव, ;  trivialof little worth,मामूली ; poignancepain, quality of deeply moving,पीड़ा की तीव्रता; instanceexample,उदाहरण ;

hatchedmade,बनाई agendawork list,कार्यसूची ; convivialitymerry making,मौज मस्ती ; enthusiasticfull of zeal, उत्साह पूर्ण ; crewgroup of people come for a special purpose,   टोल ी; put outdepressed, downcast,उदास ; sorceriesmagician,जादूगर; transmutechange,रुपांतरित करना ;

mundaneworldly. ordinary,सांसारिक; fetchbring,लाना; intendedaimed at, for the purpose of, के उद्देश्य स े; relievecure, reduce, make free from,राहत पहुँचाना; tumourclot, गाँठ ; scalphead,खोपड़ी,कपाल;  edgesborder,बाहरी रेखा ;  suturesthread,धागे जो टाँके या लगाए गए थे ; escorthelper, orderly,मददगार ,

groggierunsteady,डगमग पैरों वाला; buckledbent,मुड़ गए; corridorcovered verandah or gallery,गलियारा; raptureecstasy, joy,परमानन्द; descendedaffected, come to,आ गया; gleefullyjoyously,प्रसन्नतापूर्वक; gregariousnesssociability,मिलनसारी ; festivityrejoicing,उत्सव ;

depressedin Iow spirits, sad,उदास; spaciousbig enough,extensive, आकार में बड़ा; renovatedgiven a new look, renewed, नई साज सज्जा वाली ; caverrnouslike a cave, गुफा समान ; terracebalcony, flat roof of a house ,छज्जा छत ; foyerthe entrance hall way,प्रवेश कक्ष ; voyagelong sea journey,कठिन सफर;

fragrancePleasant smell,सुगन्ध; doursulle , grim, obstinate,खिन्न,हठी; elevatorlift,लिफ्ट ; flingingthrowing with a hard push,जोर से खेलते हुए ;  frostycold, ठण्डा

Good Word Meaning of the Lesson The Ghat of the Only World Page No. 58

Invariably without fail; consumeddestroyed, eaten up,नष्ट हो रहा थ ा; perpetualconstant, unbroken,निरन्तर; carnivalriotous festival, आनन्दोत्सव; distractedforgetful, lost in talks, भुलक्कड़; sniffbreath in. blow of air through nostrils, सूँघना; legendarywell known,विख्यात; 

prowessskill,कौशल; radicallyessentially, fundamentally, greatly,तत्व रूप से ;   alterchange,बदल देना; encounterchance meeting,भेंट,मुलाकात ; explicitlyclearly, frankly,साफ शब्दों में ; prefiguredimagined beforehand, पूर्व कल्पना; authenticitygenuineness,यथार्थता ;

exactitudecorrectness,सही तरीका ; deviationchange,भटकना;  recipesformula,बनाने का तरीका ;  regionterritory,क्षेत्र;  variantchanged style, new dish,नई पाक कला ;  recurrentreturning again and again,बार-बार आने वाला ; vanishedgone away. left,चले गए;  extinctno more in existence, लुप्त; nightmarebad dream,दु:स्वप्न; hauntedtroubled,तंग करना ;

The Ghat of the Only World Chapter English Difficult Words Page No. 59 – 60

cuisinescookery, style of cooking, पकाने की विधि ; in his teenssomewhere from 13 to 19, किशोर; reparteewitty and quick smart reply,मजेदार उत्तर;  exasperatedmade angry,क्षुब्ध wildeanof the English novelist, Oscar Wilde,ऑस्कर वाइल्ड ,जो मजेदार उत्तर देने में प्रवीण था से संबंधित;

evidentclear,स्पष्ट ; adoredworshipped, liked and respected,पूजा करते थे ; dedicatedgifted, समर्पित किय ा; subduedmade weak, defeated,दब जाना ; sparklingbrilliant,प्रतिभाशाली ; divaa great female singer,महान महिला गायक;  incarnatein human form,अवतार; brimmingfilled to the top,लबालब भरा हुआ ; subcontinental(here) Indian,उपमहाद्वीप भारतवासी;  claspingholding,पकड़े हुए ;

feignedpretended, falsely showed,झूठा दिखावा किया ;  swoonfainting,मूर्च्छ ा; stirscreates, produces,उत्पन्न करना; tidestrong wave,लहर; beholdsee,देखना; unmitigatedimmense, downright, not reduced,अत्यधिक पक्का ; 

fell injoined,से जुड़ गया ; vibrantlively,जोशीला;  creativeoriginal and literary,सृजनात्मक ; doing a brief stintshort stay, doing a temporary job; blackoutstate of losing consciousness,मुर्च्छित हो जाना ;

intermittentoccurring in intervals, not regular,समय-समय पर आने वाला ; mountinggrowing rising,बढ़ती; seized the regionthat spread in the area, क्षेत्र में फैल गए ; steadyslow but notstop,धीमे-धीमे ; deteriorationdecline, worsening,गिरावट;

The Ghat of the Only World Word Meaning in English Page 61

ironyopposite in meaning,विडम्बना; inclinationnature or willingness,प्रकृति,स्वभाव; anguishedpained,पीड़ित होना,दुखी; destinyfuture, fate,भाग्य,भविष्य; resolutelyfirmly, दृढ़तापूर्वक; embracetake on, adopt,धारण कर लेना ; fixturepermanent central,स्थायी केन्द्रीय;

callingmission, profession,पेशा,धंधा ; visionsight,द्रष्टि,कल्पना; inclusivethat includes all, uniting members of all religions,समष्टि वाली ; ecumenicalinvolving members of different religions, universal,सार्वभौमिक ; initially in the beginning,प्रारंभ में ; respondedfulfilled his desire, answered,पूर्ति कर दी;

accoutrementsother necessary things needed,साज –सज्ज ा; assiduoushard working,परिश्रम ी; fanaticismtoo much zeal,हठधर्मिता,कट्टरत ा; closestnearest, most fit for the honour,सर्वधा उपयुक्त; keepercare taker,रखवाला; vanisheddisappeared, falling,जर्जर होती;

English To English Word Meaning of the Lesson The Ghat of the Only World Page No. 62

archivea place where public records are stored,पुराने ग्रंथों को सुरक्षित रखा जाने वाला स्थान; imagesimages,चित्र; inextricablyfirmly, that cannot be untied,जटिलतापूर्वक; censoredcriticised ,निंदित; saffron(here) of Kashmir where saffron is grown,केसर; scanmedical examination,परीक्षण ;

chemotherapytreatment of cancer with the help of radiations or chemicals,रासायनिक मिश्रण या किरणों द्वारा केंसर का   इलाज ; alternative therapiesother courses of treatment,वैकल्पिक उपचार पद्धतियाँ ; scheduledfixed,निशिचत किया गया था ;  responsereply,उत्तर;

preamblespreliminary statement,भूमिकाएँ; radiationdiffusion of rays of light to burn the affected part,विकिरण; dazedconfused, stunned,स्तब्ध; messin disorderly manner,गड़बड़ वाला ;

siblingsभाई-बहन; logisticalpertaining to reasoning,तार्किक; vicinityneighbourhood,पड़ोस; sacredmade holy,पावन 

The Ghat of the Only World Word Meaning English Page No. 63

Imagery fiction, काल्पनिक; conversetalk,बातें करना; anguishpain,पीड़ ा; supremegreatest, सर्वोच्च; voidशून्य,खालीपन