The Book That Saved the Earth- Extract Based comprehension test Questions

By | July 26, 2023
The Book That Saved The Earth Class 10 Question Answer

The Book That Saved the Earth

By Claire Boiko

 Read the extracts given below carefully and answer the questions that follow:

1. A hundred million miles away from Mars. Order the invasion fleet to evacuate the entire planet of Mars. We are heading for Alpha Centauri, a hundred million miles away.

 (a) Where were they heading?

(b) Why are they going there?

(c) Which planet do Think-Tank and other Martians escape to?

(d) How far was it from Mars?

Ans. (a) They were heading for Alpha Centauri a hundred million miles away from Mars.

(b) They were going to evacuate the entire planet of Mars.

(c) Alpha Centauri

(d) It was hundred million miles away from Mars.

2. The Earthlings have reached a high level of civilization. Didn’t you hear? They have taught their domesticated animals’ musical culture and space techniques. Even their dogs have a sense of humour. Why at this very moment, they may be launching an interplanetary attack on millions of cows! Notify the invasion fleet. No invasion today, Oop.

(a) Who is the speaker?

 (b) What could have been the recent strategy of the Earthlings?

(c) What was the second rhyme about?

(d) How did Think-Tank interpret it?

 Ans. (a) The think-tank is the speaker of these lines.

 (b) The Earthlings strategy may be to launch an interplanetary attack on millions of cows.

(c) This was about the cat and the fiddle, the cow jumped over the moon, the dog laughed to see it, etc.

(d) He thought that the Earthlings had reached a high level of civilization – they taught their domesticated animal’s musical culture and space techniques.

3.”I wish to be placed in communication with our manned space probe to that ridiculous little planet we are going to put under our generous rulership.”

(a) Who is the speaker here? Which is the little planet he is referring to?

 (b) What does he intend to do?

(c) Who tried to invade the earth in the twenty-first century?

(d) Who is Think-Tank?

Ans.  (a) Think-Tank. He is referring to planet Earth.

(b) He is a Martian, who along with other Martians, is planning to invade the Earth.

(c) The Martians tried to invade earth. They wanted to include earth in his domain.

(d) He is an arrogant, self-praising ruler of Mars.

4.”I’ve counted two thousand of these peculiar items. This place must be some sort of storage barn?

(a) Who is the speaker here?

(b) Where is he and what is he referring to an as peculiar item?

 (c) What is a barn?

 (d) Why have Iota, Oops and Omega come to the earth?

Ans. (a) Iota

(b) He is in a library and, he is referring to the books found there as peculiar items.

 (c) A covered building for storing hay.

(d) Think-Tank, the ruler of Mars wanted to invade the earth. Iota, Oops and Omega are the crew members of the space probe ship to get more information about the earthlings

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