The Duck and The Kangaroo MCQ | Board Material

By | September 3, 2022
The Duck and The Kangaroo MCQ

The Duck and The Kangaroo MCQ are written by experts. Go through and gain confidence. Please feel free to share your thoughts how you feel about this.

The Duck and The Kangaroo MCQ

1. “‘Please give me a ride on your back!”- Who wants a ride?



(c)The poet

(d)None of the above

2. Who would sit quietly on the back in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?


(b)The poet

(c)The wild duckling


3. Fill in the blank. ‘I would sit quite still, and say nothing but __________





4. In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’ the Duck wanted to go to places like


(b)Jelly Bo Lee


(d)Both (a) and (b)

5. In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’ the duck wanted a ride over the ________ and ___________

(a)Land and Sea

(b)Land and Mountains

(c)Mountain and Sea

(d)Land and Shores

6. What is “Quack”

(a)A loud cry by kangaroo

(b)A sound made by chickens

(c)A sound made by duck

(d)A sound to express happiness and desires

7. “This requires some little reflection”- Who said this?




(d)A stranger

8. In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’ “reflection” means


(b)Image in the mirror


(d)Similar mindset

9. What required some serious reflection in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?

(a)The attempt to road by riding on the duck

(b)The habit of duck staying at the nasty pond

(c)The request of ride by the duck to the Kangaroo

(d)The act of hopping across continents

10. “Perhaps on the whole it might bring me luck”- Who is ‘me’ here?




(d)The wanderer

11.What does “worsted” mean?

(a)A fine fabric



(d)Yellow thick cotton

12. How many pairs of worsted socks the duck hadin the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?





13. “Which fit my web-feet neatly.”- Whose webbed feet?





14. In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’ the socks shall fit the web-feet of duck ________





15. What does “web-feet” mean?

(a) Toes

(b) Cold feet

(c) Round feet

(d) Toes connected by skin

16. In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’ what did the duck buy to keep out the cold?




(d)Both (b) and (c)

17. “And to keep out the cold I’ve bought a cloak”- Who bought a cloak?




(d)The poet

18. What does cloak mean?





19. Who will smoke a cigar every day?



(c)The poet

(d)The strange man

20. How do the duck plan to protect the kangaroo from cold in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?

(a)Putting on socks

(b)Wearing a cloak

(c)Smoking cigar every day

(d)All of the above

21. Who was awestruck to see the kangaroo hop? 

(a) Pigeon

(b) The poet

(c) Duck

(d) The reader

22. In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’, the Kangaroo hops over the 

(a) Fields

(b) Ocean

(c) Water

(d) Both (a) and (c) 

23. “Good gracious! how you hop”- Who said this? 

(a) The poet

(b) The duck

(c) The kangaroo

(d) The reader

24.In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’, who never stop(s)? 

(a) Kangaroo

(b) Duck

(c) The poet

(d) Both (a) and (b)

25. Who stay(s) at the nasty pond in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’? 

(a) Kangaroo

(b) Poet

(c) Duck

(d) Both (a) and (c) 

26. In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’ , the duck’s life was

(a) Nasty

(b) Depressing

(c) Boring

(d) Adventurous

27. “And I long to go out in the world beyond!

I wish I could hop like you!”- Who is ‘ I’ here? 

(a) Duck

(b) Kangaroo 

(c) The poet

(d) Poet’s acquaintance

28. Who wrote the poem “The Duck and the Kangaroo”?

(a)Robert Frost

(b)Edward Lear

(c)Edward Lean

(d)James Cary

29. Who wants to explore out the world beyond ponding the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?





30. In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’, the duck had a wish to hop like

(a)The squirrel

(b)Poet’s imaginative pet


(d)Wild deer

31.“….’ I’m ready!”- Who was ready?



(c)The poet

(d)The carrier

32. In the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’when did the kangaroo said it was ready to carry the duck?

(a)During morning

(b)Under the bright sun

(c)Under the pale moonlight

(d)During dusk

33. What was the advice given by the kangaroo in order to balance well in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?

(a)Sit steady

(b)Sit steady at the end of the Kangaroo’s tail

(c)Put on the socks

(d)Not to look out here and there

34. The moonlight was _________ when they started the journey in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’





35. “So away they went with a hop and a bound”- Who went?

(a)The duck and its neighbors

(b)The kangaroo and the poet

(c)The kangaroo and the duck

(d)The kangaroo and the ducklings

36. How many times the kangaroo and the duck hopped around the world?





37. What does “hopping” mean?

(a)Flying with one wing

(b)Running fast

(c)Jumping on one foot

(d)Moving laterally

38. “And quite at the end of my tail!”- Whose tail?





39. “And who so happy,—O who”- Who was/were happy?




(d)Both (a) and (b)

40. What is the central theme of the poem The Duck and the Kangaroo?

(a)We can solve any difficulty by working hard and being polite.

(b)We need to be true to ourselves.

(c)We should always be in our limits.

(d)We should not chase others’ dreams.

41. How many objections the Kangaroo had about the duck’s request of giving it a ride in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?

(a) Multiple

(b) Too many

(c) One

(d) None

42. “Which is, if you’ll let me speak so bold,”- Who said this?



(c)The poet


43. Whose feet are unpleasantly cold in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?



(c)The poet

(d)The rats of nasty pond

 44. The feet of duck was unpleasantly _____ and _______in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’.

(a)Short and cold

(b)Nasty and wet

(c)Wet and nasty

(d)Wet and cold

45. “And would probably give me the rooMatiz!”- Who said this?



(c)The poet

(d)The wanderer

46. What does “roo-Matiz” mean?

(a)Rheumatism disease

(b)Cold and shrinkage

(c)A hurtful wound on the back

(d)A scratch on the back

47. “And would probably give me the roo-Matiz”- This means

(a)The duck would get body ache

(b)The kangaroo would get body ache

(c)The poet was unsure about his rheumatoid disease

(d)Both (b) and (c)

48. Who sat on the rocks in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?

(a) Duck

(b) Kangaroo

(c) Cold feet monster

(d) Poet

49. “I have thought over that completely”- Who thought over it?



(c)The cold feet animal


50. Who bought worsted socks in the poem ‘The Duck and the Kangaroo’?




(d)None of the above


2. (d)Duck
3. (d)“Quack”
4. (d)Both (a) and (b)
5. (a)Land and Sea
6. (c)A sound made by duck
7. (b)Kangaroo
8. (a)Pondering
9. (c)The request of ride by the duck to the Kangaroo
10. (b)Kangaroo
11.(a)A fine fabric
12. (d)4
13. (b)Duck
14. (c)Neatly
15. (d) Toes connected by skin
16. (d)Both (b) and (c)
17. (a)Duck
18. (d)Shrug
19. (b)Duck
20. (d)All of the above
21.(c) Duck
22. (d) Both (a) and (c) 
23. (b) The duck
24. (a) Kangaroo
25. (c) Duck
26. (c) Boring
27. (a) Duck
28. (b)Edward Lear
29. (c)Duck
30. (c)Kangaroo
32. (c)Under the pale moonlight
33. (b)Sit steady at the end of Kangaroo’s tail
34. (c)Pale
35. (c)The kangaroo and the duck
36. (c)3
37. (c)Jumping on one foot
38. (c)Kangaroo
39. (d)Both (a) and (b)
40. (a)We can solve any difficulty by working hard and being polite.
41.(c) One
42. (b)Kangaroo
43. (a)Duck
44. (d)Wet and cold
45. (b)Kangaroo
46. (a)Rheumatism disease
47. (b)The kangaroo would get body ache
48. (a) Duck
49. (d)Duck
50. (c)Duck