The Diary of a Young Girl- Ch. 3- (7 November 1942 – 13 January 1943) Study Material

By | December 17, 2018
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A novel for class 10- English CBSE

By Anne Frank   

Chapter 3- Notes and Study Material

Following is the novel of CBSE class 10 – The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank. All the aspects like chapter wise summary in simple words, downloadable pdf files, short story of the novel, book review, Anne Frank   Biography, Important Extra questions and Answers for SA 1 and SA 2, short Summary, main characters,  Anne Frank   autobiography, solutions of the diary of a young girl,Chapter wise Notes and Study Material, Introduction, Analysis, Understanding the Theme, main characters, Chapters in short, Conclusion and much more you will find below. Just get dive in-

Letters from 7 November 1942 – 13 January 1943

1. What was Dr Dassel’s reaction on reaching the secret? How was he practised?


Why did Dr Dassel feel troubled on reaching the secret Annexed t How did he calm down?

 Ans. As Anne says, it was twenty past eleven when those tapped at the Ace &kiwi, Mop entered the hiding before a “dumbfounded” Dassel. Dassel recognized that attire in the hiding place at once. However, he was totally unaware that Ito ‘ going to &cower the this, with the Van Deans in the hiding. Howe or, NI imp him aqua time Hire Making posses and took him straight upstairs. Dassel could not belie hat he saw as ‘ the two toot tine’ to Nona lit in elf unable lo speak end “really take it all in first”. He only sank into the dim, looked at all around him, greatly astonished or even shocked Everything that hits whilst heart about the soldiers and the car was false.

All the details revealed to Dassel impressed Nina about the ingrain the inhume mats, art the secret Annexed.

However, he was still thumb striate and astonishment, However, gradually Dassel calmed down I le enjoyed lunch with all, tamest, by arose, also joined all at tea. Mie had brought his belongings heathery thickset, that spoil new to at meadow home.

2. Why was Anne upset to see the pitiable conditions of the c0 children and pontoon


 How does Anne record her feelings about the general fate of people outside?


 How does Anne feel living in the Secret Annexed? Describe.                                     

Ans. From Dassel, Anne comes to know a lot about the outside world that she had missed for long. He related how countless friends and acquaintances of them had gone to a terrible fate. The army lorries pass through every evening. The soldiers ring at every door to inquire if there were any Jew living in the house. If there was any, it had to go with the soldiers at once. Rows of good, innocent people and crying children were being bullied and knocked about until they fell dead. These accounts made Anne feel how fortunate her family was being cared for and undisturbed. They need not worry about all the misery that the other Jews had. So Anne felt wicked sleeping in a warm bed while her dearest friends had been knocked down or had fallen into a gutter somewhere out in the cold night. She got frightened even to think of her close friends who had been delivered into the hands of the crudest brutes called the Germans.

3. The preparation of a guide and a prospectus for the members living in the ‘Secret Annexed’ was the brain-child of Mr Van Dan. Throw light on the thinking/character of Mr Van Dan with reference to the above statement.


 Though described as a ‘Van Dan Product’ the ‘Secret Annexed Rules’ were essential for the safety of the eight people living in it. Discuss.                                                                   

Ans. The ‘Prospectus and Guide to the Secret Annexed’ is actually a pamphlet of rules laid down by Mr Van Dan for the resident’s of the ‘Secret Annexed’. These rules have been drawn in consideration of the restraints the inmates of the hiding face. These rules proved very essential, as such discipline could help the inmates lead a safe life in their hiding.

At the beginning of the ‘Guide,’ Van Dan gives a description of the hide-out, calling it as beautiful, quiet and with wooded surroundings. Then follows information about the availability of food, water etc. and the timings of breakfast, lunch and the like.

Throughout the guide, Mr Van Dan’s sarcasm could be felt. For example, when he describes mealtime, the guide says, ‘every day except Sundays and holidays’. In the description of the storage room, and about listening to German stations, Van Dan expresses dislike in the description. All civilized languages are permitted, therefore no German!”

Overall, the guide is intended to induce a self-disciplined life among the inmates for their own safety. The timings indicated therein if followed strictly would help the inmates avoid chaos in the ‘Secret Annexed’.

4. Lack of electricity proved a bitter experience for the residents. How did Anne change it into a pleasant experience?

 Ans. Since the Frank family had used too much electricity, more than their ration, their electricity gets disconnected. It was too dark to read even in the afternoons after four or had a past tour. So the inmates began to pass the time in all sorts of crazy ways like asking riddles, doing physical training in the dark, talking English and French and criticizing books. Then when they all had had too much of these, Anne discovered something new: to peer through a powerful pair of field glasses into the lighted rooms of the houses at the back. Anne then learnt that their neighbours were such interesting people. She found one couple having a meal. one family in the act of takings home movie and the dentist opposite was just attending to an el lady who was awfully scared. Thus even when the inmates had the bitter experience el a power cut, Anne derived a pleasant experience out of it.

5. Whom did Anne compare herself with and why?

 Ans. Anne writes about her parents, throwing light on why she could not get along with her mother. She compares herself with her mother and points out that they both are exact opposites in everything. This, she says, is the reason that they run up against each other very frequently. According to Anne, her mother does not stand up to her image of a ‘perfect mother’ and ‘wife’. So she always makes resolutions not to notice her mother’s bad example. She wants to see only the good side of her mother and seek within herself what she could not find in her mother. Anne thus has drawn herself away from them all. She wants to guide herself and later on see where she comes to ‘later’ in her life.

6. Describe the character traits displayed by the members of Annexed during their celebration of Chanukah and St. Nicholas Day.


 The celebration of Chanukah and St. Nicholas Day changed the gloomy mood of the residents of the Secret Annexed. How?                                                                                       


What role did celebrations of Chanukah and St. Nicholas Day play in the life of the inmates of ‘Secret Annexed’?                                                                                                                              

 Ans. Chanukah and St. Nicholas Day came almost together that year, with just a day’s difference between them. So, Anne’s family did not make much fuss about Chanukah. Each of the members gave one another a few little presents, and then lighted up candles. But because of a shortage of candles, the members had the candles alight for just ten minutes.

On the evening of St. Nicholas Day, there was much fun. Mie and Eli made the family very inquisitive by whispering all the time with Daddy.

At eight o’clock, all of them went down the wooden staircase through the passage in pitch darkness into the little dark room. As there were no windows, they turned on a light. Daddy opened the cupboard and gosh! There was a pleasant surprise that awaited them all. A large basket decorated with St. Nicholas paper stood in a corner and on top there was a mask of Black Peter. Then there was a nice little present for everyone with a suitable poem attached. Anne got a doll, while Daddy bookends, and so on. It was all a nice idea as none of them had ever celebrated St. Nicholas and it was a good start that lightened the spirit of every inmate.

7. The hiding families remain in constant dread. Comment.

Ans. The hiding families always remained in a dread about their fate. They feared that anytime, their hiding would be known to the outside world. During the day, they should not make any noise that might be heard downstairs. If there was some stranger such as the chairwoman, then they had to be extra careful. Outside, many of their friends and acquaintances had gone to a terrible fate. The evening after evening, the green and grey army lorries trundled Pass. The Germans rang at every front door to inquire if there were any Jews living in the house. If there was any then that family had to go to one. No one had the chance of escape unless one went into hiding. Sometimes, the Germans let the Jews off for cash so much per head, like ‘slave hunts’ of older times. No one got spared in the march of death.

8. What made Anne make fun of Mrs Van Dan?                    

 Ans. After Dassel opened his dental practice, it was Mrs Van Dan who was the first to face the ordeal. She went and sat on a chair in the middle of the room. Dassel looked in Mrs Van Dan’s mouth, with all his tools by his side. Dassel found two teeth which when touched just made Mrs Van Dan crumple up with cries of pain. After a lengthy examination. Ouzel began to scrape away at one of the holes. Mrs Van Dan flung her arms and legs about wildly in all directions until at one point Dues’ let go of the scraper that remained stuck in Mrs Van Danes tooth. Mrs Van Dan tried to pull the thing out of her mouth but pushed it further in After much turning, kicking and screaming and calling out, she got the instrument free at last All the other people around lost all control and roared with laughter. Anne could only say that she was certain Mrs Van Dan would not be in such a hurry to allow herself to be treated again by Dassel.

9. Why did Anne compare Germany’s hunt for Jews with slave-hunt of olden days? Explain.


What did Dassel tell about the German soldiers taking rounds in the evening in the city? Discuss in detail.                                                                                                               

 Ans. The hiding families had not much idea about the outside world. They missed it for so long now Dassel told them a lot about what was going on outside.

 From Misses account, Anne came to know how countless people had gone to a terrible fate, The Germans rang at every front door to inquire if there were any Jews living in the house. If there were any, then the whole family had to go at once. No one had a chance of evading them unless one went into hiding. Often they went around with lists, and only rang when they knew they could get a good haul. Sometimes they let them off for cash.

Anne often saw rows of good, innocent people accompanied by crying children, walking on and on, knocked about until they almost dropped. No one was spared — old people, babies, expectant mothers, the sick — each and all joined in the march of death.

All these scenes made Anne compare this hunt of innocent Jews by the Germans with the slave-hunts of olden days.