Rearranging Jumbled Words Exercises 41, 42, 43 & 44

By | July 17, 2021
images 22


Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.

Example:-thieves / postman / catch / a / letters / policemen / the / and / brings

 A postman brings letters and the-policemen catch thieves.

(a) uniforms / postman / blue / wears/ policemen / a / the / khaki / a / uniform / and / wear

(b) carry / letters / carries / policemen / a / canes / the / postman / a bag / while / in

(c) and / policemen / the / whistles / ear / pockets / a / have / postman / pencil / has / their / behind / a / his in

Answers :

(a) The postman wears a blue uniform and the policemen wear Khaki uniforms.

(b) The postman carries letters in a bag while the policemen carry canes.

(c)  A postman has a pencil behind his ear and the policemen have whistles in their pockets.

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Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.

Example:-hunting tools / enable them to locale / seals whiskers / important / as far as/ 180m away / are /they / their prey

Seals’ whiskers are important hunting tools that enable them to locate their prey as far as 180 m away.

(a)  to detect fish / dolphins / sonar / use / about / 110 m away / up to

(b)  seals do not use sonar, / since / was believed / they relied on / or passive hearing / but / it / vision / that

(c)  to be useful / whiskers / only / were / in detecting objects / one centimeter / of within a range / thought / or less.


(a) Dolphins use sonar to detect fish up to about 110 m away.

(b) But seals do not use sonar, since it was believed that they relied on vision or passive hearing.

(c) Whiskers were thought to be useful only in detecting objects within a range of one centimeter or less.

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Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.

 (a) of the / are venomous / only / 300 out / species / 2700.known /

(b) which is / yellow liquid / water / snake venom / 90% of / is a /

(c) expelled / poison gland / that is / it is / from the / a substance

(d) of thick / are / connective / these glands / made / tissues /

(e) for thousands / has been medical treatment / used in / snake venom / of years /


(a) Only 300 out of the 2700 known species are venomous.

(b) Snake venom is a yellow liquid 90% of which is water.

(c) It is a substance that is expelled from the poison gland.

(d) These glands are made of thick connective tissues.

(e) For thousands of years snake venom has been used in medical treatment.

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Look at the words and phrases below. Rearrange them to form meaningful sentences. The first one has been done as an example. Write the correct sentences in your answer sheet against the correct blank number.

Example:-in space / a vast multitude / are wandering / of stars / about

A vast multitude of stars are wandering about in space,

(a)  form groups. / majority / but the / are / a few / solitary travellers

(b)  a universe / they / spacious / that is / travel through / very

(c)  star / anywhere / a rarity / another star / It is / near / for a / to come.


(a)  A few form groups, but the majority arc solitary travellers,

(b) They travel through a universe dial is very spacious.

(c)  It is a rarity for a Mar to conic anywhere near another star.

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